Ignorance-The Root And Stem Of All Evil! Plato
There Is Only One Good, Knowledge And One Evil, Ignorance. Socrates
The Evil That Is In The World Always Comes Of Ignorance. And Good Intentions, May Do As Much Harm As Malevolence, If They Lack Understanding. Albert Camus
I wrote this post, partially, for all the young people, who, know nothing, about opioid and other prescription drugs.
To try and help them. So they can be informed, to avoid side effects, adverse reactions and all stay safe. And for Patients like myself, who need pain care.
Always in the news about how so many are hooked/addicted. I also wrote this for my own elucidation. Knowledge, Is Power! I learned a lot.
They Don't Call It Dope For Nothing. *written by me
Get Immediate Emergency Medical Help Or Call An Ambulance 911 If You Have Signs Of An Adverse-Allergic Reaction, (Side Effect), To Any Medication! Excessive Sleepiness, Depression, Blurry Vision, Chest, Stomach, Pain. Difficulty Breathing, Swallowing, Swelling-Face, Throat, Lips, Tongue, Edema-Videos, Hives, redness, itching and burning on skin.
A drug-food interaction occurs when your food and medicine interfere with one another. Interactions can happen with both prescription and over-the-counter medicines. These include antacids, vitamins, herbs and iron pills. Adverse Reaction, Medication Side Effects, Drug Contraindications, Drug Interactions, Dangerous Food-Drug Interactions-Food And Drug Interactions Checker
Modern Medicine Has Made Amazing Discoveries; Miracle Cures, Vaccines, Antibiotics, Research, Stem Cell Therapy-Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells For Cerebral Palsy, Harvoni Treatment-New Cure For Hepatitis C, Organ Transplants,, Effective Contraception-The Morning After Pill/Plan B, Innovative Medical Procedures (Robotics) And More, Too Innumerable to List.
Although Medicine Has Really Advanced Since The Old Days, There’s Still, Much To Be Done Regarding Pharmaceutical Pain Medications.
Pain Management As A Science, Is Archaic. From My Experience, A Somnambulistic, Nightmare!
There Needs To Be More Education For Doctors, Pharmacists And Patients.
Considering; The Effects That The Various Chemical Ingredients In These Synthetically Manufactured Drugs, Have On The Patient’s Body, Health And Mental Well Being.
How Pharmaceutical Drugs Damage The Body / Pharmacokinetics Videos
Pharmaceutical Production And Ingredients
Proteins are a part of every cell in the body. They help the body to build and repair cells and tissues.
Proteins are responsible for nearly every task of cellular life, including cell shape and inner organization, product manufacture, waste cleanup and routine maintenance.
Proteins are made up of hundreds or thousands of smaller units-molecules, called amino acids, attached to one another in long chains.
They are coded by our genes and form the basis of living tissues.
Genes And Chromosomes-videos / Molecule Examples-videos / Images
There are 20 different types of amino acids that can be combined to make a protein. The sequence of amino acids determines each protein’s unique 3-dimensional structure and its specific function.
Proteins play a central role in biological processes. They catalyze reactions in our bodies, transport molecules such as oxygen, help maintain a healthy immune system, transmit messages from cell to cell, receive signals from outside the cell and mobilize inter/intra-cellular responses. Types Of Cell Signaling/Functions Of Proteins Videos
The collection of proteins within a cell determines its health and function. Images/Protein Structure And Function
The Brain
How Drugs Work Videos
Adverse Reactions-Effects Of Drugs / Videos
*Pharmacists Will Say; That, “Different Brand-Opioid Prescription Products, Are All The Same And That There Is No Difference Between Them.”
That’s, A Lie!
*The Same Drug/Prescription Medication
From A Different Manufacturer
Has Different Side Effects.
*Opioid prescription products made by different drug manufacturers always look different, generic or brand name.
The packaging looks different. Brand name and color of packaging different.
This is because of the different, in-active ingredients, that are used.
Pharmacists are referring to; the active ingredients, in the medication being the same.
Prescriptions/products made by the same manufacturer, or one of the manufacturer’s subsidiaries, will also, look different.
In-Active Ingredients
Active Ingredients
*With Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, There Is The Use Of, An Extensive Selection/Variety, Of In-Active Ingredients
These In-Active Ingredients Are Blended, With The Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, To Create The Final Blend That Is Used For The Finished, Solid Dosage, Form.
Ethyl Alcohol Is The Most Common Type Of Alcohol Used In Medication.
Ethyl Alcohol Is Sometimes Referred To As Grain Alcohol. (Not, correct. It can, be produced from grains, corn, wheat. How we commonly identify alcohol being naturally manufactured).
*Instead; as a substitute, in pharmaceuticals, ethyl alcohol is used. Synthesized, from natural gas.
The majority of ethyl alcohol is produced, from ethylene. Ethylene is a hydrocarbon. It has four atoms of hydrogen bonds that are paired with carbon atoms with a double bond.
*It’s a process of manipulating the molecules of some chemicals; to create clone type, pain drugs. Different shaped molecules, react with the body differently.
Molecules are made up of atoms that are held together by chemical bonds. These bonds form as a result of the sharing or exchange of electrons among atoms. The atoms of certain elements readily bond with other atoms to form molecules. How Atoms Exchange Electrons/Carbon Atoms Videos
Danger Of Ethanol “Rhetorical Question?”
Ethanol-Ethylene, Is A Poison To The Body!
Ethanol Is A Central Nervous System Depressant.
Ethyl Alcohol A colorless, volatile, flammable liquid C2H5OHa. The intoxicating agent in cheap “rot gut” liquor. Used, as a preservative in pharmaceutical preparations.
Lot of demand for natural gas. Apparently, it’s used for more than heating homes or running a stove. Marcellus Shale Reality Tour What will they all do when the gas and petroleum, runs out? (Natural Gas Reserves By Country 2021).
There needs to be a complete overhaul concerning the transparency about the contents of “opioid” pain medications, by Doctors and Pharmacists with Patients.
Advising Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, Doctors And Pharmacists, That, Less Is More, when it includes additional in-active ingredients, in these chemical-concoctions.
With more governmental scrutiny needed; regarding, stopping the discriminatory actions in the dispensing of these products by Pharmacists. #OurPain Uncontrolled Pain The Other Side Of Opioids Videos
The Global Pharmaceutical Industry Is Estimated To Be Worth Over $1 Trillion Dollars
15 Largest Drug Companies In The World / Pharmaceutical Industry
*As Patients, We Need To Inform Ourselves, As To, What Is Actually Contained, In Pharmaceutical Opioid Drugs!
Alias Killer Diller, Murder Incorporated, Sneaky Pete.
Stop Trusting Doctors, To Know, What They’re Doing! ”A little learning is a dangerous thing. Drink deep, or taste not, the Pierian Spring.” An Essay On Criticism, Alexander Pope. Published in 1709. (A little knowledge is a dangerous thing).
