This question seems to be of great interest to readers here given the high number of recs and comments on a recent diary by Kos, and the rebuttal diary.
I thought I’d add in a Zen perspective to water intake. How much water should a Democrat drink?
8 oz. more than a Republican.
Seriously, I don’t give a shit about how much water anyone drinks and I think the topic is an absurd one for this blog.
For fucks sake! The way more important conversation for a Democratic political blog would be how can we ensure that everyone has access to clean drinking water? My Zen answer to that would be, “Elect more and better Democrats.”
We don’t need to learn the physiology of water, we just need to run a fucking Democratic candidate in every race, every time! When corporate Republicans are in charge, regulations controlling how safe our drinking water is fall by the wayside. We need Democrats in charge. The answer I have to most problems we face is probably always going to be to vote for the Democratic candidates.
90for90 helped run Democratic candidates in Florida last year and is doing it in Virginia this year. These new Virginia candidates have something to say about clean water too. (I took these quotes off the candidates website, I doubt any of them know the inner politics of Daily Kos.)
Our land, water and air belong to all of us and must be protected for future generations. Annette Hyde
Jennifer has pledged to fight for the right of every Virginian to have clean air and water. Jennifer Kitchen
Daily Kos helped big time in Florida last year and hopefully we can help in Virginia this year. Republicans are often summed up with 3 words “Guns, Gays, God”, while the Democrats are so inclusive as to defy being summed up.
Dr. Reid has a sort of “one for all and all for one” philosophy that maybe the Democratic Party could adopt to help us focus our attention on finding candidates and helping them win. Here are the new Virginia candidates so far.
District 25~ Jennifer Kitchen — Donate
District 27~ Debra Gardner — Donate
District 30~ Annette Hyde — donate
District 47~ Matt Rogers — donate
District 51~ Briana Sewell — donate
District 55~ Rachel Levy — donate
District 66~ Katie Sponsler — donate
District 68~ Kyle R. Elliot — donate
District 69~ Michael Jones — donate
District 79~ Nadarius Clark — donate
District 81~ Jeffrey "Doc" Feld — donate
District 89~ Hannah Kinder — donate
District 96~ Mark Downey, M.D. — donate
District 99~ Linwood Blizzard — donate
We believe in climate science, but more importantly we believe that our children deserve the safety of clean air and water. Katie Sponsler
Virginia’s lakes, rivers, coasts and environment are some of its most beautiful and economically important resources we have. We must internalize the negative externalities of pollution and decrease environmental burdens for everyone. Kyle Elliott
When... when, we get clean water for everyone, then we can worry about how much of it we should fucking drink!