What is to come in this diary will likely be painful for some, bizarre for others, or just plain hilarious and maybe even let off some much needed pressure after a long four years. Who knows? All I know is, I’ve been just itching to post this thing for months, now, and have been resisting the urge for the simple reason that it’s ridiculously long. I mean, the Souls of the Damned list of the GQP that Satan must be gleefully cackling over right now, kind of long.
But, the diary titled, What Does That Abbreviation-Acronym-Nickname-Inside-Joke-Jargon Mean-Introducing DKtionary 2021, by TrueBlueMajority and an actual request from ARodanFan made me change my mind. Twist my rubber wing… OK. So here it is, in all its ungainly “glory”. As I’d said, it's huge, but I’ll do my best to at least find a way to make it readable. ;-p
In my two years of collecting the various epithets for our ill-fated former POTUS, I’m certain I’ve missed some, but I think people’s creativity more than made up for whatever “lack” there may have been. LOL Some of the names I know the source of—those I’ve marked with symbols and who they’re attached to. Some names needed a bit of explanation, they’re annotated. Here we go!
Sources—this doesn’t necessarily mean they created the name, just that I saw it there first, with the exception of ShowerCap and perhaps Aldous Pennyfarthing. I’m sure they came up with theirs themselves. :-) Some entries have two symbols: I saw it in both places close together and didn’t know which I saw first. I’ve even come up with a few over the years, and there’s a couple of entries where I’m not sure who came up with some, so there’s my asterisk and someone else’s symbol next to it. My profoundest apologies if I’ve laid claim to an epithet you created. I never meant to!
~ acerbic pedant
% Aldous Pennyfarthing and his Generous Wit
\ Black Brant
+ Ebionim
= Folkman
@ GoodNewsRoundUp (from various users)
! kumaneko
” Lady Courtney
> Nate White
? Riconui
$ Scotland (scraped from Twitter users)
^ ShowerCap The Inimitable
* TheProgressiveAlien ;-p
& 2Thanks
# Various Parts Unknown
~~Numbers & Symbols~~
- %Abominable Showman
- ^Accidental Poosquirt
- ^Adderall-Addled Assclown
- ^Adipose Addlebrain
- ~Adipose Rex
- #Adolf Shitler
- #Admiral Ipecac
- #Agent Orange
- ^Agent Orange Orangutan
- #Agent Orange Toxic Dump
- *Agolf Shitler
- \Agolf Twitler-(Black Brant of DK)
- -A-Man-For-All-Treasons (Stephen Colbert Show)
- -America’s Bowel Movement-(aur ganuz of DK)
- -Angry Creamsicle (Frank Pedraza)
- -Anus Orange-(cazcee of DK)
- ^Apricot-Tinted Tumour
- *Assholemouth McFatwobble
- ^Assolini
- \Auric Shortfinger
- =Baby-fisted RampWalker
- ^Baron Fatfuk
- ^Baron Golfin von Fatfuk
- #Benedict Donald
- ?Benedict Dotard
- #Benny Dick Donald
- %Big Orange Cheeto
- \Big Orange Head
- ~Black Adderall
- %Bloated Blockhead
- ^Bloated Shitweasel
- $Bloviating Fleshbag
- %Blumpf
- $Bollockchinned Spunkbubble
- ^Bonespur Buttplug
- *Bone Spurious the Yellow
- ^Boss Shart-Attack
- #Boss Shitstain
- ^Boss Turdworm
- ~Boss Tweet
- #Bounty Boy (reference: Paper towels Trump threw to a gathered crowd at photo-op in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. Trump also wanted to downplay the death-toll, trying to claim fewer [was it 600?] people had died—estimates say it may be closer to 9000. We may never know, as much of that number includes those missing, and assumed washed out to sea. Most of the deaths were in “Haiti-Town” where Haitian migrants lived...)
- -Bowel Movement-(aur ganuz of DK)
- #Bunker Baby (reference: Trump hid in White House bunker during the multi-weeks long, mass Anti-Racism protests, riots, and ugly shows of the kind of police brutality the protests were ironically protesting against, after George Floyd’s murder on video by Officer Chauvin)
- #bunker Bitch
- #Bunker Boy
- *Bunker Brat
- #Bunker x
- $Buttplug Face
- #Cadet Bonespurs-(Senator Tammy Duckworth (D) Illinois)
- -Cadet Bonespurs Pussygrabber-(DEzerov of DK)
- #Cadet Tinyfingers
- ^Caesar Disgustus
- ^Candy-corn Skidmark
- #Captain Blowhard
- -Captain Chaos (Frank Pedraza)
- #Captain COVID
- ^Captain Crazypants
- ^Carcinogenic Creamsicle
- ^Chaos President
- #Cheeto Benito
- ^Cheeto Caudillo
- #Cheeto Dust
- ^Cheet-o McNasty
- #Cheeto Jeebus
- #Cheeto Jesus
- #Cheetolini
- #Cheeto Mussolini
- %Chester Cheat-oh
- @Chlamidiot
- #Chumpenführer
- #Chupacabra naranja con pantelones mas gordos en todo el mundo (Orange goat-sucker with the fattest pants in the world)
- #Chupacabra naranja moran con culo mas gordo en todo el mundo (Orange goat-sucker with the fattest ass in the world)
- ^Circus Peanut Sydney Greenstreet
- -Clownigula (Stephen Colbert Show)
- $Clueless Numpty
- +Cockless Caligula
- #Cock Juggling Thunder-cunt
- $^Cockwomble
- # CombOver-1
- ^Combover Caligula
- ^Commander Bonespur McPussygrabber
- ^Commander Clusterfuck
- -Commander in Cheese (Stephen Colbert Show)
- ^Commander in Cheat
- #Commander in Queef
- #Commander of Shamelessness
- ^Comrade Bonespurs
- #Comrade Vladimir tRump
- ^Cornered-Rat-in-Chief
- #Corona Caligula (pandemic name)
- -Covfefool (Stephen Colbert Show)
- #Covidiot #1
- #Covidiot in Chief (reference to his handling of the Coronavirus, which will go down in infamy for infecting millions of Americans, and killing hundreds of thousands.)
- #COVID Claudius
- #COVID Donnie
- ^Crazier than a sprayed roach
- ^Creamsicle Mussolini
- -Creep Throat (Frank Pedraza)
- #Cretin-In-Chief
- ^Criminal 1
- ^Criminal in Chief
- ^Crotchworm
- #Crump and the Wrecking Crew
- #Cult45
- #Current Occupant
- #Cry-baby Trump
- ^Dachau Donnie
- *Dear Bleater
- #%Dear Leader
- #Defilement Donnie
- ^Degenerate Donny
- #%Delusional Don
- #Dementor in Chief
- #Deranged Donald
- #Deranged Donnie
- #Deranged Tweeter
- #Der Cheetofuhrer
- ^Der Dumpenführer
- ^Der HairMeister
- #Derp Furor
- #Der PunkinFurher
- #Der PuppeFuhrer
- ^Der Orangenführer
- #Der Trumpkopf
- ^Diaper Don
- # Diarrhoea Don
- -Dick A L’Orange (Stephen Colbert Show)
- #DickTater Tiny Hands
- =DickTater Tot
- -Dijit-(ARodanFan of DK)
- -DIMPOTUS-(AMC258 of DK)
- ^%Dimwit Donny
- #Dipshiticus
- #Diseased Donald
- #Disinfectant Donnie
- ^DJ Fart
- ^Doctor Dotard
- ^Doddering Old Bloat
- #‘Doh’-vid Chump
- ?^Dollar Store Caligula
- #Dolt45
- #Don Cornholeone
- #Don Donald
- *Donald Chump
- #Donald Dork
- #Donald Oval
- #Donald Rotunda
- #Donald Tantrump
- #Donald the Quack
- “Donald Trump, International Career Criminal and Transphobic Douche
- *Donald Trump, International Man of Misery
- “Donald Trump, Transphobic Criminal Douche
- #Donnie Deathcount
- ^Donnie Diapers
- #Donnie Dimwits
- *Donnie Dipshit
- ^Donnie DirtyDeeds
- #Donnie Doofus
- #Donnie Dotard-(Kim Jong-Un, “Dear Leader” of North Korea. LOL)
- #Donnie Dreadful
- ^Donnie Dumbass
- ^Donnie Dumbfuck
- *Donnie Limpdick
- ^Donnie McQuack Il Douche
- *Donnie Squickdick
- #Donnie Toxic Dump
- ^Donnie Two Poops
- ^Donnie Two Scoops
- *Donno Encephotrumpolitis (There was a thread where people were coming up with diseases named after Trump—this was my entry. LOL)
- %Dontardo
- #Don the Con
- ^Don the Pawn
- #Don Tramp
- #Donny Demented
- #Donny Diapers
- ^Donny Dorko
- ^Donny Doughnuts
- #Donnorrhoea
- ^Dopey Dotard with Diminutive Digits
- ^Dorito Mussolini
- ^Dotard Jerk Turdish
- -Drinks With Two Hands (Stephen Colbert Show)
- `drump-(FoundingFatherDAR of DK)
- #Drumpf
- ^Drumpfy
- ^Duke of Dipshit
- ~Dumb and Umber
- ^Dumbfuck White Supremacist President
- ^%Dumbshit Traitor
- `dumbster
- #Dumbster Don
- #Dump
- #Dumpster Fire
- #Dumpy the Twityrant
- ^Dunning-Kruger Sir Judas of Fartwhistle
- #Durr Furor
- *Durr Leader
- #Ebeneezer Trump
- #El Cheeto
- ^El Pendejo Mentiroso Trump
- ^Emperor of Haemorrhoids
- ^Emperor of Herpes
- #Emperor Manicula (“little hands”) <--I love this one!
- ^Emperor of Outhouses
- ^Emperor of Turdmaggots
- ~Emperor Phallus Minimus
- #Emperor Todd
- #Emperor Trumpigula
- ^Farthuffin’ Fuckmaggot
- #Fascist-Fat Q*Bert
- ^ Fascist Farthuffer
- #Fascist Tangerine
- ^Fat B*Bert
- #Fat Nixon
- #Fat Orange Paedophile
- -Fatty Krueger (Stephen Colbert Show)
- #Feckless Chump
- $Felonious Fuckstump
- *Felonious Lunkhead
- #Feral Shouting Yam
- -Festering Manbaby (originalcinner)
- #Fetid Turd Emperor
- #Fixodent Donnie
- #Foolius Ceasar
- \Foolius Sneezer
- ^Former President Crotchrot: I love the sound of that! :-)
- #Fragile Donnie
- %Fuckface McFuckington
- $Fuckface von Clownstick
- #Fucking Slack-Jawed, Dust-Brained, Goat-Eyed, Blubber-Draped, Knuckle-Dragging, Cud-Chewing, Spray-Tanned, Weak-Kneed, Shit-Spewing, Hate-Filled, Reactionary, Autocratic, Tweet-Thumbed, Traitorous MORON!
