"Organized crime cannot operate without corrupting someone," Joseph Pistone [AKA Donnie Brasco]
I am a list maker. I make them because we all have short memories, and tRUMP and his minions have been downloading a crap-load of disinformation and lies into your brains to confuse and tire you and the reporters and fact-checkers. That means you may not even have read to stay informed let alone gone to the past for information. It matters. It all matters. Don’t let the lies distract you. This shows you the darker side of who tRUMP is, past to present. And it barely touches on it all.
This is long and not in perfect format as the URLs are not hidden. Some are tweets threads. Some are not MSM sourced. But, as a compilation, I am sure you will get an accurate picture.
Sorry if you deem it messy and long. It is a compilation ...a list… not an essay. And if I missed something, let me know, but remember, most URLs lead to a sourced page with plenty more URLs evidence.
Please use this list often when countering the trolls over the next months. If tRUMP wins, a criminal wins… and all of his criminal backers win… again. VOTE like your future depends on itm
tRUMP's criminal past and mobster connections
1) tRUMP was caught money laundering and paid fines each time. Rudy Giuliani seems to have been helping tRUMP stay out of jail for a long time… this one for many instances from early 1990’s to 1998. http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/22/politics/trump-taj-mahal/index.html
‘Why We Let White-Collar Criminals Get Away With Their Crimes’ https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/29/books/review/big-dirty-money-jennifer-taub.html
2) U.S. Attorney Rudy Giuliani ended an FBI investigation into Trump’s money laundering scheme in exchange for Trump raising/donating at least, $2 Million to Rudy Giuliani’s mayoral campaign. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/4/20/1758614/-1988-Giuliani-Had-FBI-End-Investigation-of-Trump-Money-Laundering-Trump-raised-2M-for-Giuliani
Rudy has a long history with tRUMP. It is a match made in Hades. Like the time Giuliani made sure a case of money laundering against tRUMP went away without so much as a case number… https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/status/1178390880933285888
Archived corruption…
1993, Rudy’s Long History of Quashing Trump Probes. Donald Trump has operated amid a swamp of corruption, self-dealing, and outright criminality ever since his real estate–developer father gifted him his first millions . https://www.villagevoice.com/2019/03/22/rudys-long-history-of-quashing-trump-probes/
1979, The Dirty Deal That Helped Make Donald Trump. How city and state officials, real estate operators, lawyers, and bankers came together in a multimillion-dollar deal to rebuild the Commodore Hotel, largely at public expense. https://www.villagevoice.com/2019/02/28/the-dirty-deal-that-helped-make-donald-trump/
3) FIncen government treasury URL links to tRUMP’s casino money laundering and financial irregularities.
The money laundering FINCEN documents saying tRUMP casinos money laundered from 2003 to 2015 and fined for 10 million. https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-fines-trump-taj-mahal-casino-resort-10-million-significant-and-long
January 28, 1998: The $477,000 settlement amount is for BSA violations which occurred at the casino from April 1990 through December 1991. The violations are based on failures to file Currency Transaction Report by Casino forms (CTRCs) within the time period prescribed by the BSA.TTMA was cited for these BSA violations as the result of an Internal Revenue Service (IRS)compliance examination.https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-announces-penalty-against-trump-taj-mahal-associates
Implicating tRUMP organization for money laundering at Trump properties https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/us-politics/trump-properties-us-congressional-testimony/article37663448/
The sale of a Florida property is evidence of money laundering, NOT tRUMP’s negotiating skills… https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/article/Did-Putin-buy-Donald-Trump-13463782.php
4) True that tRUMP is linked to the mob
Trump on Letterman, talking about the Mafia, says he knew “one,” then he says: "They happen to be very nice people." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6PAqgYf4_Y The whole interview is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR_SoJpWzOA
VIDEO: tRUMP speaks like a Mafia Don! https://twitter.com/unholybiblepod/status/1291212682721480704?s=20
Discussion of the tRUMP Tower/Mob concrete/Teamster strike/crime deals/free tRUMP Tower free apartments to American mobsters/Russian Mafia floor in the Tower… I wonder how many bodies are in that concrete? Also the laundered money for the Genovese crime Family https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNMHtB4BPAA&feature=youtu.be
So many links to tRUMP being credibly linked to the mob: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/mar/02/ted-cruz/yes-donald-trump-has-been-linked-mob/
tRUMP and the Mob https://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-dealt-with-a-series-of-people-who-had-mob-ties-1472736922
VIDEOS: Sammy ‘the Bull’ Gravano was working with tRUMP for John Gotti. Here he is talking about that. https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1204867851074428928/pu/vid/360x270/Er-poZRI-7EqI124.mp4?tag=10 Gravano talking about using tRUMP as a front for legitimacy… https://twitter.com/i/status/1281006878600749057
Gravano said in 1998, "I literally controlled Manhattan, literally. You want concrete poured in Manhattan? That was me. Tishman, Donald Trump, all these guys—they couldn't build a building without me."