Before Taking Pain Type Or Any Medication: Discuss With Your Doctor-Your allergies, medical history, surgeries, medical conditions, (family history-allergies, medical conditions). Any medications or over the counter drugs you take, and how to safely use the medication prescribed. Questions To Ask Your Doctor Or Pharmacist About Your Drug Prescription / Drug Side Effects Explained
Find and keep a good Doctor. Someone you can get to know and trust. A yearly checkup is a smart idea. Preventive medicine is so important, and you build a relationship with the Doctor. Then, they are not just some random person who doesn’t know you, or you, them. Same goes for developing a relationship with a good pharmacy. Communication In Healthcare
A problem with the miscommunications in prescribing pain medications is stereotyping. A fixed general image, generalized belief, set of characteristics that are accepted as true, to represent a particular type of person or group. It is presumed they will all behave in a particular way. An opinion. A fixed general idea. Videos
Some Doctors and Pharmacists couldn’t spot a real “drug seeker,” if one came up to them and kicked them, you know the saying.
We Need To Stop Accepting This Overly Processed And Adulterated Junk, As A Solution To Pain!
Adulteration: a practice of substituting original crude drug partially or whole with other similar looking substances, the latter is either free from, or inferior in chemical and therapeutic properties. Medication Administration Importance
Stop Accepting
Medications that are not effective in stopping pain and then, give us more diseases. One goes in with pain and comes out, with additional diseases, caused by the ingredients in the medications prescribed for pain.
NSAIDs Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs-Dangerous Side Effects; Increased risk of serious cardiovascular thrombotic events, myocardial infarction-heart attack and stroke.
NSAIDs Are Responsible For More Than 100,000 Hospitalizations And More Than 16,000 Deaths In The US Each Year.
Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) Cause Over 100,000 Deaths A Year, In The US. Elderly Patients Are At Greater Risk, For Adverse Events.
Ibuprofen Toxicity Poisoning-Overdose Overuse of ibuprofen can seriously damage your digestive system, interfere with your hormones, and increase your risk of heart attacks and stroke. An ibuprofen overdose can be deadly. The American Association Of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) managed more than 2.7 million ibuprofen poisoning cases in the US in 2016. Dignity Health
Stupid Thing;
When Fentanyl Is Mixed With Additional Pharmaceutical Drugs, NSAIDs, Synthetic Alcohols, Other In-Active Drugs, It Makes The Fentanyl Feel 50 Times Stronger. No Exaggeration!
And It's 10 Times More Addictive.
Besides Fentanyl addiction, patients get physically hooked, on the Ethyl Alcohols, NSAIDs, in-active ingredients, ie ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen, etc. These added in-active ingredients make withdrawal much harder.
Other Than The Physical Aspects-Addiction Is 99%, In The Mind!
Introduction To Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
NSAIDs How They Work
NSAIDs/Drug Interaction
Side Effects Of NSAIDs
Pathogenesis And Risk Factors
NSAIDs-Pharmacology Youtube auto-plays
NSAIDs Approved In US
Prostaglandins are a group of chemicals that are produced by the cells of the body and have several important functions. Prostaglandins (PG); Physiologically active lipid compounds called eicosanoids.
They have diverse hormone-like effects. Prostaglandins, are like hormones in that they act as chemical messengers, but do not move to other sites. Working within the cells where they are synthesized.
Prostaglandins are found in almost every tissue in humans and other animals. They are derived enzymatically from the fatty acid-arachidonic acid. (Physiological-consistent with an organism's normal functioning). Essential Fatty Acids-Functions/Animation Youtube auto-plays
Prostaglandins: promote inflammation that is necessary for healing, but also results in pain and fever.
Prostaglandins support the blood clotting function of platelets and protect the lining of the stomach from the damaging effects of acid.
They are produced within the body's cells by the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX).
There are two COX enzymes, COX-1 and COX-2. Both enzymes produce prostaglandins that promote inflammation, pain and fever.
Only COX-1 produces prostaglandins that support platelets and protect the stomach.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) block the COX enzymes and reduce prostaglandins throughout the body. As a consequence, ongoing inflammation, pain, and fever are reduced.
Since the prostaglandins that protect the stomach and support platelets and blood clotting also are reduced, NSAIDs can cause ulcers in the stomach and promote bleeding. medicine.net
Even If I Were A Drug Seeker I Would Have Too Much Respect For My Life, Body And Health, To Use Opioid Prescription Drugs!
Only Someone In Desperate Pain, Or Totally Crazy, Would Even Consider Using Opioid Pain Meds.
🏆📗📘 📓📙 Medical Terms Dictionary 📓 Physicians Desk Reference For Patients 📕 Drug Index 📚 National Library Of Medicine (NLM)📚APA Dictionary Of Psychology American Psychological Association 📒 Medications That Cause Nightmares And Vivid Dreams 📘 Legal Dictionary 📓 Thesaurus 📙 Kids Encyclopedia📓Intro To Pharmacology📚 📗Glossary Terms-Symbols Pharmacology📚📕📒🏆🎥
Keep reading for my story chronic-pain and experiences, finding competent doctors with only Medicare and Medicaid for insurance.
I had to share, this. It’s good info, that everyone should know. Anyone who knows me, knows, I love to share.
My family has longevity. My Father and Grandfather till age 97 and I intend to hit 100. Without debilitating diseases, that these “pain” drugs, inevitably cause. Forget, long term use.
This Time They Tried To Fool, The Wrong Person!
I’m A Sociologist BA Sociology Minors-Media, Philosophy, History, Health Sciences + 18 Grad Credits-ESL.
Total Credit Hours = 7½ years. I have as much education as a Doctor almost and as much as any Pharmacist, for sure!
I’m Also: A Researcher, Scientist, “Daughter Of A Suffragette” And A Kossack! 14 years. Thanks everyone for buying me that lifetime subscription, way back when. I intend to use it, for a long, long, long, time.
Poetry Therapy
The National Association For Poetry Therapy
The Muse As A Psychotherapist
Medical Patients Rights
AMA Ethical Standards Require Member Physicians To Provide Patients With Adequate Pain Control, Respect For Patient Autonomy, And Good Communication. American Medical Association Ethics Determine Honorable Behavior By A Physician.
“Everything Is Energy And Your Thoughts Control It.” Albert Einstein
The Synapse Is The Point Of Communication-Between One Neuron And A Neighboring Neuron, Muscle Cell, Or Gland Cell.
At A Synapses, One Neuron Sends A Message-To A Target Neuron, In Another Cell.
There are trillions of synapses in the brain. Each one of more than 100 billion neurons may be connected to hundreds of other cells by as many as10,000 synapses.
At a chemical synapse, an action potential triggers the presynaptic neuron to release neurotransmitters.
Other synapses are electrical. In these synapses, ions flow directly between cells.
Synapses In Brain Function / Wikipedia/Videos
Drugs Interfere With The Way Neurons Send, Receive, And Process Signals via Neurotransmitters. The Science Of Opioids Youtube auto-plays
Neurons talk to each other using special chemicals called neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are like chemical words, sending “messages” from one neuron to another neuron.