- $Fuckmuppet
- *Fullofshiticus
- #Gall-us Tie-Furious Causer, wholly Roaming Empoorer of the people
- ^Gameshow Göering
- ^Gas Station Urinal Cake
- #General Custard
- ^G. I. Joke
- -Girth Vader (Stephen Colbert Show)
- ^*Glorious Bleater
- -Godzilla with Less Foreign Policy Experience (Frank Pedraza)
- #Golden Deceiver
- -Gold-plated Phonygraph-(Black Brant’s {of DK} Mum)
- *Goo-goolius Sleazer
- ^Government Cheese Goebbels
- ^Grabhersnatch
- ^Grabhersnach1
- ^Grand Wizard Grifter
- #Grand Trump Failroad
- ^Grampa Rage Diapers
- ^Grand Nagus Drumpf
- ^*Greatest American Zero
- #Great Pretendent
- ^Grim Reaper in Chief
- *Grin Reaper (you have to see the photo of him at his visit to the El Paso Hospital to see the shooting victims... who refused to see him)
- #Gropenfuhrer
- *Gropey the Klown
- ^Groping Piper
- ^Gruppenfüher Schittfürbrentz
- ^Haemorrhoid Messiah
- #Hair Furore
- #Hair Gropenfuhrer
- \Hair Gropingfuror
- \Hair Dumpsterfire
- \Hair Gropenfuhrer
- \Hair Gropingfury
- ^Hair Yam
- \Hair Fatberg
- *Hair Fuck-Up
- ^Hairpiece Himmler
- ^Hairplug Himmler
- ^Hairplug That Ate Decency
- ^Hair Yam
- #Head o’ Wood Tweezerhands
- +Herr Dumpsterfire
- #Herr Gropenfuhrer
- #Herr Gropingfury
- #Herr Fatberg
- *Herr Fuck-Up
- #His Assholiness
- ^His Merdejesty
- ^His Orange Feculence
- ^His Orange Flatulence
- =His Unholy Incontinence
- -Horking Mole-Creature (originalcinner)
- ^Human-Sized Flaming Orange Rectum
- #Humpty Trumpty
- #iDJiT
- #Ignoranus
- $^Ignorant Fuckmuppet
- #Il Doofus
- #Il Douche Trumpollini
- #Ill Douchey
- =ImPeached Gobbler
- $^Incompressible Jizztrumpet
- #Independently Mobile External Sphincter
- #Individual #1
- #Individual Wonder
- “Inmate430567-(Lady Courtney of DK)
- #Infector In Chief
- #IQ45
- ^Jabba the Chump
- -Jabba The Gut (Stephen Colbert Show)
- *Jabba the Putz
- #Jabba the Trump
- -King Baby Coward (Stephen Colbert Show)
- #King Covid the 19th
- King COVID the XIX-(DEzerov of DK)
- #King Covidiot. the First of His Name and Hopefully, the Last
- #King Donnie the Worthless
- #King Fecas
- =King Gooey the Turd
- -King Leer (originalcinner)
- #King Merdas
- #Kleptofuhrer
- ^Kompromat Kid
- %Kraft Singles Christ
- #Kumquat Caligula
- #Kumquat in Chief
- #Kumquat Kleptocrat
- #Lame Duck L'Orange
- #L. Don Dotard and the Church of Conservatology
- -L. Ron Chubbard (Stephen Colbert Show)
- #Le Grande Merde
- #La Grande Sharte
- ^Leather-Faced Shit-Tobogganist
- #Liar In Chief
- ^Lil' Man Shart
- #Little Donnie Small Hands
- ^Littlefinger (Nice Game of Thrones ref! LOL)
- #Little Hands
- -Lollacolluda (Stephen Colbert Show)
- ^Lord Dampnut
- #Lord of the Fries
- =Lying Anus-Faced Treason-Weasel
- -Mafia Don-(Trimguy of DK)
- *MAGAt Monarch
- ^Maggot Monarch
- -Malevolent Marmoset-(MarcKyle64 of DK)
- #Malice in Blunderland
- *Malignant Mango
- #Malignant Mangoface
- #Malignant Shitfunnel
- ^Manchurian Manchild
- $^Mangled Apricot Hellbeast
- ^Mango Melon of Mendacity
- ^Mango Menace
- ^Mango Miscreant
- ^Mango Mussolini
- ^Mango Unchained
- + Mango Moron
- ^Mansplainian Candidate
- #Mantoinette
- -Mar-a-Lardo (Stephen Colbert Show)
- -Marginally Sentient Spray-Tan (Stephen Colbert Show)
- -Marmalade MAGAt-(cmax of DK)
- ^Marmalade Shartcannon
- -Mayor McTreason (Stephen Colbert Show)
- ?$ Merkin-Crested Yam
- #Merkin Von Bankrupt
- ~Moby Dickless
- #Mousselini
- ^Mr. Dick a l’Orange
- ^Mr. Orange Bits
- #Mugabidiot (for his ‘plan’ for dealing with the deficit by printing more money. I mean WTF? Doesn’t this moron know what hyper-inflation is?)
- #MushroomDick MarshmallowHead
- #Mushroom Mussolini
- ~Napoleon Bonespurs
- #Napoleon Bonaspurs
- #Napoleon Boneyspurs
- #Needy Amin
- ^New York Turdherder
- =North American Scarlet-Faced Buffoon
- -Oaf of Office (Stephen Colbert Show)
- #Odious Orange-(Thrupny Bits of DK)
- ^Old Man Poosquirt
- #Old Yeller Hair
- #Old Yellow Stain
- -Ole Yeller (Stephen Colbert Show)
- #Orange1
- #Oranganus
- ~Orange Adder
- =Orange Ape King Wrong
- #Orange Booby
- #Orange Cartman
- #Orange Cheeto
- #Orange Cyttorak
- #Orange Deranged Marmot
- #Orange Duncenstein
- #Orange Effluvium
- #Orange Enema
- #Orange Fartcloud
- ^Orange Foolius
- #Orange Fuhrer
- #Orange Grimace
- #Orange Impostor-POTUS Baby
- #Orange Jackass
- #Orange Joffrey (More Game of Thrones. LOL)
- #Orange Judas
- #Orange Julius
- ~Orange Julius Caesar
- ^Orange Large Intestine Infection
- ^Orange Plumed Peckerwood
- #Orange Puff
- #Orange Pussbag
- #Orange Orangutan in Chief
- ^Orange Shitgibbon
- +Orange Shitsack
- #^ Orange Topped Turdsicle
- #Orange Turd
- #Orange Turdling
- #Orange U.M. BareAssed
- #Orangutangal Orifice
- -OranguTrump-(elenacarlena of DK)
- #$Orange Wankpuffin Clown
- ^Ostomy Bag With a Dead Tabby on Top
- #Our Orange Ooze
- # Patient Nero
- #Patient Zero
- ^PeePee Laughingstocking
- #Pee-resident Grab Her Crotch
- #Pernicious Dotus
- ^Petulant Perverted Poopstain on Pennsylvania Avenue
- *Phallus In Blunderland
- #Phat Boy
- >Picasso of Pettiness
- #Pissant Pol Pot
- * Pissadent Dumptard
- #Pissident Trump
- #Plump Chump
- ^Pneumatic Poo Dispenser
- #Pol Putz
- ^Polyester Cockwomble
- *Poolius Sleazer
- ^Poo Mistake
- #Poosilini
- ^Pooping “NO COLLUSION” Don the Orange Shit-Stained Ass-Clown
- *Presidementia Trump
- #President Baby
- #President Bully Boy
- ^President Crotchrot
- ^President Crotchvoid
- #President Demento
- ^President Drippy Moist Steak Farts
- ^President Dumpster Behind a Liposuction Clinic
- ^President Dunning-Kruger Overdrive
- ^pResident Evil
- ^President Garbage Fire
- ^President Gas Station Urinal Cake
- ^President Goldenswirly
- #President Jar-Jar
- ^President Liposuction Clinic Dumpster
- #President Loco
- #President Narcissist
- ^President Ostomy Bag
- #President Pendejo
- # President Pinhead MAGADeath
- #President Pissant
- -President Poopy-Pants-(AlyoshaKaramazov of DK)
- #President Projector
- #President Queeg
- #President Shitgibbon Von Clownface
- #President Shithole Country Pussy-Grabber
- #President Shrieking Man-Baby
- -President Sweet ’N Sauron (Stephen Colbert Show)
- ^President Taintfungus
- #President Toddler
- #President Twit
- ^President Used Enema Water
- #President Valour Thief
- #President Vomit Mouth
- #Presidunce Dump
- #Pres. Tramp
- #Pretendsident
- #Preznut
- #Prezudunce
- #Prez Lardazz
- #Prez Shithead
- #Psychoperv
- #Pumpkin Boy
- #Pumpkin Pendejo
- ^Pumpkin Pinochet
- ^Pumpkin Spice Pol Pot
- #Putin’s Punk
- #Putinspuppet1
- #Putin’s Puppet
- *Queef-nabbing Radioactive Mushroom-Mutant That Squats In the White House