And here: “Donald Trump’s Mafia Mind-Set: Listening to a legendary American mobster and hearing the president of the United States” AUG 23, 2018, by Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic https://archive.li/https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/08/trump-gravano-gotti-mafia/568273/
Also for here in case it gets removed (3 sites already had it removed). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sammy_Gravano
Oligarchs/mobsters/tRUMP: The president and his companies have been linked to at least 10 wealthy former Soviet businessmen with alleged ties to criminal organizations or money laundering.
More on tRUMP's possible Russian mob contacts: "The Financial Times examined the structure and history of several major Trump real estate projects from the last decade—the period after his seventh bankruptcy and the cancellation of all his bank lines of credit. The money to build these projects flowed almost entirely from Russian sources. In other words, after his business crashed, Trump was floated and made to appear to operate a successful business enterprise through the infusion of hundreds in millions of cash from dark Russian sources."https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/03/28/trump-business-past-ties-russian-mobsters-organized-crime/98321252/
An not complete list of the mobsters and criminals who own apartments in tRUMP Tower. https://twitter.com/Zeddary/status/1155486497451184128
And 40 Wall Street is home to fraud and grifters, bribery and at one time, the fraudulent tRUMP U…https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2016-trump-40-wall-street/
5) Money laundering, self-dealing, offshore holdings, fraud, multiple shell companies in multiple countries were all blatantly apparent with even a minimal check… and tRUMP will deny it all saying that he did not know. But he was a part of it all and did not do due his diligence.
How is it possible that a man, who insists he makes the best deals, is an excellent business man and has a “very good brain” be that incompetent? By closing his eyes of course. So many partners of the Trump Organization have been fined, sued, or criminally investigated for financial crimes that it is hard to ascribe the pattern to coincidence, or even to shoddy due diligence. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/08/21/trumps-business-of-corruption
Implicating the GOP with Russian dark money! https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2018/04/05/putins-proxies-helped-funnel-millions-gop-campaigns
Wherever there is dark money influence/Oligarchs/mafia there you will find tRUMP! https://twitter.com/LincolnsBible/status/1050693430236479488
6) Why tRUMP did not run for President in 2012 https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-donald-trumps-empire-why-he-didnt-run-for-president-in-2012
7) The tRUMP’s scandals, fines criminal and casino and mob related past, bankruptcies and SCAMS!! https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/01/donald-trump-scandals/474726/
tRUMP is not just a corrupt scammer, money launderer, and criminal… he is also a small-time swindler. He once cashed a cheque for 13 cents, so reneging on deals and stiffing his lenders, employees,lawyers to save thousands of dollars was something tRUMP did as a regular cheat and swindle. Here are just a few. https://theweek.com/articles-amp/783976/brief-history-trumps-smalltime-swindles
There are over 3,500 lawsuits during the last three decades. "At least 60 lawsuits, along with hundreds of liens, judgments, and other government filings" were from contractors claiming they got stiffed. USA Today also found "24 violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act since 2005 for failing to pay overtime or minimum wage." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/06/09/donald-trump-unpaid-bills-republican-president-laswuits/85297274/
The conman and failure is revealed in the USFL lawsuit story, that he scammed, sued and destroyed. The ensuing embarrassment in court resulted in his need for vengeance against the NFL. The video below shows tRUMP back in the day and also this story has more details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uveb1zdCuOo
8) If you are still wondering why tRUMP did not reveal his taxes, wonder no more. His dad and he cheated on their taxes as a matter of course. They lied, obfuscated and stole and never cared about the law or that they were cheating the middle class taxpayers with their tax burden. With tRUMP’s pick at the IRS, IRS is being firther gutted and has no teeth... so America, the rich really are winning. And tRUMP fans will be lapping this up because they are also losers and crooks who don't mind he is a crook. tRUMP’s long list of tax schemes: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/02/us/politics/donald-trump-tax-schemes-fred-trump.html
And he and his minions call him “smart” to not pay taxes. tRUMP constantly sued the IRS so he would be caught up in court and they would lessen his taxes owed as the cost was less than the battle ... even though he, his tax lawyers, Michael Cohen and Weisselberg cooked the books. https://www.propublica.org/article/meet-the-shadowy-accountants-who-do-trumps-taxes-and-help-him-seem-richer-than-he-is
9) Long ago, when Trump was the big man in Atlantic City, he got his helicopters to bring his high-rollers in and out of town through a company formed by Weichselbaum, to whom he also entrusted maintenance of the Ivana, Trump’s personal helicopter. Spy, a satirical magazine that often made fun of Trump, reported that Weichselbaum—at that point a twice-convicted felon—personally piloted the Trumps in that copter.