There are certain types of proteins called receptors. Receptors are large protein molecules embedded in the cell wall or membrane.
Receptors embed in cell surfaces. They receive chemical information from other molecules, drugs, hormones or neurotransmitters outside the cell. These receptors can be enzymes, nucleic acids, or proteins that are bound to special membranes. Pharmacogenetics Of Drug Receptors
Drugs work by interacting with receptors on the surface of cells or enzymes within cells. Receptor and enzyme molecules have a specific three-dimensional structure that allows only substances that precisely attach to them.
A drug receptor is a specific target macromolecule that binds to a drug and mediates its pharmacological process. They are composed of thousands of covalently bonded atoms. Many macromolecules are polymers of smaller molecules called monomers.
The formation of drug-receptor complexes leads to biological reactions. The intensity of the reaction is proportional to the number of drug-receptor complexes.
Both Endomorphins and Tetrapeptides can be found in certain areas of the brain. Tetrapeptide
In the midbrain, endomorphin-1 can be found in the hypothalamus, thalamus, and striatum. Within the telencephalon, endomorphin-1 has been identified in the nucleus accumbens and lateral septum.
In the hindbrain, more endomorphin-1 reactive neurons have been detected compared to endomorphin-2.[2]
Endomorphin-2 is predominantly found in the spinal cord, specifically in presynaptic terminals of afferent neurons in the dorsal horn region.
It has been found co-localized with calcitonin as well as the pain-conveying neurotransmitter, substance P.
The Endomorphin System And Its Evolving Neurophysiological Role/The National Library Of Medicine
Protein is present in many different forms in the body and has many different functions. Each protein has a specific function and is specific to the type of cell on which it functions. What Proteins Do
Despite this wide range of functions, all proteins are made out of the same twenty-one amino acids, combined in different ways.
The way these twenty-one amino acids are arranged, dictates the folding of the protein into its unique final shape.
Since protein function is based on the ability to recognize and bind to specific molecules, having the correct shape is critical for proteins to do their jobs correctly.
There are Different Receptors For Different Types Of Cells.
Liver cells have different receptors than heart cells.
The receptor binds to other proteins and chemicals outside the cell, which, in turn, changes how the cell functions.
Proteins also work on drug targets. For a drug to take effect, it must be protein-bound. It can be considered a lock and key system.
Once the drug is attached to the receptor, it can have two important effects on the cell. It can produce a change in the response from the cell, or stop a normal response from the cell.
If a protein produces a change in the response, this will be called agonist, and if it stops the response, it will be known as antagonist.
Agonist Drugs A drug or substance that binds to a receptor inside a cell or on its surface and causes the same action as the substance that normally binds to the receptor.
Antagonist Drugs An antagonist is a drug that blocks opioids by attaching to the opioid receptors without activating them. Antagonists cause no opioid effect and block full agonist opioids.
Receptor Blockers; Stop, All Naturally Occurring Endorphin Functions.
They Block; All Pleasure Sensations. Like the enjoyment eating good food, or the great feeling from the natural endorphins created by exercise
This affects the Patient’s quality of life and often causes “clinical depression also called major depression.” Opiate Receptor Blockers
An Holistic Approach To Addiction Treatment. A Whole Person Approach, To Health Care. Simultaneous Focus On The Mind And Body For Complete Healing. An opportunity for patients to better attend to both their psychological and physical needs.
I agree with the Holistic Approach, except for some procedures. No acupuncture. I do not believe in using needles, except when absolutely necessary, given by a trusted, Doctor. Acupressure is better. No hypnosis (unsafe). Never let anyone mess with the mind. They could leave a post-hypnotic suggestion.
*Regarding The Ethical Treatment Of Pain Patients We Should All Be Contacting Pres Biden, Congress People, FDA.gov (Federal Drug Administration), CDC (Center For Disease Control) and anyone else, necessary.
Doctors say they don't want to prescribe too much opioid meds because they could kill.
Then, these doctors, prescribe the fentanyl, with more chemicals. Adding drugs, so strong, they can definitely kill, all on their own, without fentanyl! Even when, not misused. Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) To Avoid
Many Patients who need pain care are either treated like “drug seekers,” or stupid. Our pain, often dismissed.
Aversion Therapy - Dis-incentivizing substance use; by triggering, adverse side effects, when the addictive substance is consumed. Something that discourages you from taking some action, (instead of motivating you to try, the way an incentive does). Really, Seriously!
If we find a Doctor who is knowledgeable then we and they, may have to deal with a negatively opiniated Pharmacist’s education, expertise and prejudices relating to dispensing opioid drug prescriptions.
Reasons Some Doctors Are Poor Pain Care Providers Insufficient Training, In Pain Management. Or Training Against Using Opioids For Chronic Pain. Feedback From A Pharmacist, That The Physician’s Prescribing Too Much Pain Medicine.
CDC Guidelines-Prescribing Opioids For Chronic Pain
March 2016. A set of voluntary, evidence-based recommendations for primary care providers, prescribing opioids to patients 18 years or older in primary care settings. Focus, chronic pain treatment.
More than two dozen states have implemented laws or policies limiting opioid prescriptions in some way. State Laws Limiting Prescribing Opioids
National Institute On Drug Abuse (NIDA)-CDC Guidelines Includes guidance on management of opioids in Patients already receiving them long term, at high dosages.
CDER Division Of Drug Information Part of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Regulates Over The Counter And Prescription Drugs.
Drug Seekers Profile (I was an “easy mark,” 17 in 1967). Or so, they figured.
Can either explain their medical history completely or is very vague about medical history. I can give details regarding my medical history and I’m not a drug seeker.
Not interested in their diagnosis and has no interest in further testing or referrals. Besides three mri’s, I even had that test where they stick electrodes in your body and there’s an electrical shock. To check muscle something. I have no idea. But hurt.
Complain about multiple fake symptoms. Migraines, back pain, and kidney stones.
I had a torn rotator cuff and an injury to the 4th, 5th, and 6th, cervical vertebrae. And a partially slipped cervical disc. With 3 MRIs to prove it.
The Doctors never told me about the bulging disc, They, never even gave me a neck brace. I found out, when the disc slipped back into place about 5 years later. I was carrying a gallon of water in each hand and stepped up a curb, I felt my head, neck, go up and down, like a pez dispenser.
May have evidence of drug abuse, such as needle marks, scars or new lesions. Nowadays, Intravenous drug use, total Insanity! Lethal toxicity of street drugs, communicable diseases. Forget It!
Say they have psychological symptoms, depression, insomnia, or anxiety. Symptoms like this, are often caused by the in-active ingredients in some opioid prescriptions.
Back in NJ I was getting clinical depression from the pain medications the doctors were prescribing. It’s horrible! Like a light goes out in one’s brain and no matter what they do, can’t get it to go back on!
