By now you have seen and/or heard about the attempted coup d’etat taking place in our nation’s Capitol. The conspiracy-laden, evidence-free, faketriot bullshit of the last decade from the right-wing and far-right wing of the country has finally been exposed for what it is: a fascistic mob of the few, who want to reverse course on our country’s Constitution to become some kind of pedestrian oligarchy.
The images are shocking but not surprising. The fact that Black Lives Matter protests, which called for the defunding and redistribution of law enforcement funds, racial justice, and reform were met with a full military presence while this band of terrorists who have been calling for the overthrow of our democracy was met with non-riot geared police, made this possible. The Republican Party has hundreds of representatives who have been willing to go along with the charade that there are real questions concerning the results of the 2020 elections. There aren’t. The president of the United States has repeatedly called our democracy “rigged,” and has called for people to stop the certification of votes.
That’s what is happening today. It could be seen as far back as 2015.
Let’s first point out that news outlets continue to say things like “no one was prepared for this,” and “no one saw this coming.” A lot of people did. In fact, they knew this was the real issue of blood in the streets, not peaceful Black Lives Matter protests.
Let’s see some people come around to it.
There are other people to blame and maybe charge?
Freedom of speech is very important in our country. But so is ridding our country of dictators and people that want to overthrow our democracy.
I wonder how the law and order patriots are going to see this.
And while we are here. Remember how we are in a pandemic and some of us have kids at home?
I just had to explain what “fascism” was to my 5-year-old (true story). But to be clear, what we are seeing right now is the most telling example of what law enforcement really means to the state.
And while Oregon begged federal law enforcement agents to leave their cities during protests, our nation’s Capitol, under attack, has been trying for over two hours to get help. Strange, right?
And it’s interesting to see news outlets very clearly identify them as “protesters,” while folks in a Target parking lot are rioters. Just saying.
And forget whether or not you care about racial justice for a second. Say, in fact, you are a blindingly fearful racist who just wants people of color, in all shapes and sizes, kept far away from you. Answer this:
And maybe we need to spend our money better.
And remind yourself how people you know (maybe even you yourself) respond when you see some kid with a TV set in some “riot” image. Think about what frequently happens to Black kids and adults who aren’t even doing anything wrong.
And here’s a shoutout!
And here’s a throwback!
Also important to remember. What’s happening today is “patriotic,” while someone taking a knee during the playing of a song is … disrespecting the troops?
And this, unlike whatever the hell Giuliani, Powell, Trump, Wood, et. al, have, is evidence of an attempt to overthrow the government to install a non-democratically elected bag of shit.
And here’s one of these QAnon pricks who hides behind child-sex trafficking while supporting a guy that was best friends with child sex traffickers.
And there are many people who have brought this to you.
That’s a fact.
But remember this.
And this.
But most importantly, remember this.