Just to put the exclamation point on his illegal instructions to his base yesterday in North Carolina, Donald Trump went and tweeted his inducement to Break the Law again today — and break the very foundation of our democracy: One person, one Vote.
Just in case his Twitter followers didn’t get the NEW “game-plan” the first time around:
Who will rid us of this scoff-law Conman — certainly not his “inside guy” down at the DOJ, who is doubling down on this Donald Trump felony attempt too … by feigning ignorance:
Blitzer interrupted, "If somebody mailed in a ballot and then actually showed up to vote in person, that would be illegal...You can't vote twice."
"Well, I don't know what the law in this particular state says, and when that vote becomes final," [Bill] Barr said.
"He was saying, test the system," Blitzer tried again.
"Well, if you know what he's saying -- why are you asking me what he's saying?" Barr asked Blitzer.
Blitzer told Barr that Trump's comments were "reckless."
www.cnsnews.com — Sep 3, 2020
The Trump-Barr “game-plan”:
Plan A: Create havoc and voter-fraud news stories during the run-up election day — so he can gripe and complain, and ultimately dispute any results, that do not go in his favor.
Plan B: Donald Trump needs all the Votes he can get. Even if they are illegally cast.
And when his civically-challenged followers ultimately end up arrested, facing stiff fines and jail time, for following his illegal instructions — will Donald Trump be there to help them?
Does the Conman willingly pay-back his marks — once the scam has become plain for all to see?
Answer: That is NOT his concern.
Never has been. Never will be.
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No worries son, if the President tweets it — it must be true!
Everything is going according to Plan … Is that Durham 'distraction', about done yet, Roy?