Say that over-the-counter pain relievers don't work, or that they are allergic to them.
*My problem Had my gallbladder removed in 2003 and since then, I’m allergic to all the pharmaceutical salts, acids, ethyl alcohols, nsaids too-(put me in a coma practically). They all, inflame my entire body. Hives, liver, kidney, irritation and many other side effects.
It’s Basic Biology The gallbladder is a small hollow organ, that holds bile salts from food, or anything else ingested in the body, either orally, or transdermally.
Bile is released into the stomach when food is eaten to aid digestion. The reason most oral prescription drugs say, “take with food.” Images Bile Duct-Gallbladder
Without a gallbladder, bile salts drip into the stomach continually. Digestive System Parts And Functions
I had severe adverse-allergic reactions to all the pain pills prescribed. I gave at least, 25 full bottles of these opioid pain prescriptions, with two or three pills used, back to the Doctors in NJ (believe it or not). Either the prescriptions did nothing for the pain, just got me disoriented, or they inflamed my entire body.
Fentanyl Patch I found out about the fentanyl transdermal patch from a Rite Aid Store Pharmacist after I told her how I was having such severe reactions to all the pain pills. She was a good Pharmacist. One; that a Patient could have confidence in.
*There is a version of the fentanyl patch, without all the, in-active ingredients. It contains only Fentanyl and the silicone patch is made of. Ask your Doctor about it. It’s a Mylan-brand generic.
Problem With fentanyl patch is; as with prescription oral drugs, (pills). There are, many different versions and various brands, that contain, many different types of additional, harsh, in-active ingredients. Fentanyl transdermal patches especially, do not, list all the in-active ingredients.
I had the just fentanyl patch first prescription and then the Doctor (Neurosurgeon in NJ), changed it, to one with heavy-duty in-active ingredients NSAIDs.
FYI-Medical Definition Of Black Box (Black Strip)
A Warning “Attention” To Serious Side Effects! Serious Or Life-Threatening Side Effects Possible.
Highlighted by a black border on a prescription drug's package, accompanying literature. Found on over 600 prescription medications packaging. ie On bottom of a fentanyl transdermal patch box.
The “Black Box” Strip, Is Also To Indicate; Contains, NSAIDs.
The FDA took the following actions on all prescription NSAID labels, adding a “black box” warning highlighting the potential for increased risk for cardiovascular events and serious life-threatening gastrointestinal bleeding, ulceration and perforation. Images
A "Black Box" Warning Is The Most Serious Warning, Placed In The Labeling Of A Prescription Medication!
The FDA requires the boxed warning to provide a concise summary of the adverse effects and risks associated with taking the medication.
A Patient and Physician need to be aware of this information. Example Naproxen Black Box Warning
NSAID drugs and ethyl alcohols have no place in a transdermal, fentanyl patch. They are too strong.
The pharmaceutical salts and acids contained in the pill form, helps to, evaporate them.
With transdermal, it’s a constant drip. Didn’t work for me. Even if I could tolerate these in-active chemicals physically, which I cannot. I was practically comatose; the adverse reaction was so severe.
*What HCL On A Prescription Bottle Means “HCL” stands for Hydrochloride, the most common salt used to formulate medication.
Hydrochloric Acid Aqueous (water-based) solution of the gas, hydrogen chloride. A compound of the element's hydrogen and chlorine. A gas at room temperature and pressure. A solution of the gas in water is called hydrochloric acid.
Hydrogen chloride may be formed by the combination of chlorine CL2 and hydrogen H2, by the combination of chlorine and hydrogen gas.
Some Doctors act as if It should never be, that a Patient get pain relief without additional, more dangerous and mind-numbing chemicals.
Paradoxically, ignoring the side-effects, discomfort and destruction the in-active ingredients cause!
I often wonder what medications these Doctors would prescribe for themselves, or for a person, they cared about?
Seems like some Doctors skipped class, the day they taught the Hippocratic Oath in Medical School.
My Story Still impossible to get pain relief that I could tolerate physically.
After dealing with Doctors in NJ for three years, I gave up and went around, still in chronic pain, from 2003 until 2014. I moved to another state and tried again, to get help.
In pain all these years, my second try with Doctors and Pharmacists.
This time: without telling me, a certain, Pharmacy/Pharmacist(s), began switching around, with all the numerous, different versions of this fentanyl patch.
Switching from an original, no alcohol formula prescription, to one with 2% ethyl alcohol contained in the patch. Doctors and Pharmacists think the fentanyl patch, is what drug seekers want. So they load them, with all the NSAIDs, Ethyl Alcohols and other in-active ingredients.
I have had painful, violent, side-effects and adverse, physical reactions on and off. Severe edema, several times. I advised the doctors and pharmacy (pharmacists), of this problem. Finally, after they’re being forced to return to my original no alcohol version, fentanyl patch, they dropped me. Said, pharmacy was not purchasing/stocking, my brand medication anymore.
I always followed prescription instructions. It’s good to fear all these drugs, they are, deadly.
Two Examples Drugs I Had Severe Adverse Reactions To
Generic “Duragesic“ Fentanyl Patches-Loaded with synthetic alcohols. The system contains an external backing layer, a reservoir of fentanyl and ethyl alcohol, USP gelled with hydroxyethyl cellulose, an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer membrane and a protective liner.
Translation “synthesized natural gas, synthesized natural gas, synthesized natural gas!”
Tramadol It May Be A Class 4 Narcotic, But Tramadol Is Perilous!
A Doctor prescribed Tramadol to me once. After 3 days and only 3 pills, in total, I felt like my brain was melting, literally! My brain didn’t feel right, normal for a long time, months, a year.
I immediately stopped taking the Tramadol. This is a drug I most certainly, would not, want to fall into anyone’s hands. I flushed the rest of the bottle. Even though they say, not to flush drugs, I couldn’t get back to Doctor or Pharmacist, to return the prescription and had no other choice. Drug Disposal Take Back Locations. The best way to safely dispose of most types of unused or expired drugs Tramadol Side Effects
At least with pills they have names and one can look them up in a directory of pain meds.
With pills, if a Patient has a reaction, they usually know immediately. Unlike a transdermal drip, where allergic reactions may take more time, doses, to appear and then be so severe, they’re debilitating. I still can’t tolerate these chemicals, even, transdermally (patch). No matter how ingested, it all exits the same way. Through the stomach, liver, pancreas, kidneys. I’m not even a Doctor and I know that.
I gave these Pharmacists a list of my allergies, (as I provide to all Doctors, etc). Alcohol, penicillin, sulphur drugs and glycerin are at the top of the list.
Some people have medical identification bracelets. I have a list-of extreme allergies. Free Alert Bracelets.
Either these un-scrupulous individuals didn’t care, or they have no idea what they’re prescribing/dispensing. It’s hard to believe that they aren’t aware of the dangers, since some Pharmacists go to College studying pharmacological medicine, for up to, 8 years!