Weichselbaum also had another business: importing drugs from Colombia and shipping them from Bradford Motors, a Miami-area car dealership he partly owned, to Cincinnati. When Weichselbaum got caught, his case was handled in a most unusual way, with both Donald Trump and one of his siblings in starring roles.
This relationship between the Republican presidential nominee and a major drug trafficker, revealed in court filings and other public documents, has never been explained by the candidate. Trump should be asked in every venue right up to Election Day for a complete and detailed accounting of this relationship.
… Instead the case somehow ended up in New Jersey—and in not just any courtroom, either. It came before * Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, Trump’s older sister.*
After three weeks Judge Barry recused herself, explaining to the chief judge that her husband, Trump casino lawyer John Barry, and she had flown in the helicopters of a confessed drug trafficker. At the time, there was only a signed order reassigning the case, but not explaining the reasons for doing so. Six years passed before Barry’s reason for recusal—potentially damaging to the federal judiciary—emerged in a book by investigative reporter Wayne Barrett. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-drug-trafficker-donald-trump-risked-his-casino-empire-to-protect
April, 2019 - “Complaints of judicial misconduct set off an investigation of Judge Maryanne Trump Barry. In retirement, she is no longer subject to the conduct rules. The status change rendered the investigation moot, since retired judges are not subject to the conduct rules. The people who filed the complaints were notified last week that the matter had been dropped without a finding on the merits of the allegations.” https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/10/us/maryanne-trump-barry-misconduct-inquiry.html
10) Because of his mob friends, his relationship with the FBI NY in the Casino days, it is very likely tRUMP was also an FBI informant. That might be why nothing about tRUMP’s criminal past has made been leaked by the FBI… as they may still be protecting him. And given those “friends’ it is also likely that Mueller know more about tRUMP than anyone, given his takedown of mobsters… The lawyers and people tRUMP has around him, like Giuliani, Michael Cohen, former FBI boss have their own mob friends … This may be hindering the investigation, so do NOT RELY on it! https://twitter.com/LincolnsBible/status/972654793880584192
tRUMP is part of it, but cannot be revealed? …Is he an Informant? Very likelyhttps://twitter.com/LincolnsBible/status/972652962332884992
Mafia and mob ties. Trump’s ties to an informant and FBI agent reveal his mode of operation http://wpo.st/atv72
A compelling background into many times that showed tRUMP is likely an informant as investigations into him were abruptly stopped… https://gregolear.substack.com/p/tinker-tailor-mobster-trump
11) The tRUMP “University” lawsuit said Trump made his millions by "systematically defrauding economically and marginalized people looking to invest in their educations, start their own small businesses, and pursue the American Dream." tRUMP paid 25 million in a settlement in 2017, even though he insisted it all had nothing to do with him, and he would never settle… https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna925851
12) tRUMP and CRIME: Financial/tax fraud tRUMP
What a way to start a “presidency!” Both Donald and Ivanka tRUMP are implicated’ in an "unconscionable" deal that enriched Trump family with funds from nonprofit inaugural committee, per lawsuit from DC AG’ https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-inc-podcast-inauguration-complaint Complaint is here: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6668314-Trump-PIC-Complaint.html
" ... used unusual financial statements to exaggerate his wealth, hide debts as a businessman, documents reviewed by The Post show." Defrauding Banks & insurance companies (besides the money laundering and defrauding the IRS who should have had him in jail decades ago, not just on an audit list) is a crime. UNUSUAL = CRIMINAL. Do better WaPo, you chicken shits! Where are your journalists?
