This twitter thread is so epic that I just have to share it. It began Marco Rubio throwing shade at the Democratic convention for having Hollywood celebritiies. That set off Schmidt, who unloaded on Rubio for his lack of principle, spinelessness, and fealty to Trump. And then, he said this:
Rubio is the type of man who would have stayed in Cuba in 59. He is the type of ambitious young man who would have sensed new opportunities. He is the type of man who would have gladly held Castro’s coat if it helped him rise, just a little. @ProjectLincoln
Then Ted Cruz chimed in to defend Rubio. Rick Scott also jumped in. That led Schmidt to respond with this epic thread. I used a thread reader to condense it all into text, which I am copying and pasting here:
What a privilege it is to be able to address @tedcruz @marcorubio @SenRickScott all at once. It is no slander and the same criticism applies to you. Never has anything been so clear and obvious as the truth that both Rubio and you lack principle and courage. Trump has cruelly
attacked your Wife, the Mother of your daughters and your Father. You debase yourself to maintain his favor for the low purpose of protecting your position and title. During this hour of crisis you could have stood up for American democracy, security and simple decency. You 2/
did not. You took the podium four years ago at the GOP convention and for a moment refused to yield. You capitulated. Then you collaborated. This is what you share in common with Marco. You both submitted fully to the indecency, incompetence, corruption and rank dishonesty that
you once decried. You both became lackeys for the conman you once denounced. Is it fair to speculate how the both of you would have behaved at a different place and a different time in history? Is it fair to speculate what you would do if a demagogic leader with an autocratic
disposition came to power? What if he assaulted the rule of law and attacked essential institutions would you rise up? If he gave moral succor to White Supremacists and inflamed racial animus, would you say enough? If he refused to confront Russia over their bounties
for dead Americans would you condemn him? If his idiocy and incompetence led to the deaths of 170,000 souls, a wrecked economy and a million shattered dreams would you say enough!? What would you say if peaceful protestors exercising their god given rights to speech and assembly
were attacked by State Security Services? We know the answer. Nothing. You would get in line because you got in line. That’s why this is fair. What is your argument? That you would be faithful defenders of liberty, freedom and democracy in all of the other countries with the
Exception of America? No doubt Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio look in the mirror and see leaders staring back. The rest of us see Joiners because that is what they are. The Senate Intelligence Committee issued a report yesterday. Let’s call it the Rubio Report because he is the
Chairman of the Committee, having replaced Richard Burr at the 11th hour. One man’s insider trading scandal is another man’s opportunity as they say in the GOP conference. The report documents in great detail the Russian penetration of Trump’s campaign and Trump’s perjury.
Marco Rubio of course did what he always does. He did what Trump expected. He gaslit the American people by saying the report said the opposite of what in fact it said. Would Rubio have given up his position of power and privilege in 1959 Cuba to fight back against the tyrant?
Would Cruz? Of course not. We know for certain because we have watched them dance on the pin for 3.5 years now. Had they been in France in 1943 they would have made good Vichy. The Trump era is coming to an end. When we account for the massive injury Trump has done to this
Country it is important to always remember he had help. He couldn’t have done it without his accomplices and enablers. It is always so. Lastly, there seems to be some confusion on the part of the Ted Cruz’s and Marco Rubio’s of the world about why so many people are peacefully
protesting injustice on the streets in this country. Maybe this helps. Think about all the black kids that are in jail for a dime bag and then think about Rick Scott who took the 5th 75 times in a massive Medicare fraud case. That criminal gets to be a Senator and venerate
Trump next to you guys. Doesn’t seem fair. @ProjectLincoln PS. Just for Ted, My favorite Presidential directive from the 04 campaign will always be when GWB said of you, “I never want to see that asshole on TV with my name next to his.” You do seem to summon strong reactions
Mic drop.
Here’s the thread on Twitter: