I am an attorney so I am bound by ethics to tell the truth and not deceive, so when I accuse the FBI of being a criminal organization, I don’t do so lightly but with the full awareness of the repercussions of my words, which I shall honestly say again The FBI is a Criminal Organization. And I might add, with absolutely no over sight or accountability. This article is proof of what I proclaim.
The photograph above was taken moments after the policeman on the right, Marshalltown, Iowa policeman Kendall Eldred, now retired, with his hand over his mouth had just murdered the young man bleeding from his ear, 20 year old Kevin Thacker, from Des Moines, Iowa on October 29, 1983. Moments earlier he struck Mr. Thacker on the left side of his skull causing a fatal contra coup injury to his brain, in an escape attempt. Eldred after striking Thacker then moved the body, secretly, to the position found in the photo. The reason he placed the body there was so that he and his co-conspirator police buddies can start the coverup story that he fell from a roof and that is how he wound up as seen in the photo.
A few months after that photo Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Beverly Thacker came to my law office in Des Moines, Iowa about their now deceased son Kevin. They said the police claimed their son who was arrested that night for drunk driving, .2 blood alcohol level, meaning very intoxicated, tried to escape while in the Marshalltown police building and somehow ran up three flights of stairs, found a beam on the roof, and jumped 12 feet across an alley landing on an adjacent roof without any injury then from that roof fell backwards 24 feet below landing on his back in the position you see in the photo, again without one iota evidence of injury except the fracture on the side of his head, that the medical experts testified was caused by a blow to the head.
As attorneys we learn how to read medical records and autopsies. Tom handed me the autopsy report of his son. I read it and looked up at them and said, “Mr and Mrs Thacker, the police killed your son.” Having had a few police brutality cases I knew the police were capable of murder and covering it up. Tom had the official Marshalltown police press release, which they created within 3 hours of the photograph above, at 4 am that night, proclaiming without even a medical examination, that Kevin Thacker died from an accidental fall while making an escape attempt and Kendall Eldred had nothing to do with the sole injury, the fracture on the left side of the skull.
We sued the cop for wrongful death and won a jury verdict from an 8 person Marshall county, Iowa jury in October 1984, who found that Thacker was never on the roof and that the cause of death was being struck in the head by Eldred, which was beyond a doubt what happened. The Supreme Court of Iowa upheld the jury verdict and also found that based on the trial record, Eldred is the only person who could have murdered Thacker. Case closed.
After the verdict in October 1984 we went to the US Attorney’s office in Des Moines to put out a murder complaint against Eldred and for murder as accessory after the fact against his co-conspirators for orchestrating the coverup with the absurd story of falling from the roof, which the jury totally rejected. Richard Turner and Robert Dopf, extreme right wing lawyers were appointed by Reagan to do justice in Iowa, yea republican justice.
This was October 1984. Reagan’s anti government and war on drugs campaign was in full swing. He was dismantling the civil rights division for cases of this kind- police murderers. He had no interest in prosecuting cops and his Attorney General Ed Meese was on board. I have no doubt that the FBI investigators into the death of Kevin Thacker were given orders to clear the cops of all wrong doing by the Reagan justice dept, because after a completely phony and ludicrous “investigation” for a year and a half they cleared all cops of ANY wrong doing and concluded that Thacker did fall from the roof causing his own injury and the cop did not strike him in the head. Case Closed. April 1986.
We knew this was a political coverup by the FBI, not just any coverup but the FBI actually created false evidence they used to clear the cops. That makes the FBI accessory to murder after the fact.
They never convened a grand jury for fear the grand jury would find an indictment. That is incredible- no grand jury regarding a very possible homicide by a cop. The FBI didn’t want their criminal coverup to be questioned by the grand jury. The FBI became judge and jury in this murder investigation.
Since 1986 I have been trying to tell the world about how criminal the FBI is and trying go get the FBI to reopen its own murder investigation. So far I have gotten no where from any politican or the FBI itself. Presently, Molly Amman and Nick Potratz of the West Des Moines, Iowa FBI office is aware of my request to have the FBI start a homicide case as the murderer is in his 70s and time is running out. Kristi Koons Johnson ,the resident agent in charge of the Omaha FBI is also aware of the possibility of an FBI coverup. Also, sheriff Hoffman of Marshall County, Iowa, who has jurisdiction over murder in his country and Jennifer Miller the County attorney of Marshall County, Iowa who also has jurisdiction over murder in their county are aware of the coverup and being political hack cowards are too scared to take on the FBI and so murder is now legal in Marshall County, Iowa.
I am more committed than ever to expose the FBI for the criminals they are- letting obvious cop murderers go scot free. The FBI has legalized murder and reward accessories after the fact. I made a movie in Hollywood in 2007 to show to the world what happened that night and why the FBI is a gang of criminals, for to this day every FBI agent must agree with their colleagues coverup. The movie is The Coverup and is available on Amazon Prime Video. I also made a website thecoverup.net which contains all the evidence proving a criminal coverup by the FBI.
Lastly please see my recent youtube video about the FBI coverup. It is titled, “FBI Corrupt Coverup of a murder by a policeman” on youtube. My email is stu@stuartpepper.com. I want a politician with the guts to help me expose this to congress. I also desire an honest FBI agent with guts to contact me about helping me get this overturned and the cops arrested. It is not too late. No statute of limitation for murder. Until now we paid their salary to coverup murder. Is this where you want you tax dollar go to pay FBI criminals’ salary? Of course I can’t say they are all criminals but if they can coverup an obvious murder the FBI is capable of any crime. We’ll never know because no one can challenge their coverups, except honest citizens and politicians and maybe one FBI agent.