Trump’s odd financial statements: Omitted debts, overvalued assets and broken accounting rules https://wapo.st/trump-financial-statements
Financial statements that Michael Cohen gave to Congress and Mueller, which he released on April 5th show that from 2011, 2012 and 2013 tRUMP inflated his net worth and nearly doubled it with a laughable “brand” worth of 4 billion. https://twitter.com/grantstern/status/1114335698260307968
Seems Michael Cohen is spot on describing tRUMPs fraudulent lies about Taxes VS loan asset reports and the fraud it entails for IRS and financial inflation of his brand. tRUMP Tower: https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-inc-podcast-trump-tower-tax-records-reveal-new-inconsistencies and 40 Wall street: https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-inc-podcast-never-before-seen-trump-tax-documents-show-major-inconsistencies VIDEO: https://youtu.be/2FI45BfSefE
VIDEO: During his DAMNING testimony, Michael Cohen detailed how tRUMP committed FELONY tax fraud, bank fraud, and mortgage fraud by lying about the value of his assets. (He inflated then deflated for insurance and taxes… *More is revealed in his 2020 book) https://twitter.com/DrDenaGrayson/status/1290453121777508357?s=20
***The financial institution that arranged the Trump Tower refinancing, Ladder Capital, is a publicly traded real estate investment trust that reports more than $6 billion in assets. It has a close Trump connection: Jack Weisselberg, an executive in loan origination, is the son of the Trump Organization’s longtime chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg. Allen Weisselberg is under investigation by the Manhattan DA for his role in the Daniels payments. https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-inc-podcast-trump-tower-tax-records-reveal-new-inconsistencies
13) 13 seems like a good place to remind that tRUMP surrounds himself with felons, criminals, grifters and the antithesis of “good people.” When he speaks of loyalty, he means it in a Mafia Don way. You screw me, I destroy you… Here are just some of his nasty cohorts and criminals. (Bannon was recently arrested so means that a second Campaign manager has been accused of crimes. Lewandowski and Parscale may also be… time will tell) https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-bannon-associates-factbox/factbox-here-are-eight-trump-associates-arrested-or-convicted-of-crimes-idUSKBN25G1YU?il=0
His administration does not look much better. The list of those who “serve ” (served him , not American) reads like a bunch of goons … especially Michael Caputo! https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/2/15/1919503/-tRUMP-Hires-the-Antithesis-of-What-is-Needed-to-Fill-His-F-TEAM-a-Shameful-List
14) More evidence in tRUMP’s condo money laundering schemes: More than one-fifth of Trump’s U.S. condominiums have been purchased in secretive, all-cash transactions that enable buyers to avoid legal scrutiny by shielding their finances and identities, a BuzzFeed News investigation has found. https://www.buzzfeed.com/thomasfrank/secret-money-how-trump-made-millions-selling-condos-to
In case you weren’t paying attention, the story also outlines tRUMP’s past money laundering that Roy Cohn and Rudy Giuliani got his hand slapped and fines, but no jail time. (Why not?)
“The Haitian government claimed in the 1980s that ousted dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier laundered stolen treasury funds when he bought Trump Tower apartment 54-K ... Duvalier used a Panama shell company called Lasa Trade and Finance to buy the apartment in cash. Trump signed the deed of sale. ... https://www.palmerreport.com/analysis/haiti-money-laundering-trump/7350/
In 1984, federal prosecutors charged a Russian native living in Brooklyn with taking part in a massive gasoline bootlegging operation and buying five Trump Tower condos for $4.9 million to launder the proceeds. The suspect, David Bogatin, pleaded guilty in 1987. He was released from federal prison in 1998. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/thomasfrank/secret-money-how-trump-made-millions-selling-condos-to
In a separate matter, a Trump casino, the Trump Taj Mahal, was charged with violating anti-money-laundering regulations 106 times in 1990 and 1991 by failing to file timely reports identifying gamblers who bought or cashed out $10,000 or more in chips. The reports aim to spot gamblers who might be laundering money. The casino paid the Treasury Department a $477,000 fine in 1998 without admitting wrongdoing. https://www.buzzfeed.com/thomasfrank/secret-money-how-trump-made-millions-selling-condos-to
