Newly elected Democratic Representative Cori Bush of Missouri came into office with the energy demanded of her by her constituents. She has been very clear that she does not care for conservative feelings of persecution, telling the public that her job is “trying to save lives.” From the moment she stepped onto the pavement of Washington, D.C. she has had to face the tone deaf, casual racism of the most privileged class of white American—Republican Congressional officials. Rep. Bush has no time for that and has not been elected to let people’s bad behavior slide just because they’re playing politics with people’s lives.
On Tuesday, Republicans who want to continue with either the charade of a coup d’etat, or just have a continuing intention to overthrow our government, showed how much respect they have for blue lives by arguing and dismissing attempts by Capitol police to have all members of Congress pass through metal detectors on the way into the House chamber. Considering that (mostly) GOP representatives have openly boasted of carrying and conceal carrying firearms inside of the Capitol building—something that is still only legal outside of the chamber—and considering that many of those very same Republican representatives have called for the overthrow of our elections—their refusal to walk through the metal detector is dangerous and shameful. Rep. Bush was on Chris Hayes’ news show on Tuesday night, and when Hayes asked her about the whining and refusal by GOP officials to pass through the security checks at the Capitol building, she pulled less than zero punches.
Rep. Bush said that when she was entering the chamber there was no issue in the line she was in to enter the chamber and she missed the hoopla. But she heard about members that did make a big todo about the new safety measures, and she had this to say:
First of all, we're talking about your job. Let's just look at it from the most basic level. If you work at McDonald's, you have to wear the uniform or you're not working today! Wherever you are, when you're told this is what you have to do, this is what you have to do or you're not working. I don't know, have they ever had a job before?
Also, how do you get on a plane? You have to go and say this is against your rights? Do you rush through and not go through the metal detectors before you get on the plane? This is them trying to push the limits as far as they can. We have Congress members who have said they want to carry their guns on the House floor. We have Congress members who bring their guns to our office buildings. This is where we should feel safe, but you're bringing your guns to the office building. I don't feel safe around that. Many people don't feel safe with that, and you know what, if you won't abide—if they won't abide by the simple things this job calls for—then go find another one.
That’s all there is to say about that.