Pharmacists have a lot of unseen power. They can scrutinize Doctors and ban them. Refusing to serve any of their Patients.
*Unless the Doctor specifies prescribe as written-do not substitute, or medically necessary; Pharmacists are allowed by law, even negligently, to change a Patient’s prescription to a different brand. Disregarding, other in-active ingredients contained in the varying brands. Pharmacists are not, required to disclose the switch/difference, to the Patient.
This is Called Therapeutic Substitution. Also called, Drug Switching and Therapeutic Interchange.
Replacing a patient's prescription medications, in-active ingredients, with chemically different in-active ingredients (drugs). These replacement drugs are expected to have the same clinical effect.
This “Drug Switching” Is Not Ok. Should Not Be Allowed!
The FDA doesn't dictate which drug products may be substituted or dispensed for one another. Regulations vary, State to State in US.
Supposedly, if there’s less than 2% in-active ingredients contained in the formula, they’re not required by law to disclose this information about which, in-active ingredients are in the medication. It’s written on that tiny print insert, in with the medications.
The Area Of Tort Law Known As Negligence Harm Caused By Failing To Act As A Form Of Carelessness. Wikipedia
Negligence Failure To Exercise Appropriate, Or Ethical Ruled Care, Expected To Be Exercised Amongst Specified Circumstances. In A Way That Does Not Show Enough Attention Or Care, For Something Or Someone There Is A A Responsibility For.
Prescribing Authority Some states allow Pharmacists to prescribe medications, adjust drug therapy, administer vaccines, and perform lab tests. Some have standing orders, while others require an advanced license for Pharmacists.
Pharmacists take home a sizable salary. On average, Pharmacists make $121,500 annually. The lowest 10% an average of $89,790, the highest 10% earn more than $154,040. Pharmacy Technician $31,750.
Apparently, Doctors and Pharmacists don’t comprehend a Patient’s pain. Would think their training should enable them to identify-recognize, a Patient in pain?
I noticed that back in NJ. I was like; ”they have to be able to look at me and see the extreme pain, I’m in.” Nope. It took 3 Doctors, 3 years to even notice, my gallbladder was falling out besides, my injuries were never resolved.
Now, I just found out that, NJ Doctors (2000-03), left me walking around all these years, with a dislocated arm.
I know; because the Nurse who recently treated me, pushed it back in place. She had one of the other Nurses do it. Probably when they were taking my blood pressure and I was distracted.
A few days later, I heard a pop in my shoulder and another, in the arm. Now the screaming nerve pain I’ve had for over 20 years, is gone.
Then, this nurse practitioner, proceeded to almost kill me with the NSAID drugs. Meanwhile, lying all the time. What was the purpose of this? To continue to prescribe these drugs when she knew the dangers, being a nurse. I asked her why the black stripe, she gave me some evasive lie again.
I kept telling her they were putting me in a coma like state and for months she lied and told me “She understood about my drug allergies and this time, the prescription contained, only the types of ingredients I could tolerate.”
After 5 months more, of violent side effects and my blood pressure skyrocketing to 210 final reading, “kiss yourself goodbye levels,” I finally realized this nurse(s) and clinic doctors were more sadistic , crazy medical practitioners! They all think they’re special, because they control the medications, that control a person’s pain.
Now after a year shoulder and arm feel better but am suffering from these drugs side effects and insides all inflamed. Legs and feet still swelling and burning. And I stopped taking any of these drugs over two years ago. Can’t eat food without burning reaction (legs and feet swelling).
Besides I’m pretty sure, I had two mini strokes (according to Google) and I actually fainted once. All from the NSAID drugs she prescribed.
This nurse knew I have a college degree. She was from NJ. Went to college 4 blocks away from mine. That I was not a typical drug seeker.
Hubris is the word to describe these supposed, medical types.
My Sister was a RN (Registered Nurse). She always said, “One Doctor, will never criticize another Doctor.” So, just pushing my arm back in place, was the easy way to fix my arm.
My Sister also said, “Some Doctors, have a God Complex,” True. I’ve learned; some Pharmacists, do, too. Very Important. Know Your Pharmacist As Well As You Know Your Doctor.
She would be 93. She was a very strong personality. An all-around Nurse; Hospital (assisted in the operating room, treated patients, etc). She was also a Visiting Nurse, in Asbury Park, NJ and a Nursing School Teacher.
Before that, she was a Volunteer Ambulance Driver, in Southern NJ for over 20 years.
*My Sister also told me, Patients Have The Right To Refuse Any Medical Procedure.
When I was getting MRI’s (NJ 2001) the Technician, very forcibly, aggressively, tried to convince me to have, what he called, a nuclear scan. For a torn rotator cuff and a partially bulging cervical disc? No, I Did Not!
I grew up trusting Doctors. I’ve known so many of the best. My Pediatrician who refused, to remove my tonsils as a child. Said they were needed, and I do have a very good immune system, still at my age (71).
Our family Doctor. One of the nicest people anywhere.
Our Eye Doctor. Such a nice man. His Son (also an Eye Doctor), saved my vision twice. I tried to clean with ammonia and got a cloud of it in my face and a different time I got pink eye.
Our longtime friends, Pharmacists, wonderful people and I grew up hearing, about many other Doctors my family knew.
Unfortunately for me, I was 50 years old, when I got hurt and they had all retired.
Then, I met, “Doctors, who supplement their incomes, treating pain” These Doctors, might be good surgeons, etc, but they know nothing about these pain drugs they're prescribing. Or they wouldn't prescribe 90% of them. There are, safer products-(oxymoron).
The reason, for all this research and post. So, these alleged, “professionals,” don’t pull this on and hurt, anyone else.
Against all the odds, being a teenager in the sixties, I’ve survived and I’m not going to let incompetent people, kill me now!
“Many Have Tried, All Have Lost!”
Key Characteristics And Core Motives Of Social Psychology - Images
Honky-Tonk Bud-jailhouse poem (read slow, with bop style rhythm)
A Cautionary Tale.
Honky-Tonk Bud the Hip-Cat Stud, stood diggin’ a game of pool.
Now Honky wasn't braggin', but his bags was baggin and he was feelin' pretty cool.
It was the 15th frame, of a nine ball game, as Honky stood digging his play,
when with a sudden shrug, he suddenly dug, this strange cat coming his way.
This cat, was a funny time cat and he wore a funny time hat.
He wanted to know where Joe was.
Honky said, “Joe’s not around, his bags are down and he ain’t feelin’ too cool,
But if you’re wantin’ to cop some sigh, I’ll cop for you,
Cause I’m Honky-Tonk Bud, the Hip-Cat Stud, from Venice Avenue."
And in five seconds flat, Honky was back, pourin’ out smack from a cellophane sack.
Honky looked at the funny lookin’ guy and says, “Jim, I’m high."
Jim says, “That’s Cool, Cause; Dig Honky, It's The FBI."
