A week or two after the insurrection at the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., Couy Griffin, founder of the Cowboys for Trump group, was arrested for his participation on Jan. 6, along with incendiary comments he made after the event. Griffin is a county commissioner in Otero County, New Mexico. He made waves back in May 2020, when a video went viral online in which Griffin said “The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat”; it was retweeted by corrupt then-President Donald Trump.
In August, Griffin told Alamogordo’s KALH that he had been offered a plea deal. "Just to briefly, kind of, hit on it: it would be a lowest class misdemeanor and it would entail no jailtime. It would entail probation. But I would have to confess to something that consciously I don't know if I can. That's where my struggle is right now." At the time he said he was deciding about all of this through prayer and with advice from his legal counsel.
Now, Griffin biting the hand that fed him for the past few years. The trespassing, insurrectionist cowpoke told the audience at a recent QAnon event that Trump hasn’t done any of the things he promised and that while everyone loved chanting “Lock her up” in reference to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the only people that ended up in jail are Americans who were scammed by Donald Trump.
We supported President Trump because of his fight for justice as well. And for four years we cried, 'Lock her up. Lock her up. Lock her up.' We know she's a criminal. What did the president tell us? 'If I was in charge of the law, you'd be in jail.’ Okay, Mr. President, you're in charge of the law for four years. At the end of your four year time, the only ones locked up were men like me, and others like me, that have stood by the president the strongest.
This is something of a surprise, considering that only a few months ago, Griffin was still of the opinion that Donald Trump was chosen by God to … I guess just be Donald Trump? Griffin is the pleasant fellow that wrote on his Facebook page about plans of returning to Washington, D.C., for President Joe Biden’s inauguration day:
You want to say that that was a mob? You want to say that was violence? No sir. No Ma’am. No we could have a 2nd Amendment rally on those same steps that we had that rally yesterday. You know, and if we do, then it’s gonna be a sad day, because there’s gonna be blood running out of that building. But at the end of the day, you mark my word, we will plant our flag on the desk of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Donald J. Trump if it boils down to it.
And while Griffin is big mad at Donald Trump for not doing anything of note (though he did give away tax breaks to the rich and bungle our country’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic), this rodeo rider still believes the election was stolen and that the Jan. 6 insurrection was mostly great patriots just hanging out while not knowing how laws in our country work.
He continued by saying that he still supports Donald Trump, though he sounded super sad face emoji that Trump wasn’t doing more to defend dunderheads like Griffin, who along with a bunch of other dunderheads went and got themselves arrested in the hopes of overthrowing the democratically elected government. Griffin is clearly pretty butt hurt about the whole thing, as it was only two years ago that he was speaking on the phone with Trump for 30 whole minutes, and the rodeo rider was basking in the cold orange glow of corruption.
According to the Associated Press, Griffin is still facing a recall petition against him as well as an investigation into allegations that he used his public office in tandem with his “Cowboys for Trump” BS to enrich himself. I’m going to guess he probably did.
Watch the white tears fall on what may be a dyed black theater beard.
Here’s more of Griffin’s big lie do-si-do.
And here he is kinda being a crybaby who still wants Donald Trump’s attention.