In the last days of April, Designated National Failson Jared Kushner delivered the White House's newest estimations of how long the pandemic would last to the five shared neurons of Fox News' Fox & Friends morning show. May would be "a transition month," he opined. But "I think you will see by June, a lot of the country should be back to normal, and the hope is that by July the country is really rocking again."
The COVID-19 pandemic is indeed "rocking again", if not in the way the White House's second most incompetent human had bragged it might be. July's first day saw 50,700 new COVID-19 cases nationwide in 24 hours, the highest one-day total ever recorded. By the end of the day the total number of confirmed cases in the United States will top 2.7 million.
The reasons for the skyrocketing cases are obvious, and have everything to do with Jared Kushner and the malevolent buffoon he has parasitically attached himself to. Without proper testing it is impossible to know who has the virus, and therefore impossible for them to take proper quarantine precautions. With no clear guidance on masks and an administration relentlessly declaring their own active public contempt for shutdown orders that had previously slowed the pandemic's spread, cases in "reopening" Republican states predictably soared.
Even as record infection rates bulldoze through Arizona, Texas, and Florida, Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and their entourage leave their own slick trails through each state, praising governors and declaring all is well. A worldwide pandemic has become, in America, the latest failure of an incompetent fascist government more devoted to propping up Dear Leader's personal delusions than keeping citizens alive. Jared was instrumental in getting us here; it is, without question, the most consequential thing the evaporating puddle of Botoxed idiocy has ever done in his life.
Congratulations, Jared. You are going to be in the history books.