After three long years at San Quentin, Honky-Tonk Bud the Hip-Cat Stud was again, diggin’ a game of pool. Now Honky wasn't braggin' but his bags was baggin' and once again, he was feelin' pretty cool.
It was the fifteenth frame of a nine-ball game when, out the corner of his eye,
who should he spy, but that same funny lookin’ guy. He wanted to know where Joe was.
Honky says, “Joe’s not around, his bags are down and he ain’t feelin’ too cool. And if you’re wantin’ to cop some sigh, I’ll tell you right now, Jim, You A Damn Fool! ”
I researched and wrote this, so people can easily see, how drugs kill (video auto plays).
To illustrate, how drugs interfere, with the body’s natural functioning.
Killing; Immediately-overdose, quickly-misadventure, or over time-with the corrosive, ingredients.
Most people don’t have a clue, about what they’re doing, putting, in their bodies.
I read fentanyl, along with heroin and many, many, other drugs, was a big problem on the streets. That opioids are addicting and killing many young people and older ones too.
Heroin may stop the heart, but pharmaceutical drugs also, stop the brain and that’s a lot harder to start up again.
Besides Death, Another Terrifying Occurrence Would Be, A Stroke!
Statistics indicate, some of these pharmaceutical opioid and other similar drugs, could have a causal effect. Hemorrhagic Stroke / Ischaemic Stroke / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) Mini Stroke
Pharmaceutical drugs travel in the body through the spinal cord, into the brain stem and cerebellum, where all brain functions are controlled.
The spinal cord is a complex organization of nerve cells responsible for movement and sensation. It carries signals between the brain and the rest of the body.
For instance, this is the process of any type of sleep. Deep sleep happens through signals from the pons, which is located at the base of the brain. This is, where signals to the spinal cord shut off. Pons Videos
It seems apparent that an overdose, especially with pharmaceutical-pain and sedative type drugs, is, quite problematic!
The Neurobiology Of Substance Use, Misuse And Addiction / Drugs And The Brain Videos
Affects On The Brain / Images / Worksheets
Human Anatomy / Body Organ Systems / Organization Of The Human Body
Depression Contact-Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services SAMHSA
Helpline 1-800-662-4357 Support And Treatment Facilities Nationwide. For more mental health resources National Helpline Database.
*In my opinion, unless patients are raving addicts, out on the streets in danger of hurting themselves; chemical receptor blockers, should Not be used, as a common drug rehabilitation practice long term. Consult a knowledgeable doctor, but I recommend, 30 to 60 days, the most. T
hroughout the course of the
physical withdrawal.
Can't Fight Drug Addiction, With More Drugs. A Chemical, Is A Chemical, No Matter How The Molecules Are Manipulated.
How are they gonna get anyone to stop taking drugs, giving them more, drugs? All drugs should be eliminated from the person’s system as quickly as possible!
Buprenorphine / Suboxone / Methadone Side Affects
Self-Esteem Building And Knowledge Are Needed. Teach Patients A Positive, Can-Do Attitude.
If treated like helpless, inept, addicts, they will act like that. Set Goals For Achievement.
How To Apply For Financial Aid And Scholarships
Use this, “truth about opioids” blog post, as a teaching tool. Turn it into a course of study, with tests on the subject matter.
Reading this, educating oneself, should cure any desire for drugs. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Types Of Motivation, Theories, Instinct Theory
When I was about five years old (1955), there was a DOW Chemical Co commercial on tv. It was gray, black and white. A picture of a chemical plant spewing smoke. As the scary sounding voice would say; "Dow Chemical, Better Living Through Chemistry." Not Always.
Bayway NJ Refinery - Images
These Prescription Opioid Drugs Are Unstable And Unsafe!
Petrochemicals are used to manufacture analgesics, antihistamines, antibiotics, antibacterial, cough syrups, creams, ointments, salves, and many gels. Petrochemicals are used in radiological dyes and films, intravenous tubing, syringes, and oxygen masks.
So many caustic chemicals, included in these substances! Almost all pharmaceutical pain drugs contain Ethyl Alcohol or NSAIDs, with more Ingredients. like pharmaceutical salts and acids. The list of harsh chemicals, is endless!
Caustics are usually hydroxides. Sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide are the most widely used caustic agents in the pharmaceutical industry. Alkaline chemicals, that can destroy soft body tissues, if amounts are not scientifically controlled. Resulting in a deep, penetrating type of burn. In contrast to corrosives, that result in a more superficial type of damage, via chemical means or inflammation.
Drug Salts And Acids Used In Pharmaceutical Manufacturing; hydrochloride (15.5%), sulfate (4%), chloride (1.8%), acetate (2.5%), phosphate or diphosphate (1.9%), potassium (1.6%), nitrate (0.9%), aluminum (0.7%), maleate (1.4%), calcium (1.3%,), mesylate (1%), tartrate (0.8%), gluconate (0.7%), citrate (1.2%)-A citrate; is a derivative of citric acid,-the salts, esters, and the polyatomic anion found in solution. (IUPAC Name) beta-hydroxytricarballylic acid.
So many pharmaceutical versions and formulas. One can never be certain what it is, they’re getting in these drugs. It ain’t nothing good, for sure! Countless, horrible, different, in-active ingredients.
Drug Free World.org/Videos-Drug Facts (Click On Pictures)
Foundation For A Drug Free World
1626 N Wilcox Ave, Suite 1297
Los Angeles, CA 90028 USA
US 1-888-668-6378 (1-888-NO-DRUGS)
Outside US 1-818-952-5260
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbonic Acid-Carbonate Salts.
How Fentanyl Harms People / The Dangerous Battle Against Deadly Fentanyl Youtube auto-plays
The Good Samaritan Law Good Samaritan laws offer legal protection to people who give reasonable assistance to those who are, or whom they believe to be, injured, ill, or otherwise incapacitated. Good Samaritan Laws By State
Pills Kill! Videos
Why We Take Medications That Can Kill Us
One Pill Can Kill / Sleeping Pills Are Dangerous Videos
Barbiturates Uses Forms Side Effects And More
Pain Medications Don't Stop Pain
Nociceptors-An Introduction To Pain Youtube auto-plays
Reasons For Pain
Why Opioids Make Pain Worse/Videos Use of opioid pills for more than 4 weeks, makes the body more sensitive to pain. That makes the pain worse.
Opioids provide relief by blocking pain. But then, the body reacts by increasing the number of receptors to try to get the pain signal through again.
When the drug wears off, a person will experience more pain. If they continue to take opioids, the pills become less and less effective.
The pain keeps increasing not because of an injury, but due to the opioids themselves.
Probably caused by all the synthetic chemicals, starting to destroy and deplete the body’s natural chemicals like calcium, hormones, cells, molecules, etc.
Different genetics, weight, body chemistry, physical health condition, and other factors, could result in differences in how medications are absorbed, metabolized and eliminated from the body.
Homeostasis A Balance Among All The Body Systems. It is needed for the body to survive and function correctly. A property of cells, tissues, and organisms that allows the maintenance and regulation of the stability and constancy needed to function properly.
