This series is compiling an honour roll of Republicans and Trump associates who can show their grandchildren this site one day and say, “See! Don’t blame me!”
Click here for parts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve and part thirteen. This is part fourteen.
Click on the name for the source of the quote.
70. Karen Kirksy, former Treasury official under George W Bush:
"For four years, we have watched with grave concern as the party we loved has morphed into a cult of personality that little resembles the party of Lincoln and Reagan. We endorse Joe Biden not necessarily in full support of his political agenda but rather in full agreement with the urgent need to restore the soul of this nation.” [1 July 2020]
71. Jeff Timmer, Republican Party executive director in Michigan:
“It’s hard to resist the persuasion of your friends and your colleagues and your tribe. (But) I saw Trump from the get-go as someone completely without any moorings in ideology or morality. I thought, I’m going to speak out about what I think is wrong and what I think is right.” [11 July 2020]
72. Gordon Humphrey, Republican ex-senator for New Hampshire:
“Donald Trump has shown repeated contempt for informed and wise counsel. He is sick of mind, impetuous, arrogant, belligerent and dangerous ... We cannot leave our national security and our families’ safety in the hands of a president whose poor judgment, belligerence, vindictiveness and reckless impetuosity constitute an indictment of his mental health.” [11 August 2017]
73. Kori Schake, served the G W Bush administration at the National Security Council and State Department:
“The relentless spectacle of the Trump administration makes it difficult to hang onto even important blunders, but the recently revealed-only-to-be-canceled Camp David peace conference with the Taliban, as well as the underlying deal, is one the president ought to be forced to defend throughout the 2020 election. It represents the worst elements of President Donald Trump’s ‘America first’ strategy: A repudiation of what we’re fighting for and abandonment of America’s allies, served up with a narcissistic flourish.” [11 September 2019]
74. John Bellinger III, State Department and White House lawyer under George W Bush:
“Conservative lawyers are not doing enough to protect constitutional principles that are being undermined by the statements and actions of this president. Attacking the press and putting it in danger, attacking the Justice Department and discrediting it are not part of being a conservative lawyer.” [14 November 2018]
75. Steve Bardwell, longtime Republican in North Carolina:
“I find myself for the first time in many years not able to vote for a Republican. Donald Trump’s hatred of foreigners, his racial bias, his ignorance about basic facts of science and engineering is astounding. He’s put the United States in great danger, in my opinion. I hope this message reaches other Republicans who see through the egotism and chicanery of a con man like Donald Trump” [14 June 2020]
76. William H. McRaven, retired admiral who served as Naval officer under all presidents from Carter to Obama:
“President Trump has shown he doesn’t have the qualities necessary to be a good commander in chief. As we have struggled with the Covid pandemic and horrible acts of racism and injustice, this president has shown none of those qualities. The country needs to move forward without him at the helm.” [6 June 2020]
And from the archives:
77. Tom deLay, former Republican congressman and House Majority Leader:
"We have got to stop Trump. Whatever it takes without cheating or violating the rules of the Republican primaries. We've got to stop Trump and it's going to take everybody on board to do that." [9 March 2016]
To be continued ...
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