15. As tRUMP denies help to Puerto Rico, remember, there was NOT extensive damage to Maralago, but he got 17 million in hurricane damage and tRUMP says he pocketed some of the money. That is insurance fraud and ups insurance for everyone else. How did he get away with that I wonder? VIDEO : http://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/the-time-mar-a-lago-got-17m-for-nonexistent-hurricane-damage-1041940547818?fbclid=IwAR2VA3KkyrCAu3SOL4V-TSbIFJV_CEfW9PuJ7Sa7Bf6jH-56UB9NxLf0Trg
16. Notice the word FRAUD in ALL these headlines of Court cases against Trump:
Judge unseals $250M tax Fraud case involving Trump projects 7/14/16 http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/07/14/donald-trump-junior-and-ivanka-material-witnesses-in-huge-tax-scam-case.html
Trump's charity claims could violate Fraud laws June 2016 - http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/donald-trump-charities-fraud-laws-224510
The Ruling in This High-Profile Fraud Case Could Cost Trump Millions June 2016... http://fortune.com/2016/06/08/the-ruling-in-this-high-profile-fraud-case-could-cost-trump-millions/
tRUMP is a GRIFTER Lying, cheating and outright FRAUD are his "business" methods. We knew that before he was elected, yet he ran on and continues to call himself a "law and order "president!" HE IS A FAKE - A FRAUD! https://www.newyorker.com/news/swamp-chronicles/is-fraud-part-of-the-trump-organizations-business-model
tRUMP foundation FRAUD shows tRUMP can’t even be charitable without ripping off people. This really should have been investigated but once again, tRUMP slips by with a fine. 2 MILLION. *** Judge Says Trump Must Pay $2 Million Over Misuse Of Foundation Funds. The Foundation dissolved rather than be investigated from then-New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood. She accused the foundation of a broad pattern of illegal activity, including improper political activities and "repeated and willful self-dealing transactions." https://n.pr/2qubAdI
Trump’s children must undergo mandatory training to learn how to avoid defrauding charities, given their defrauding of their Foundations was a family fraud affair… . https://www.rawstory.com/2019/12/trumps-children-must-undergo-mandatory-training-to-learn-how-to-avoid-defrauding-charities/
Trump used 'fraud' university to pocket millions, New York attorney general says https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jun/01/donald-trump-university-presidential-campaign-language
Here is a newly released VIDEO of tRUMP in the tRUMPU fraud case, saying he could not pick the names of the people he SAYS HE HAND PICKED and used that lie to SELL it in videos, from a list including instructors, and students. He also said in the video that they had such a close relationship that they went to dinner together. He admits it’s hyperbole. He also can’t remember saying he has the best memory… He doesn’t think hyperbole is a lie, because the writer of the “art of the Deal” told him truthful Hyperbole is a nice way to say you are lying. tRUMP lives in a separate universe from real people… https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/09/donald-trump-university-fraud-lawsuit-deposition-full-video/
VIDEO: Here is the head fraudster, James A Harris, lying to the public about what he represented himself as and what he “taught” at tRUMPU. He is a CONMAN just like tRUMP. . https://twitter.com/TweetBkk/status/1162312643278856192
James A Harris is a CONMAN and had aggravated assault of his ex-wife FELONY charges before being hired by tRUMPU! His “upsell” tactic was a lie and a fraud. He touted being knowledgeable about real estate and rich, yet had no college degree , no education experience and no realtors licence! He lied about where he worked and what he did and CONTINUES to do so. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-university-hired-motivational-speakers-and-a-felon-as-faculty
tRUMPU started in 2002 , expanded in 2005 after the model proved successful at defrauding vulnerable udiots who wanted to be rich like tRUMP, has been defunct since 2011 and several lawsuits have derived from it. “Despite its use of terms like professors, adjunct professors and tuition, it was never a university.” It was empty promises from aggressive sales and ads, and upsales that led to nothing but more promises and upsale seminars duping the victim of thousands or 10s of thousands.. And tRUMP received wire transfers and cheques from FRAUD! People go to jail for that… lots of them. I wonder how many of those he defrauded were also frauds, and voted for him?
