You know my sister and me from our community quilts and Pootie Pads — but given the state of emergency our country has been in from Covid-19, all we’ve been doing is making masks. We have now sent out more than 4000 masks and we are still at it.
Frankly, everyone needs a wardrobe of these things as they need laundering (or disposal, if you are using the paper ones) after every wearing. So why not have some fun with them? Our feeling is that a mask is a means of personal expression. They should either be fun or beautiful. Or both.
Ours are made from quilting cotton and the ear elastic we found is soft and comfortable.
We are asking $8 per mask. That’s not a lot for the amount of work that goes into them. A lot of people have said we should charge more — but Ann and I don’t feel right about that because this is about keeping people healthy and quality masks should not be out of anyone’s reach.
Some of our floral fabrics. We have lots more.
Shipping is only by USPS Priority Mail — that is $7.75 for a Priority Mail envelope. This is for our own protection as the postage is printed at home and Ann can drop the packages at the Post Office without standing in line. But up to 20 masks can fit in one envelope — so there is that.
A selection of “Dad plaids” ( we have more)
NASA themed — and dancing robots
Links to buy by PayPal
Three masks ($24 + $7.75 shipping)
Five masks ($40 + $7.75 shipping)
Six masks ($48 + $7.75 shipping)
Ten masks ($80 + $7.75 shipping)
Twenty masks ($160 + $7.75 shipping)
If you would like a different number of masks, feel free to kos mail me or email me at sara AT pootiepads DOT com. Or contact me if you prefer to send a check.
Apples and lemons — we have quite a selection of fruits...peaches, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, etc.
If you need masks and can’t afford to buy them, drop me a line. Please.
Some pootie themed masks — yup, we have lots of cat fabrics. Dogs, too.