On Sunday, Rep. Paul Gosar tweeted out a video, writing, “Any anime fans out there?” The video was a poorly put together attempt to join a viral set of memes that play on the opening title sequence to an anime show Attack on Titan. The video has made the news not because it is particularly well done—it isn’t—but because of the violence it depicts against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and President Joe Biden.
In the one-minute-and-thirty-two-second clip, Lauren Boebert and Paul Gosar’s faces are photoshopped onto some of the anime heroes’ heads. Intercut with strange immigration and border patrol footage, Gosar’s character proceeds to slash a Titan with Ocasio-Cortez’s face photoshopped on it, killing her. Another scene has Gosar’s character flying with two swords at the ready to slash at the face of President Joe Biden.
Rep. Eric Swalwell said it best.
The video, in the end, plays like some low-rent attempt at recreating Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will.
There are a few reasons why Gosar’s own family has called him unfit to be in office, and have said he should be investigated for his actions and statements surrounding Jan. 6, 2021. In recent months, Gosar’s main source of juice in regards to fundraising has involved courting online white nationalists and a general underdeveloped misogynists’ culture that right-wingers, libertarians, and anyone constantly fretting about people being “woke” or a spooky boogie man called “cancel culture.”