Some encouraging news today out of Kentucky courtesy of Quinnipiac University’s latest poll:
Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell holds a slight lead over Democratic challenger Amy McGrath, 49 - 44 percent, with 5 percent undecided. Republicans go for McConnell 92 - 6 percent, while Democrats go to McGrath 86 - 11 percent. Independents are divided with 46 percent backing McGrath and 40 percent backing McConnell.
Eighty-nine percent of voters who name a candidate say their minds are made up, while 11 percent say they might change their minds.
"Can a former Marine fighter pilot with 89 combat missions win a dogfight with a seasoned political powerhouse who has gone to war D.C. style for decades? She's giving him a run for his money," said Malloy.
Msocow Mitch’s approval is 43/48. McGrath is 32/42 with 25% with no opinion.
FYI, Ditch Mitch Fund’s polling showed similar numbers:
Let’s keep up the momentum and get rid of Moscow Mitch. Click below to donate and get involved with McGrath and Biden’s campaigns:
Amy McGrath
Joe Biden