- #Racist1
- -Racist-Rapist-In-Chief-(carmeninvermont of DK)
- -Rome Burning in Man Form (Frank Pedraza)
- #Romper-Rumper
- -Rosemary’s Baby-(AGERISH of DK)
- #Rumpled Orange Skin
- ^Rumpled Thinskin
- +Rumpleshitstain
- #Rumpty Dumpty
- #Russian Agent Orange
- *Salmon Satan’s Spawn
- #Satan’s Little Helper (The Simpson’s ref :-p)
- #Schmuck à l’Orange
- -Scooby Coup (Stephen Colbert Show)
- -Screaming Carrot Demon (Frank Pedraza)
- @ Screaming Carrot Demon McLiarface
- * Screamin’-Cheeto Dick-tatertot
- *Scroolius Sleazer
- *Screwing-us-all Sleazer
- =Semi-Erect Homo Hapless
- >Shakespeare of Shit
- $Shit-spackled Muppet Fart
- ^Shameless Anus
- #Sharpie the Clown
- ^Shartboy
- ^Sharty McFly
- ^Shart Garfunkel
- ^Shartberry Shartcake
- ^Sharthead in Chief
- Shartlemagne-(Gaseous Clay of DK)
- ^Shart of the Deal
- ^Shartolo Colon
- *Shart-toe Gropely
- ^Shart-Shart
- ^Shartstain
- -Shaved Grimace (Stephen Colbert Show)
- ^Shitface McFulldiaper
- #Shithead No.1
- #Shitstain McAssface
- Short-fingered Vulgarian-(Spy Magazine, late‘80’s)
- -Sir Eats-a-Lot (Stephen Colbert Show)
- #Sir Liesalot
- ^Sippy Cup Caligula
- #Skkkrump
- #SlimeDog Billionaire
- !Slump
- ^Space Cadet Bone Spurs
- ^Space Cadet Toadjunk Pouty McBone Spurs
- #Spraytan Stalin
- ^Spurious Leader
- ^S.S. Trumptanic
- #Stale Cheeto
- #Stooped Von Bunker (After Trump fired off a tweet with yet another spelling mistake, this time about Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone: ‘Seattle has been taken over by far leftist terrorists they must be stooped.”)
- !Stump
- ^Strawberry Shartcake
- ^Sultan Spraytan
- ^Sunny D-Bag
- #Sunny D’Nightmare
- *Super-Callous-Fascist-Racist-He-Is-Not-My-POTUS
- #Super-Callous-Fragile-Racist-Sexist-Nazi-POTUS
- #Super-Lyin’-Fragile-Racist-Whiny-Braggadocious
- #Super-spreader Stick-in-the-Mud
- #Swamp-Alligator Trump
- #Swamp Donnie
- ^Syphilitic Man-Child
- ^Syphilitic Sociopath
- ^T. Baby
- ^TaintRump
- ^Tangelo Tantrump
- ^Tangelo Taint Tumour
- ^Tangelo-Tinged Treasonweasel
- ^Tangelo-Tinted Taint Tumor
- -Tangerine Ball Bag (Stephen Colbert of the Stephen Colbert Show)
- ^Tangerine Idi Amin
- \Tangerine Nightmare
- ^Tangerine Palpatine
- #Tangerine Terror
- ^Tangerine Toadstool
- #Tangerine Tool
- -Tangerine Tornado (Frank Pedraza)
- # Tangerine Turd
- ^Tantruming Tangelo Toddler
- #Tantrump
- ^Taintfungus
- #Tax E. Vader (Darth Vader’s long lost brother)
- ~Teeny Weeny Mussolini
- #Teflon Con
- -Tighty-Whitey Bulger (Stephen Colbert Show)
- #Tiny Handed, Cheeto Faced, Ferret-Wearing Shitgibbon
- -Tiny-Handed, Short-fingered Vulgarian-(Spy Magazine-late ‘80’s)
- -That Idiot Traffic Cone CurrentlyOccupying The Oval Office-(HollyValera of DK)
- $The Anus Of Orange
- ^The Barking Yam
- ^The Bedwetting Buffoon
- *The Bewilderbleats
- ^The Bloviating Orange
- ^The Clodwork Orange
- ^The Crybaby From Queens
- -The Danger Yam (Stephen Colbert Show)
- #The Darnold
