Of course Donald Trump thinks those who served our country are suckers and losers. Of course Donald Trump thinks more about his hair than he does the 1,800 men who died on a battlefield in France. Of course Donald Trump cannot understand the sacrifice of those buried in Arlington National Cemetery. And of course Donald Trump railed against the flags at half mast in honor of John McCain, and the Navy hid an entire Navy ship named after McCain’s father because the mere sight of it would send Trump into a rage. This is a man who sees any situation in life and asks, “what’s in it for me?” Surprising, no. Shocking. Hardly. Disgusting? Absolutely.
Donald Trump would love watching Saving Private Ryan for the bang-bang and think Tom Hanks character was a double loser, a public high school teacher and dead vet. The bravery, the courage, the resolve of the men who faced near certain death on D-Day disgust him.
This year I read In Harms Way, by Doug Stanton. The story of the USS Indianapolis, its battles, it’s captain, its men and its sinking. I highly recommend it. And I recalled the story Stormy Daniels told about watching a program about the Indy — Donald Trump was fascinated by the sharks that took the lives of too many of the survivors.
This morning I received an e-mail from Senator Thom Tillis who is clinging on to his seat by the skin of his teeth. His opponent, Cal Cunningham is a lieutenant colonel in the United States Army. The real deal, not some rich fancy boy whose daddy sent him to military school and then conspired with a doctor/tenant to give his rich fancy boy 5 deferments for bone spurs. For those unfamiliar with North Carolina, we are a big pro-military state. Both in bases, active duty service members and retired vets. You may recall that on Monday Trump used the USS North Carolina as a set. And encouraged his supporters to commit felony voter fraud. But I digress. Thom and Team Trump are running scared. Here’s Thommy Two-Face’s response:
My top priority has been taking care of our servicemembers and veterans. As a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee and the Senate Armed Services Committee, I have worked across the aisle to make sure our brave men and women receive benefits, pay raises, and protections they deserve.
- I introduced legislation that fundamentally reforms and improves how veterans exposed to toxic substances receive health care and benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs. I discussed my legislation on Washington Post Live here.
- I recently co-introduced legislation to improve benefits for veterans in the areas of education, pensions, and survivor benefits, as well as expanded VA home loan benefits.
- I have led the effort to pass an across the board 3.1% pay raise for our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines for the second consecutive year.
- I helped secure the authorization of $214.1 million for North Carolina’s military installations in the National Defense Authorization Act that passed the Senate. Since being elected in 2015, I have secured more than $3 billion for Fort Bragg, Camp Lejeune, Cherry Point, New River, and Seymour Johnson.
I will never stop working for the health, safety, and well-being of our veterans, servicemembers, and military families.
Thank you for reading, and as always please reach out to my office if you have any questions or need help with a federal agency and please stay safe.
All the best,
If you are a North Carolinian, please reach out to Thom and let him know that we support those who don’t standby while the Commander-In-Chief calls veterans who gave all “suckers” and “losers”. Tell him that we support those who actually believe that the oath they took to defend the Constitution matters, not those who mouth an oath and then defile the Constitution like Thom did during Trump’s impeachment trial. Or turn tail when Trump seized money from our military for his precious border wall. Or stand in a cheering crowd when Trump tells Americans to go back to where they came from. Tell Thom that service and duty are something that he and his fellow Republicans will never honor or understand, that their corruption of the offices they hold has caused thousands of preventable deaths, sickness, misery, heartache, pain and dishonor. www.tillis.senate.gov/...
And if you’re not a North Carolinian, feel free to let Thom know how you feel by sending a contribution to Cal: www.calfornc.com