“The records indicate, for example, that Trump University collected approximately $40 million from its students–who included veterans, retired police officers and teachers–and that Trump personally received approximately $5 million of it, despite his claim, repeated in our interview, that he started Trump University as a charitable venture. https://time.com/4101290/what-the-legal-battle-over-trump-university-reveals-about-its-founder/
17. Trump conspired with Mulvaney, Pompeo, Barr, Giuliani and Sondland to bribe and extort TWO Ukrainian presidents to launch politically motivated investigations into the Bidens and the 2016 election and to announce it publicly, in exchange for military aid and a state visit to Washington. Bribery, extortion and election campaign abuse as well as obstruction of justice for blocking subpoenas and documents are for now the crimes at play. Bolton may reveal more. https://t.co/OkZgjYnc4E
“The US government announced today [Sept 10] that Ukrainian lawmaker Andrii Derkach is an "active Russian agent." Rudy Giuliani and OANN collaborated with an "active Russian agent [or SPY] to hurt Biden's campaign. Did Mnuchin throw him under the bus to save tRUMP and Pompeo? "Andrii Derkach and other Russian agents employ manipulation and deceit to attempt to influence elections in the United States and elsewhere around the world," Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement. https://t.co/pI7fmigi60?amp=1
18. New alleged fraud: A lawsuit alleging President Trump carried out fraud by promoting a pyramid scheme will go ahead after a federal judge dismissed his legal counsel’s request for a stay. The lawsuit claims “Trump and his kids—Donald Trump Jr., Eric, and Ivanka—are guilty of fraud, false advertising, and unfair competition in their dealings with marketing company ACN.” It claims the Trumps didn’t disclose their relationship with ACN and made millions by telling investors they would have a “reasonable probability of success” if they joined the scheme. “The Trumps conned each of these victims into giving up hundreds or thousands of dollars—losses that many experienced as a devastating and life-altering,“ the lawsuit claims. https://www.newsweek.com/federal-judge-rules-lawsuit-against-trump-corporation-will-go-forward-1504963
19. He fired the AG who was to be the watchdog on the 500 000,000,000 that treasury is doling to himself, friends and donors. Your grandchildren will and ask, did you vote for that loser that robbed the Treasury? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/07/us/politics/trump-coronavirus-watchdog-glenn-fine.html
20. New York prosecutor seeking Trump's tax returns. Cy Vance told a judge that getting tRUMP’s tax returns was vital to prove the “extensive and protracted criminal conduct” of tRUMP Org… https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2020/08/03/business/ap-us-trump-taxes.html
All the “president’s” impeachable crimes are here… The Dems had a huge pile of crimes from which to impeach tRUMP , but likely chose to not have Pence in power. If that is the reason, it was negligent. The Senate may not have impeached, but it would have meant subpoenas would be out, and documents in hand if they did it seriously. He should still be impeached, even if he wins… and he may. People will have voted long before any good dirt comes out. Money (see Woodard and his book) should not be a choice over country. https://theintercept.com/collections/all-presidents-crimes/
The many tactics tRUMP might use to save himself from prosecution. A self-pardon is likely. (WTAF America?) tRUMP will literally do anything to slither out of being convicted of his crimes. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/donald-trump-criminal-case.html
tRUMP must be prosecuted for his crimes… https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/donald-trump-criminal-prosecution.html
21) Reminder!! tRUMP’s single SIGNATURE build, tRUMP Tower of which he is so proud, combined disdain for the law, worker safety and human life, his bigotry, elitism and supremacy, his mafia connections. He ven showed disdain for history and the arts by destroying items he had promised to keep … THAT is the legacy he is so proud to display because that is WHO he truly is.
tRUMP was taken to court by the polish undocumented workers and LOST! The settlement was unsealed in 2016, but because tRUMP says he had no idea, he got off the hook for it by his sycophantic hypocritical supporters.
tRUMP hired a demolition crew contractor who was cheap and had no building expertise. He was a window washing contractor… The “garbage haulers” were the mob… “In 1980, under pressure to begin construction on what would become his signature project, Donald J. Trump employed a crew of 200 undocumented Polish workers who worked in 12-hour shifts, without gloves, hard hats or masks, to demolish the Bonwit Teller building on Fifth Avenue, where the 58-story, golden-hued Trump Tower now stands.” https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/27/nyregion/trump-tower-illegal-immigrant-workers-union-settlement.html