A healthy state that is maintained by the constant adjustment of biochemical and physiological pathways. An example of homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant blood pressure in the human body through a series of fine adjustments in the normal range of function of the hormonal - neuromuscular videos - definition / cardiovascular systems.
These adjustments allow the maintenance of blood pressure needed for body function despite environmental changes and changes in a person's activity level and position. Homeostatic Mechanism / Homeostatic Imbalance
Metabolism The molecular basis of how the body self-regulates. Disturbances in balances can lead to disease. Cardiovascular exercise (running, swimming, aerobics, walking), stimulates your metabolism.
Hormones Chemicals that coordinate different functions in your body by carrying messages through your blood, to your organs, skin, muscles and other tissues. These signals tell your body what to do and when to do it. They are chemical messengers released from endocrine glands that influence the nervous system to regulate the physiology and behavior of individuals. Hormones affect nearly every process in your body.
The Endocrine System Is made up of several organs called glands. These glands, located all over The body, create and secrete (release) hormones. The endocrine system continuously monitors the amount of hormones in a person’s blood. Hormones deliver their messages by locking into the cells they target so they can relay the message. Videos
The Pituitary Gland Senses when your hormone levels rise, and tells other glands to stop producing and releasing hormones. When hormone levels dip below a certain point, the pituitary gland can instruct other glands to produce and release more. Videos
US Opioid Overdose Crisis National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Opioid Epidemic Department of Health and Human Services
Pharmacology Classifications
Opioids To Treat Pain Opioids And Opiates Youtube auto-plays
Diphenoxylate Lomotil
Hydrocodone Vicodin
Hydromorphone Dilaudid
Meperidine Demerol
Oxycodone OxyContin
Oxymorphone Opana
Benzodiazepines Or CNS Depressants
Used To Treat Anxiety And Sleep Disorders. This Category Includes Tranquilizers, Sedatives, And Hypnotics.
Alprazolam Xanax
Diazepam Valium
Pentobarbital sodium Nembutal
Hypnotic Drugs
Psychoactive Drugs
Side Affect From Some Medications Seeing Dark, Black, Or Red, Spots On White Walls When Waking Up. These Visual Disturbances And Vivid Dreams Are Hypnagogic Hallucinations. The nightmares, may include frightening images.
In addition to vivid nightmares Hypnagogic hallucination may cause some patients to notice abnormalities in central vision, when looking at a white wall. Some have complained that they see dark areas. For example, upon waking up in the morning and looking at the ceiling.
Pharmacology Class Fentanyl Youtube-auto plays
Pharmaceutical Images / Chemical Laboratory Equipment / Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plant Images
Natural Victorian Cure For Drug Addiction From 1890. To rid yourself of a drug addiction, eat an orange every morning half an hour before breakfast. Do that and you will want neither liquor nor medicine, they will, even, become repulsive. Not that it takes much too be repulsed after having to take this garbage, called pain medications. Educating oneself as to what type of poison this stuff really is, should be enough, to repulse anyone!
I tried it. Works really good. First orange; I felt a click in my brain, top left side of my head. I continued; an orange a day, (sometimes two), or whenever, I felt ill. I was much better and emotionally comfortable, during prescription fentanyl .25mcg, cold turkey withdrawal-Symptoms. I presume most people would be properly detoxed first.
I like the mandarin, clementine oranges. They’re small, sweet and easy to peel. Navel oranges are sweet too. All oranges should be soft, to be ripe and sweet. Grapes are good also. A glass of water; an hour before breakfast has many health benefits.
I found that a cup of black style tea, is very soothing and it’s very beneficial helping to eliminate toxins and fluids from the body. . I drink my tea straight, no milk or lemon. Sweetened with sucralose. I don’t use green tea, I always found it somewhat harsh and had allergic reactions to it.
Models And Theories Of Addiction-Videos
How Drugs Work In The Brain
How Addiction Works Videos
How Addiction Hijacks the Brain
What Addiction Does To The Brain
Areas Of Brain That Influence Addiction
Addiction Recovery Podcasts
Recovery 101 The Neuroscience Of Addiction Recovery
Rehab Patients Need Fresh air, sunshine, natural, from-food-vitamins.
No-over the counter vitamins, herbal supplements, or drugs. Patients should be given lots of good food; red-meat, fish, eggs, dairy, whole grain carbs, vegetables. Hydration is extremely important too.
And Exercise. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind!
Build up their bodies to make them strong. Nutrition Youtube auto-plays Vitamin D Immune Boosting Foods/Videos, Healthy Living With Natural Remedies Home Cooking And Home Remedies/Detox Lentil Soup Recipes/Lentil Stew Recipes
‘When, “Man’s” Glory Begins And Ends, I Say, It Was My Glory, To Have Such Friends.” William Butler Yeats
ACT UP A Diverse, Non-Partisan Group Of Individuals, United In Anger And Committed To Direct Action, To End The AIDS Crisis!
God's Love We Deliver Delivering A Promise-Wikipedia / Videos The tri-state area's leading provider of nutritious, individually tailored meals to people who are too sick to shop or cook for themselves. Phone (212) 294-8100
AIDS LifeCycle 20 Years Of Riding To Fight AIDS 2022 Registration is Open! Fundraiser link provided by Kossack sfbob
Gov't And Social Services Links For ♥All Our Troops♥ And Veterans♥
Surround Yourself With People Who Get It!
The Red Fairy Project
Live Healthy + Happy Videos
Your Body, Polluted By Synthetic Pharmaceutical Drugs.
Even The Seagulls, Wouldn’t Touch, Pharmaceutical Pain Meds!
How To Help Relieve Pain With Reflexology / Hand Charts / Pressure Points / More
The Hero With A Thousand Faces-Joseph Campbell-Quotes / Archetypes / Carl Jung
Ain’t it, the truth!
Saint Michael The Archangel, Protect Us, In Battle!
Saint Michael Is An Archangel. A Spiritual Warrior In The Battle Of Good Over Evil.
“The Holy Fighter.”
A Champion Of justice. “The Great Champion.”
Healer Of The Sick.
The Leader Of The Heavenly Hosts. Michael is the Archangel, to whom the faithful have long looked to for protection in times of peril.
The patron of the military and police forces, St. Michael is a fierce warrior and defender of the children of God.
Scientists Found Proof Of God In DNA Code “The God Code”/Videos
Journalism Is Printing, What Someone Else Does Not Want Printed.
Everything Else, Is Public Relations.
Pharmaceutical Pain Medications And All Drugs - A True, Horror Story!
1 Out Of 100 People, Are Psychopaths And They Look Just Like Everyone Else.
Psychopaths / Body Language Signals Of Psychopathy Videos
Signs Of A Psychopath Youtube auto-plays Warning Signs / Images
How To Deal With Psychopaths
Run Away Immediately! They never expect you, to run.
