I was just push-polled from Pennsylvania. Even though I live in Seattle I still have the same Pittsburgh cell number I've owned for 20 years. Some highlights of the call:
* Cold call from a Pittsburgh Area code (412)
* Caller spoke perfect English but had an Indian accent. He was extremely polite and spoke loudly and slowly
* Asked for me by firstname, middlename, lastname Only about 4 people on Earth know my middle name. I wonder if this gives insight into how they got my info.
I told him that I was no longer available at this number but that I love surveys and would gladly take one.
* He asked me some basic questions regarding if I am registered and if I plan to vote in 2020
* Asked if I was "locked in" to my choice or if I could have my mind changed
* Asked how locked in I felt I was
(He very specifically used the word "party" for everyone but Trump)
* Asked who I was thinking of voting for. List of candidates went Dario Hunter, Green Party; Joe Biden, Democratic Party; Donald J Trump, Republican; Jo Jorgensen, Libertarian party
* Favorability of Biden
* Favorability of Trump
* Favorability of Pelosi
* Policy details on a favorability scale. A typical kind of question would be
> Very favorable, Somewhat favorable, Neutral, Somewhat unfavorable, very unfavorable: Instituting a tax plan that would raise taxes on every American while damaging the economy and harming small business
* Questions were primarily economic focused
* Opinion on the favorability scale of "Hunter Biden and the Biden family using lobbying money and Russian bribes to enrich themselves at the expense of the American people."
* Opinion on favorability scale of Donald Trumps performance as president
* Opinion on direction of the country
* Opinion on direction of the economy
* Opinion on Trumps economy performance
* Opinion on Trumps security performance
* Opinion on Trumps wildfire performance
* Opinion on Trumps Coronavirus performance
* Which candidate would do better on Defense, which on economy, which on Coronavirus, which on environment, which on corruption
(I thought this next one was strange)
* If you had to choose between two candidates, A and B, where A was a nice guy who means well but was an ineffective lifetime politician, leader of a corrupt family and in bed with a liberal agenda and B was not the nicest person but always had the best interests of the American people at heart and could project strength while keeping the economy strong, which would you pick?
* Favorability of different tax policy propositions. The propositions basically involved "A a tax plan that would [do very bad sounding things]" (for stuff that was obviously Biden or "This proposal that would [do very nice sounding things] " (for stuff that was obviously Trump)
* Would you vote for a candidate who was going to attack social security and healthcare benefits, and enact policies that would put many Americans over 75 on the street, including those making less than $30K a year
* Once again, who are you planning to vote for in November.
* How certain are you about that vote
* Demographic data - since I told him I wasn't me he took my full name, age bracket, income bracket, urban/suburban/rural, ethnicity, marital status
* Who did you vote for in 2016
TBH I'm not sure how anyone falls for these.
I have been getting hammered with solicitations from both parties. Democratic stuff is usually a text message asking me to vote. They usually come in at supremely annoying times about 4-5am for me. Republican stuff is through the phone mainly but rarely through text. Phone stuff are polls. I get polled about 2x weekly now. I get a text usually during primetime for sports. The texts are almost always guilt trippy.
I was registered dem from 2004-2016, switched to independent after 2016 primary. If anyone on the Biden campaign reads this, I get a lot of these and I could record them for you.
I almost wonder if this was a low key GOTV call for wavering 2016 Trump voters. I'm shocked they mentioned Hunter Biden when the Trump clan is corrupt to its nepotistic core. I was also surprised they didn't bring out the Supreme Court arguments.
Im sharing this here because I think the topic is very interesting and would like to hear from others who gets these and learn more about push-polling in general.