- ^ The Dopey Dotard with Diminutive Digits
- *The Drip
- -The Flag Fondler (Stephen Colbert Show)
- -The Floridian Fondler (Stephen Colbert Show)
- -The Former Guy (as in the Former POTUS)
- #The Golden Fleece
- #The Grand Wizard Grifter
- ^The Great Narcisissy
- ^The Hairplug That Ate Decency
- #The Hair That Roared
- #The Horse’s Ass of the Apocalypse
- #The iDJiT
- ^The Impotentate
- ^The Kompromat Kid
- ^The Lyin’ King
- ^The Manchurian Man-child
- ^The Man with Phalangeal Stunting
- -The Man With The Golden Swirly-(Spancos of DK)
- #The Marmalade Arse
- #The Minus Touch
- #The Mooch
- #The Monster From The Id
- ^The Mustard Melanoma
- #The Notorious O.S.G (Orange Shit-Gibbon)
- #The No-Mask of the Red Death (Coronavirus Pandemic reference)
- #The Offal Orifice
- #The Orange Aberration
- #The Orange Anus
- #The Orange Catastrophe
- #The Orange Carbuncle
- #The Orange Creature
- #The Orange Death
- #The Orange Draft Dodger
- #The Orange Despicable
- #The Orange Dung
- #The Orange Expectorator
- #The Orange Fart-Sack
- $The Orange Garbage Fuckpudding
- !The Orange One (T.O.O)
- #The Orange Pustule
- #The Orangeman
- #The Orange Shitweasel
- #The Orange Turd
- #The Orange Umpaloompa
- ^The Ostomy Bag with a Dead Tabby on Top
- ^The Pampers President
- #The Parasite
- -The Pig Kahuna (Stephen Colbert Show)
- #The Presidump
- #The Purse of Pustulence
- -The Quarter Flounder (Stephen Colbert Show)
- #The Rancid Cheeto
- #The Resident
- ^The Seize-her Geezer
- >The Shakespeare of Shit
- ^The Shart-Shuffler
- *The Shit-Stain On Our Democracy
- &The Splatterer
- #The Tangerine Terror
- #The Tangerine Tool
- ^The Turdlord
- ^The Turdworm
- #The Turnip
- The Velveeta Cheata
- ^The Velveeta Vulgarian
- *The UnPresident
- # Thief Executive
- #Thief-in-Chief
- !Thump
- #Tinea Cruris (jock itch)
- $Tiny-Fingered, Cheeto-Faced, Ferret-Wearing, Shit-Gibbon
- #Toddler in Chief
- $Toupeed Fucktrumpet
- ^Traitor Tot
- #Tramp
- Transphobic Criminal Douche (Lady Courtney)
- #Tre45on
- ^Treasonweasel
- #Trimp (not a typo)
- #Tronald Dump
- #Tromp
- #Tromp l'Orange
- #Trump-a-Chump
- #Trump Diablo
- #Trump Hydroxymoron
- #Trumpee Pee
- #Trumpelforeskin
- #Trumpelnoskin
- #Trumpenfuhrer
- #tRumperitisaurus
- #trumpkinhead
- ^Trumplethinskin
- #Trumplstiltskin
- #Trumputin
- #Trumpsterfire McDipshit
- #Trumpty-Dumpty
- #Trumpus
- #Tsarevich Trump
- !Turdbucket
- ^Turd Emperor
- #Turdmaggot
- *Turd-Monkey
- ^Turdwaffle
- ^Turdworm
- #Turmeric Prick Slick-(Wolfhound of DK)
- !Turnip
- * Tweedle Scum and his No-Man’s Band
- #Tweety Amin
- #Twittles
- #Twitterfingers
- #Twitler
- #Twitler Teletubby
- #Twump
- #Tyrannobrutus
Total reached 666 at the end of the T’s ;-p Yay for coincidental serendipity! Drat, now it’s 667, the Neighbour of the Beast… *pouts* I forgot to put in one of Kumaneko’s entries. Derp. ;-p
Update: several new names have been added, so now 666 and Neighbour of the Beast have moved back to somewhere in the middle of the T’s… pizzle.
