A Trump-loving Republican candidate for state legislature in Virginia has some interesting thoughts on climate change. Replace the word “interesting” with “painfully ludicrous” and add some sarcastic quotation marks around “thoughts.” Scott Pio is running for state rep. against incumbent Democratic Del David Reid in Loudoun County's District 32. On Monday, Pio Tweeted out an image that seemed to represent marine vessels in the waterways and oceans around North America. As you might imagine, there are a few ships at sea at all times.
However, Mr. Pio took things to a new and ridiculous place by thinking these words and then typing them on purpose: “I’m curious, Do you think the sea level would lower, if we just took all the boats out of the water? Just a thought, not a statement.” That is quite the not-a-statement, Mr. Pio!
Very quickly, Pio’s “thought” experiment began to go viral. People were still trying to parse whether or not this was some kind of performance art humor piece or a serious statement when Mr. Pio took the post down. But the internet lives forever, and Blue Virginia made sure they had a screenshot of it, which they reposted with this important information: “This guy's an actual candidate for the VA House of Delegates. Yes, this is today's Republican Party for ya...”
First, learn about who Daily Kos is supporting in Virginia’s upcoming elections here.
If you had any question as to whether or not this was a tweeted joke that went sideways on a guy, Scott Pio responded and made sure you could put that all to bed: He’s not the brightest bulb in the bottom of the GOP barrel of broken bulbs.
The Tweet:
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When the Loudon Democrats twitter account picked up and retweeted that Pio “is dangerously incapable of holding public office,” Scott Pio fired back:
When you take things out of bath water, the bath water decreases, does it not?
Got a lot of hate from your group for asking a question about taking things out of the water.
Curious when you stopped believing in pure physics? I guess you don’t believe in science experiments?
Oh my. Before we throw up some of the responses to this statement concerning “pure physics,” here are some of the positions Mr. Pio has on his official campaign website:
- He wants everything open again and he wants there to be no mandates on anything.
- He wants to “Protect Women’s Rights and Privacy,” but mostly just doesn’t want trans Virginians using bathrooms, it seems.
- “Critical Race Theory Should Disappear.” Sadly, this isn’t a statement that the bogus wedge issue should be done away with so that we can have a more productive conversation about teaching about our complicated and painful history of white supremacy.
- The stuff on Critical Race Theory, along with “protecting women” is a big part of his beliefs that “schools are a mess” mostly because of transgender students and schools that “now allow our kids to read books on very explicit sexual things.”
- ”Dr. Seuss should be read in schools.”
- He’s “pro-life to the core.” He believes that there are no cases in which someone should get an abortion. In fact, if you read his positions it almost seems like a person who miscarries fifteen seconds after becoming pregnant might be a criminal in his philosophy.
- Big on guns, and points out how Loudon County ended people’s right to carry guns while walking along park trails.
- He wants the removal of most taxes and wants them replaced with more sales taxes.
Sound like a real catch for Virginians who want all of the unimpressive ideas of Trump without all of that pomp and circumstance that comes with a rich kid doofus like the Donald. The only thing that differentiates Pio from Alabama Republican Mo Brooks and Mo’s belief that seas-levels rising has to do with rocks falling into the water, is Brooks is rich and Pio is not.