The demolition was mob connected and had the building had asbestos. https://twitter.com/HiddingL/status/1182992735017541632?s=20
22) tRUMP has always paid off his sexual assault victims and just as he paid his porn Star Stormy Daniels and playboy bunny to keep quiet, be bribed and paid off many to “clear” his record so he could run. Hush money is so very mob-like… but tRUMP always says of his crimes…that’s just “business.” https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/01/donald-trumps-long-history-with-hush-money/550745/
In a new book, all the “president’s women,” a supermodel recounts that tRUMP not only stalked her, but entered her hotel room in the Plaza. A HOTEL ROOM ENTRY to a guest in a tRUMP Hotel FFS! If she had not been in bed with her lover, what might tRUMP done? https://t.co/pYcJpH3rP8
VIDEO: “Trump--Is the President a Sex Pest?” BBC Documentary on the sexual predations of tRUMP. This is a compilation of the womanizing. The new thing I saw was he let himself into a contestant’s room (17:36) and sat on her bed asking for sex the morning after she said she does not go to bed with men on the first date. After all, he had all the keys to Maralago and has every right as a pussy grabber expert, according to men and women who adore him in spite of everything. Next it talks about how he walked in even on teen pageant girls… as young as 15 in various stages of undress because as usual “they let me do it…” 22:12 the parties of young women models and after the party older men stayed… and had sex with young women. tRUMP and Epstein have ‘modelling’ agencies. And there was more than one. 4 men and 50 models… in Florida. Both men recruited girls from Europe as young as 14 and 15, no doubt grooming them. tRUMP blocked his online views of his ‘modelling’ agency and made that Twitter page private once he realized he had not bribed enough women before he ran for president. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sB0IpYuYzk0
VIDEO: At his Maralago party of mostly women, not only was Jeffrey Epstein invited, there was footage of inappropriate behavior even though he knew NBC was filming. Here, he grabs a Buffalo Bills cheerleader around the wait then grabs her ass. https://twitter.com/ReggyN/status/1151958260628557824
VIDEO: Buffalo Bill Cheerleaders and tRUMP more video… Epstein (Plus he is doing that same double-fisted “Man am I ever sexy” dance at his rallies) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OWEo1y5r24
VIDEO: “Billy, look, look, you just tell them [anything] and they [the rubes] believe it. That’s it, you just tell them and they believe it. They just do.”—Donald Trump, as relayed by Billy Bush: http://bit.ly/2lD6dTP (at 4:30).
TWEET: New… Tracy Nelson (granddaughter of Ozzie & Harriet Nelson and daughter of rocker Rick Nelson). Trump tried to get her into a hotel room when she was 16 years old – posted this in 2016 yet did not make news because she was not alone and did not want her companions inundated. https://twitter.com/lonireeder/status/1135926130555346945
Women who said tRUMP sexually harassed them and touched them sexually. https://twitter.com/i/status/1100064552719450113
Sexual Predator in Chief... Here is a powerful montage VIDEO of SOME of his past disgusting predatory moves and sexual assaults https://twitter.com/i/status/1272206645410463744
The rape case of E.Jean Carroll case will be on trial soon and now that the DOJ may no longer represent tRUMP (WTAF that Barr’s DOJ even offered taxpayer money to defend a rapist is unconscionable) https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/27/trump-must-remain-defendant-in-e-jean-carroll-rape-defamation-suit.html
The many scandals will likely never be uncovered. He assures all of his employees sign NDAs and few have and may never come forward. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/01/donald-trump-scandals/474726/
23. FinCENFiles: ‘Deutsche Bank tops list of suspicious transactions Leaked documents shed a light on Deutsche Bank's central role in facilitating financial transactions deemed suspicious. Many of these could have enabled the circumvention of sanctions on Iran and Russia.’ https://www.dw.com/en/deutsche-bank-suspicious-transactions-fincen-files/a-54997201
Deutsche Bank and money laundering… there is a separate 11 page file which I may add one day. But for now let me ask …
Did you know that in January, 2018, “The Trump administration has waived part of the punishment for five megabanks whose affiliates were convicted and fined for manipulating global interest rates. One of the Trump administration waivers was granted to Deutsche Bank — which is owed at least $130 million by President Donald Trump and his business empire, and has also been fined for its role in a Russian money laundering scheme.
