I wish all these frantic warnings about the loss of American democracy would stop, I don’t understand how it can’t be seen it’s already happened. As written previously 2 of the 6 national elections of the American 22nd century were a total malfunction bust, the base democracy mechanism doesn’t work, and with that opportunity to thwart the will of the people the Republicans have smashed the judicial branch.
I seem to remember from civics class the one of the three government pillars of democracy was a judicial branch, with it gone the democracy isn’t one anymore, what you get in result is a clanking, lying stenchy dog shit authoritarian institution that enables the worst instincts of the fascists that put them there.
Example: 10% of all American childbearing women now live under a ruthless, vicious vigilante environment that strips them of privacy, decency and body autonomy, for Christ’s sake how can that be an American democratic life?
One supposes the pathetic American journalism corps, offensively stupid and corporate as ever (the ongoing debate among political junkies whether they think the American little people are stupid or want them to be rambles on as always) just can’t convey the story, not the pain it conveys or the gross trampling of American democracy.
Example: One of our Democratic reps in Congress, G.K. Butterfield, is retiring this term, he says it’s impossible to win his district now that it’s been gerrymandered. Is that true?
Well, first the offensively inept American journalism corps would have to explain gerrymandering–rank cheating–which they cannot do. They use a remote word that doesn’t at all convey gerrymandering is just rank rigged cheating.
Did the NC fascist cheating Republicans rig Butterfield’s district, thwarting the democratic will of the American little people? The answer is yes, but Jesus save us the American journalism corps couldn’t even basely answer that easy research question, they just passed on the gross injustice of Butterfield’s retirement as if it was the price of gas, not any little thing we fought a world war for 80 years ago.
Of course a real democracy would judicially review gerrymandering to stop the cheating, but our busted dog shit Supreme Court said they can’t do it. Shocking, isn’t it?
We used to be taught another pillar of American greatness was the free press, our current clowns barf out journalism about Al Gore the Liar or Hillary’s emails but sit there mute and helpless as Fox and Facebook now blow up the truth to smithereens, god the lying grossly repugnant propaganda goons even have no trouble watching hundreds of thousand of Americans die from covid vaccine lying and misinformation.
If it isn’t any more clear American democracy is gone this fact about casual death and terrible sickness acceptance from covid vaccine lying should blow away any fragments of doubt. Yeah we’ve got a free press, too bad it’s busted and useless.
I am so terribly, truly sorry, but I don’t have any answers or any pathetic yelling at Democrats to stop the American democracy regression, and god do I know the terrible grief of what’s been lost and what’s in store for us. When the lying cheating fascist Republicans gain power we’re in for another serious war, that immensely huge machine will not be allowed to just sit there. Then they’ll loot and steal Social Security. Merry Christmas!
[opens hands] Bummer when you lose a democracy, millions of little people lives are smashed beyond recognition–if they survive–by a criminal lying government that will inevitably bring forth the worst of human elements and character.
The little people will take the hits as they come in and do the best they can. Believe me I know the feeling, my own personal life was powerfully smashed by gross lying and violence with consequent terrible sickness, I’m nothing of what I possibly could have been or even know what I wanted, I never had a chance.
Believe me too I’m not being a queen about it, that’s just the American reality that was beaten into me, despite everything I cherish the small things that are left over from the horrible mess. I work again, for good honest Americans who would never deliberately hurt or denigrate me. I rarely get sick anymore, man I cannot believe how good I feel these days, I bike and gym too.
Soon I will donate $100 to San Jose Sacred Heart food bank, god do they need the money. Then $100 to a real American journalist, Digby of Hullabaloo, followed by wrapping Christmas presents. I often feel pain, grief and bewilderment at what could have been in all the ugly debris, but I still cherish the small things I have and help my people when I can. It’s the busted American democracy life of my times and people.