- #Ubu Prez-(Colorado State University, 2016. Thanks, Democratos!)
- #Ultimate Hairy Palms
- -Uncle Touch Too Much (Stephen Colbert Show)
- #Vapid Vessel of Very Fine Vanity
- %Velveeta Jesus
- ^Velveeta Vulgarian
- -Voldermoron (Stephen Colbert Show)
- ^Vomitous Biped
- ^Vulgar Talking Yam
- -Walker: Taxes Evader (Stephen Colbert Show)
- ^Walking, Skin-covered Grudge
- $Wankmuffin
- #Wankpuffin
- $Weapons-grade Plum
- $Weaselheaded Fucknugget
- #Wee Don
- ^Weehands Mcnodick
- #Wicked Witch of the West Wing
- #Windsock-in-Chief
- -Winnie The Coup (Stephen Colbert Show)
- #White House Squatter
- $^Witless Fucking Cocksplat
- #Wobbly Stack Of Hot Garbage In A Big Bag
- -World’s Greatest Troll (Frank Pedraza)
- #Wussolini
- -Yamchurian Candidate (originalcinner)
- =Yammerhead Bark
- -Y-M-C-A-Hole (Stephen Colbert Show)
Welp, that’s the list as it sits: 644 names. Boy was I ever off in my estimate. True, I haven’t actually totaled ‘em up in a while, just adding ‘em in as I found ‘em or came up up with the odd new one. LOL If anyone has any names they don’t see on here and want to add ‘em, lemme know! I’d love to increase the collection for posterity! Just pop ‘em into the comments, or even brainstorm some new ones for the fun of it! The whole idea of this diary is to have some fun at the Salmon Satan Spawn’s expense as We The People finally shed ourselves of his malodorous stench! :-)
I hope you have fun with my lunacy in deciding to retain this concatenation of insanity!
UPDATE: Seven and some hours later (egad, I’m slow at this—dyslexia, I fucking HATE you), I’ve finally added in all of the new names you’ve all kindly mentioned in the comments! Anyone who submitted more than one got their own symbol in the legend at the top of the lexicon as well, everyone else has their name attached to the nickname they submitted. :-) Thank you all for your additions to library of epithets for the former Occupant! The total now sits at a whopping 687—assuming I’ve managed to count it all correctly, this time, after three tries. LOL
Thank you again, to all who submitted new names! My apologies that it took so long to add them in!
UPDATE II: Went back in to fix some formatting issues. Seems that pasting in from my file caused some spacing problems ‘cuz I didn’t realize one of the characters I was using as a symbol for one person’s submissions blanked out those lines (Black Brant’s, as it happened—sorry, man! All fixed, I hope). Apparently, it’s one used in HTML, or something. Blah. There were some other weird spacing problems in the list that I’m not what the cause was, but my file was the source, and I think it was because not all lines of text were the same colour, which is weird, since that shouldn’t matter, but there you go. Couldn’t get the alphabet separators to centre, either, so I stopped trying to be fancy and just took out the silly lines made up of tildes. :-p Anyway, hopefully, I won’t have to futz with this thing for a while! Maybe it’ll get re-published sometime, with new additions!
UPDATE III: New names added—total is now 729! Thanks to Monamongoose for the whopping thirty-six names from the Colbert Show (three weren’t added because I already had them)!