Sometimes I read an article that has quotes which sicken me.
The full quote that would not fit in the intro:
“Sex is only a small part of our lives, and now that I’m older, I don’t even have it, so it doesn’t matter.”
Sure, I do not identify as gay since, of course it is just about sex and since I do not have sex any more who cares that the party I am supporting is anti-gay?
There are estimates that the highest ever percentage of gay folks, 27 percent, voted for the orange monster.
Why? Well they see members of the GOP being accepting of gay marriage and use that as some fantasy justification that golly gosh these GOP folks are not that bad…
In 2003, then-Sen. Rick Santorum, who would go on to run for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012 and 2016, notoriously likened homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality, and in his 2004 reelection bid, then-President George W. Bush called for a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, something he proposed again in 2006. These examples aren’t some relic of how the GOP used to operate either. In October, just before he was elected governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin said he was personally opposed to same-sex marriage. And even Trump, for all his courting of LGBTQ voters, sided with the Colorado baker who argued in a 2018 Supreme Court case that his religious beliefs were justification for not making wedding cakes for same-sex couples.
Oy yes, this is the party I want to belong to.
So many of these voters see the GOP as not being so bad (Unlike some who are quoted who seem to imply they are *the GOP* more open minded then some other gay folks are when they discover the person supports the GOP.
Again and again what makes these people select the lever to pull to make a vote for the Republicans is that they do not feel as connected to the gay community as are others.
Look…...the GOP is not the friend of the gay community. Sure they have some individuals who do and say the right things, but these folks are in the minority and would sooner drop us from their “base” as they could collect enough money from fundamentalists for doing so.
I was an idiot myself. I was a Log cabin Republican, I bought into their crap. But then Reagan came, formed his cozy bond with the Fundamentalist Right, and nothing has ever been the same since.
I would never say “Well screw those folks who think there is more to being gay than having sex. I ain’t getting any nookie, so I vote for the evil side.