A Kossack told me once, it’s better never to put yourself in a situation, where you need to run. True; Common Sense, Rules.
Since we cannot control everything that happens. I still say, if one feels endangered, just take off in a run, fast!
Don’t run, from Police, obviously. With them; just stand there, with your hands up and hope you don’t faint, or make any erratic movements.
Anytime, anywhere, be aware of your surroundings (check where all the exits are, if inside) and know when to run, not just, if a psycho is chasing you.
Running saved my life, several times. Here are a few examples. Space does not permit recounting all the times, just running, saved me.
I think two guys in a car tried to mug me once, back in the eighties.
Right off Second Avenue; the middle of 8th St, in NYC’s Greenwich Village.
Scenario It’s daytime and I’m walking down the street, a million dollar or more-per apartment, building, condo, to my left, when this car stops for the red light. Going east (a drug area).
Two guys in the car. The window’s open and the one on the passenger side, calls or motions to me. I start to walk over, stupid, I know. It was, broad daylight, about 4pm, warm sunny day, rush hour. Streets full of people. Then, I see the guy, reach down towards the floor, under the seat.
I Instantly; turned and ran, in the opposite direction. That guy could easily have been reaching for a gun and told me “stick em up,” and took off, with the light changing.
Another time I was walking down the street. NYC again and I see this car being towed by a chain, not a regular tow bar.
My mind said, “that’s unsafe” and I took off running. My mind was right. Not 2 minutes later, the chain towing the car broke and the car went careening into the sidewalk. Exactly, where I would have been standing, had I continued walking. I was a quarter of a block away, by then.
Another time I was walking, when I heard a wizzing sound. I looked up and see this glass soda bottle falling from a very tall building 10 floors at least. Looked like a 7up bottle but I didn’t stick around long enough to investigate.
Again, I took off running. As the bottle crashed to the sidewalk behind me. (NYC, uptown).
Life is dangerous enough, without adding drugs or alcohol. Sometimes, one might need to be alert and fast!
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Fire Safety And The Dangers Of Artificial Fragrances; In Everyday, Household Products.
Air fresheners can be flammable, depending on how they are used.
Air freshening chemicals themselves are not usually flammable, but some use propellant chemicals that are highly flammable.
So, if you use a spray air freshener, it is probably flammable and can catch fire.
It’s important to check the packaging on any air freshener you buy and see what exactly it says about flammability.
It is always best to assume that a product is flammable unless it explicitly says otherwise. How Fast Does Fire Spread? Firefighter Insider
Never try to put a candle out with water! Smother it with a lid.
Fire Cannot Exist Without Oxygen.
Always keep a small all-purpose fire extinguisher nearby. Don’t use water on electrical oil, or grease, fires. If it’s an appliance cord, in a smoking outlet, unplug it, leave the house immediately and call 911.
To put out a grease fire when cooking, Put A Cover On The Pan, Immediately! An open box of baking soda near the stove is good too, to help smother it.
Toxic Chemicals In Plug-in Air Fresheners / Air Freshener Poisoning Symptoms
VOCs within diffused essential oils can affect indoor air quality causing the same pollutant effect as air fresheners, scented candles, and incense. Essential Oils That Are Harmful To Pets
Fragrance’ is an umbrella term and can include many, many chemicals that are mixed together, usually to mask the smell of the other gross toxins in the product.
How fragrance harms our health: Fragrance is linked to allergies, asthma, other respiratory concerns and hormone disruptions.
Formaldehyde is a chemical used in many household products and building materials. It’s also used as a fungicide, disinfectant and preservative in medical labs.
How formaldehyde harms our health: Immediate reactions might include skin irritations, coughing, burning in the eyes, nose and throat, or nausea. But the long-term effects can be much worse.
The Environmental Protection Agency says that chronic exposure can be linked to allergic contact dermatitis, respiratory lesions and even cancer. More specifically, the National Cancer Institute outlines studies where researchers have found links between formaldehyde and leukemia.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is an additive found in a wide variety of processed foods, but it’s also used in cosmetics, cleaning products and in petroleum products.
How BHT harms our health: The David Suzuki Foundation outlines a wide range of effects BHT can have on us. It can potentially damage our livers and kidneys. It can mimic the effects of estrogen and inhibit male sex hormones. And it can promote the growth of tumors.
While this compound is found naturally in nature and is produced by the body, it is also used synthetically in perfumes and dyes, as a preservative in fruit and fish, and as a solvent in the rubber, tanning and paper industries.
How acetaldehyde harms our health: This ingredient, according to the Environmental Working Group, is connected to allergies, asthma, cancer and skin and respiratory irritation.
According to a study conducted by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), 86% of air fresheners tested contained phthalates.
Phthalates, which are also found in many plastics, aerosol sprays, paints, pesticides, cosmetics, and fragrances, are known to be, extremely disruptive to the body.
Dangers Of Endocrine Disruptors. Phthalates are on the State of California’s list of toxic substances.
The NRDC The Natural Resources Defense Council warns that airborne phthalates can cause allergic symptoms and asthma. Even trace amounts of phthalates can accumulate to cause these harmful side-effects.
What happens if you breathe in essential oils? When you inhale essential oils, the odor molecules trigger thousands of receptors in the olfactory membrane inside your nose. These molecules then travel along the chemo-sensory pathway, immediately triggering the limbic system, also known as the “emotional brain.”
I’m The Canary In The Coal Mine, Regarding Chemicals.
One whiff and I’m intoxicated. Some of these scents cause a feeling of severe pressure in the arteries in my brain, like they’re, taking my head off.
With further exposure, my brain stem gets numb and the numbness travels all around the outside of my head and my nose gets numb. I lose strength in my muscles, get wobbly and my balance becomes problematic.
I immediately start to yawn, have trouble breathing and then I get totally overcome and sleepy. When I sleep feels more like being unconscious.
Continual exposure and I have episodes when my heart races and I get sharp pains.
Yes, in my mis-spent youth and generally growing up in the sixties in NJ, an hour away by bus and path train, to NYC Manhattan, it’s a miracle I’m alive. “Lucky,” is my gift. That and all the good people I met along the way who helped me.
Consequently, I have several head injuries, no gallbladder. And a doctor told me I was diabetic. Probably to cover-up, nj doctors incompetence and they're almost killing me with those, “only a chemist really, knows what they are,” pain meds.
Then recently, with my last try to get help from doctors, they totally destroyed my insides. This bunch were stupid enough; to put synthetic, ethyl alcohol in the prescriptions. Besides, all the other chemicals. As previously detailed earlier in this post (above).
I kept telling them, “I always heard that diabetics shouldn’t use alcohol?” And they kept ignoring me, arguing and lying.
Now, I’m the “poster child,” for chemical sensitivities and food allergies And I’m here, telling the world. So, this doesn’t happen to anyone else.
I think the chemical ingredients-information, about what is actually, contained in these products, should be enough to let everyone make an informed decision.
“To Whom It May Concern.
You Know, Who, You Are.”