In Tucson, Arizona, we have a massive fire burning in the mountains north of here. At night, you can see the fires. Also in Tucson, and in all of Arizona, we have COVID-19 burning its way through the state at an alarming rate, as you can see from the John’s Hopkins CSSE chart at the top of this diary. The website has an article about the rise in COVID-19 cases in Arizona and other states entitled, “U.S. records most daily coronavirus cases since April; ‘We are in deep trouble’”:
In Arizona, emergency rooms are seeing about 1,200 suspected COVID-19 patients a day, compared with around 500 a month ago. If the trends continue, hospitals will probably exceed capacity within the next several weeks, said Dr. Joseph Gerald, a University of Arizona public health policy professor.
“We are in deep trouble,” said Gerald, urging the state to impose new restrictions on businesses, which Gov. Doug Ducey has refused to do.
Dr. Peter Hotez, an infectious-disease expert at the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas, said he worries that states will squander what time they have to head off a much larger crisis.
“We’re still talking about subtlety, still arguing whether or not we should wear masks, and still not understanding that a vaccine is not going to rescue us,” he said.
People here in Arizona are getting scared because COVID-19 infections are starting to spread like crazy, and because Arizona Republican Governor Doug Ducey has been handling the COVID-19 pandemic so much like Donald Trump and not at all like New York Governor Cuomo. My parents both live here in Tucson. Dad is 88, and mom is 84, and she is currently on chemo from breast cancer she got years ago. She also has asthma. If either of them gets COVID-19. I don’t know if either of them will survive.
Yet, Donald Trump is still telling people that COVID-19 is fading—that it is going away. His stupidity is mind-boggling, but the stupidity is not his alone. Three thousand people were crammed together in an auditorium in Phoenix yesterday to hear Donald Trump, and almost none of them were wearing masks.
President Donald Trump touted his administration’s response to the coronavirus at the same time that cases are spiking in Arizona.
Trump blamed the increase in cases on more testing, though health officials in the state have said the growing number of hospitalizations and cases are due to more than just an increase in testing.
“When you have all those tests, you have more cases,” the president said.
He added: “Then they’ll say, ‘We have more cases.’ We want to do testing. We want to do everything. But they use it to make us look bad.”
Arizona reported 3,591 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, the most in a single day so far.
We don’t want more testing to make you look bad. We want more testing to stop the spread—to save lives. He is such a moron. At Trump’s Tulsa Infect-A-Thon Rally, the Trump campaign realized that eight people had been infected with the coronavirus, including two Secret Service agents. Now, dozens of those agents have been sent home for a 14-day quarantine. Trump believes in massive testing around himself, and he believes in anyone who might have contracted COVID-19 who works near him staying home. Yet, he does not think that lots of testing is necessary for the rest of the country. King Trump must not get sick. Screw everyone else. has a story entitled, “Trump is not just in denial but also indifferent to an unfolding American tragedy”. Trump simply does not care how many people die from COVID-19. In the words of John Bolton, all Trump cares about is getting reelected.
When it comes to COVID-19, King Trump must be protected. As for the peasants? Send them back to work so Trump can have his economy back and get re-elected. It all makes me sick. There is no body count that is high enough to make a difference to this freak.