The waivers were issued in a little-noticed announcement published in the Federal Register during the Christmas holiday week. They come less than two years after then-candidate Trump promised “I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder.” https://www.ibtimes.com/political-capital/trump-administration-waives-punishment-convicted-banks-including-deutsche-which
PS: The government and banks may be symbiotic… ala “too big to fail” and that’s not good… https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jasonleopold/fincen-files-financial-scandal-criminal-networks
24) NYT Magazine all of tRUMP’s crimes committed while in office, including his Obstructions of Justice. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/17/magazine/trump-investigations-criminal-prosecutions.html
25) tRUMP is leaving office the same way he entered. As a criminal, failed businessman, money launderer, fraudster and with Giuliani as his criminal wing-man. “An associate of Rudy Giuliani told a former CIA officer that a Trump pardon would 'cost $2 million.'” https://www.businessinsider.com/giuliani-associate-reportedly-trump-pardon-costs-2-million-nyt-2021-1
Of the nearly 240 pardons and commutations Trump granted during his term, only 25 came through the regular Justice Department process. The rest were a product of connections, influence and money. Influence peddling, bribery, extortion… are there no legal repercussions FFS? https://t.co/lGfE3qJSv6?amp=1
The “president’s” crime spree is truly an international one, and so “normalized” that everyone has forgotten he really is a crook…
26) Dec 2020: Jared Kushner Reportedly Created a Shell Company to Secretly Pay Trump Family Members and Spend Half the Campaign’s Cash, incorporated as American Made Media Consultants Corp. and American Made Media Consultants LLC, in April 2018. From there, Eric Trump’s wife, Lara Trump, was named president, with Mike Pence’s nephew John Pence is VP. While some advisers have accused former campaign manager Brad Parscale of mismanaging money, the bulk of the cash spent by AMMC—$415 million—occurred after Parscale was fired on July 15. The RNC cares only about the $170 million that they feel is there share… https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/12/jared-kushner-campaign-shell-company
Public watchdog group CLC “supplemented our FEC complaint alleging that Trump illegally laundered $769M in campaign spending through a shell company. Kushner helped set up the shell company & its board included Trump and Pence family members.” Complaint here: https://campaignlegal.org/sites/default/files/2021-01/01-28-21%20Trump%20MUR%207784%20supplement.pdf
27) Some old files found by FOA journalist: A 1981 weirdly written about tRUMP saying he had friends in the FBO and then unknown people get involved in the casino purchase… was this tRUMP giving up others so he could skip jail again. Who TF knows… https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3381447-1981-File-Says-Donald-Trump-Offered-to-Fully.html
Here are 5 rimes that tRUMP should have been arrested but wasn;t. It seems to include the FBI contacts noted in last URL.. https://www.baltimoresun.com/citypaper/bcpnews-five-times-law-enforcers-could-have-arrested-donald-trump-but-didn-t-20170306-story.html
28) April 23 2020: This Just Security page shows the list of tRUMP cases that hopefully will be heard. Almost all are civil… 11 vs 3 criminal https://www.justsecurity.org/75032/litigation-tracker-pending-criminal-and-civil-cases-against-donald-trump/
NEW… 29) May 18, 2021: New York attorney general adds 'criminal capacity' to probe of Trump Organization. "We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organization in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA," James' spokesman Fabien Levy told CNN. "We have no additional comment." https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/18/politics/new-york-attorney-general-trump-organization-criminal-probe/index.html
FYI: Rudy is a POS but got no pardon? It would be nice to know what he and tRUMP have on each other… Here are some things about Giuliani’s past that he would rather you FUGEDABOUT… Like his father’s gangster life working as a Mafioso goon… shaking down “customers
Rudy “cleaned up New York” like any corrupt piece of shit usually does… https://thehatchinstitute.org/all-stories/2018/11/2/exclusive-white-house-advisor-is-allegedly-made-member-of-the-genovese-crime-family
Giuliani’s own Russian ties in HIS campaign… in 1999 https://publicintegrity.org/politics/elections/fbi-tracked-alleged-russian-mob-ties-of-giuliani-campaign-supporter/
3 VIDEOs from 2019: Well, well well…Giuliani says he has “insurance’ that tRUMP will not throw him under the bus… Was it past lies about money laundering? Drug deals and mafia deals? The NY rogue FBI/Giuliani/Kallstrom? Other crimes? All of the above? Scroll down for video 2 …asks if he’s afraid he’s going to be indicted and then 3… asks about Parnas. https://twitter.com/kenvogel/status/1198290213547716609?s=20
New… Giuliani's lawyer tells NPR that the "subpoenas indicate investigators are seeking Giuliani's communications with ... Parnas and Fruman" as well …And yes, indeed, the Timeline includes meetings with Giuliani, Solomon, Parnas, Fruman, Toensing and NUNES' top aide (#4 in thread) https://t.co/4bOtlwgfsw?amp=1
NYT broke the story of the FBI raid on Giuliani, April 18, 2020. https://t.co/cABIlnG2NE?amp=1
New…"Asking a Judge to Unseal Files, Rudy Giuliani's Lawyers Demand Explanation for 'Extremely Damaging' Claim That He Might Destroy Evidence" https://t.co/vqbPWb3kTF?amp=1
New… ‘Rudy Giuliani's lawyers ask a federal judge unseal affidavits supporting his search warrant. They say the implication Giuliani "might destroy evidence or intimidation" is "false," "strains credulity" and is "extremely damaging" to his rep.’ https://twitter.com/KlasfeldReports/status/1394315268432842753/photo/1 (Giuliani needs to check his past deeds...)