CLICK HERE to reach the 60+ Nationl & International journalism and organizational women’s news & resource sites.
Below the fold are clickable links to homepages and diary/story lists for DK’s feminist & LGBTQi grps, as listed also in DK’s 240+ Health/Med, Environment/Climate, Rights, Cause/Movement, Heritage/Identity etc & FriendlyOpenThread Grps&Series, 2011 -2024. Scroll down past the introductory info to reach them. (Note: recs&comments in the thread are from the original diary which I hollowed out & recycled — they have nothing to do with this list.)
At any given moment, a group as a whole may be inactive (i.e., not currently originating or reblogging diaries) or even defunct (nothing posted for years and no admins or editors still active at all in DK). When you click on a group’s links, their most recent stories will be displayed, and story dates will tell you how active the group is or isn’t. Even if it isn’t, most have one or two editors or admins active on-site who might reblog a diary by you on their topic —or might join in a discussion at a diary you send the link of— IF you kosmail to that individual a courteous message giving them the diary/story’s link/URL.
<big><big>Nope, no message alert from kosmails sent to GROUPS.</big></big> h/t Angela Marx
The kosmail HAS to be individual because messages to group as a whole do NOT put a message alert at anyone’s blogview nor at the <small>MESSAGES</small> line in anyone’s <tt>Welcome Back</tt> box.
<big><big>Yup, message alert when kosmailing to indvidiaul kosaks.</big></big>
So, instructions below explain how to <big> find and kosmail individually to currently active admins when requesting to join the group, or active admins or editors for requesting reblogs of your diary or inviting them to read and comment in your thread. </big>
After clicking to reach any given group’s homepage, click then on the <big><tt>MEMBERS</tt></big> button near the top and center of the page, circled in red in this illo...
….to get a list of them down the center of the page —first admins, then editors, then contributors— by order of how recently they’ve commented (including diary tipjars) which tells you how currently active they are. Pick a very recently active admin or editor, and click on that person’s name to reach her/his/eir individual homepage, to kosmail your message.
If you’d like to join their group and become an editor in order to be able to originate diaries there or freely reblog diaries there — your own or other appropriate ones you find — you need a reasonably active admin from whom to request an invitation to join. (Note: groups are not obligated to add new members nor promote existing members to editor: admin’ing a group can be a lot of work and everyone needs to “retire” eventually.)
h/t arhpdx
<big>“Bulk” kosmailing to send the same message to multiple admins/groups</big> at multiple groups (and maybe editors too) is pretty easy once you get the knack. For the first such kosmail you send:
- Compose a distinctive title/subject that can be re-used for most or all recipients, as shown in the illustration at the top of this diary you’re reading. Then for the next message, typing the initial words of that title/subject will pull it up in full in that bar/line every time you want to use it, even days, weeks, or months later.
- You can customize it a bit for each usage once it’s in the bar.
- If you’re requesting a reblog, inviting them to join in the discussion thread, or asking a question about a post of theirs, etc., nclude in the message body a clickable link (the diary’s URL) along with anything else you’d like to say — never expect a message recipient to hunt around; you HAVE the link, so just supply it or you may never hear back from that busy, hardworking person.
- Then before you click send, COPY EVERYTHING IN THE MESSAGE BODY so you can paste it right into the next message, and the next, without having to type everything all over again, find and copypaste the URL in, and so on.
founded 2011 by by annrose…. for professionals working in (or who have worked with) abortion clinics… to help educate progressives and the public about the real positive impact abortion clinics and practices have on society [and] to demystify the abortion experience and highlight the true caring professionals that provide abortion and other reproductive health services to families everywhere. It's truly Pro Choice or No Choice for reproductive rights in this country.
founded 2011 by psychodrew — For LGBT Kossacks and allies who don't take nicely to second-class citizenship. We are the radical homosexual activists that Pat Robertson warned you about.
founded 2018 by JoanMar — On April 14, 2014, 276 schoolgirls were kidnapped from their school in Chibok, Nigeria. Since then, some of the teenagers have managed to escape; the vast majority of them, however, are still being held captive. The mission of this group will be to seek out and publicize efforts to bring home our girls. This group may or may not be dismantled once the girls are returned to their loved ones.
â– 💚Consent Culture Diary List [no diaries] & homepage (1 member — absent several yrs)
founded 2014 by happymisanthropy — If we want a "don't-rape culture," we're going to need social infrastructure not based upon exploitation, domination, and dehumanization. Slogans and ad campaigns are not going to suffice.
â– 💚Feminism, Pro-Feminism, Womanism: Feminist Issues, Ideas, & Activism dk4 profile & diary list & homepage
founded 2011 by samdiener to promote feminist, pro-feminist (men's anti-sexist), and womanist (empowerment of women of color) perspectives, ideas, and activism both within the DailyKos community and in the larger world. Feminisms are committed to ending oppression of all kinds, with a particular but not exclusive focus on ending all forms of gender-based oppression.
â—Ľ.. 💚LGBT Rights are Human Rights Diary List & homepage
founded 2013 by Dave in Northridge — [to] focus on the issue of LGBT rights and the efforts to limit them by homophobes throughout the world. Initially, it will concentrate on Russian homophobia and the Winter Olympics in Sochi, but as time passes we will zero in on cases of legalized homophobia around the world (including instances in the United States as well). The keywords of this group will be LGBT Rights, free speech and homophobia.
founded 2015 by AllenMcw — Issues directly affecting LGBT Youth, such as bullying, anti-Gay reparative therapy, etc.
founded 2011 by psychodrew — We're here, we're queer, now you: do something about those clothes, and yes that hair is not even near ready to be discussed (God forbid) - but yeah, we're queer, fabulous, unique, powerful and smart, damn right you better get used to it. Cuz we ain't going anywhere.
(see also Readers&Booklovers group’s series LGBTQLiterature)
founded 2011 by Dom9000 —an off and on series dedicated to talking about portrayals of LGBTQI characters in popular culture. The series is not exclusively dedicated to books but also talks about, movies, TV shows and comic books. The good, the bad and the truly bigoted; all will be on display here. Fiction matters: fiction has the singular ability to put people in the minds of people different from themselves, positive depictions of fictional LGBTQI characters can change minds and change hearts (more importantly positive depictions in GOOD books/TV shows/movies/comic books). And negative depictions can hurt. This is an important part of the message war and one to oft overlooked. If you're interested in receiving diaries from this group in your stream please click on the link to the group and then click the small heart next to the groups name.
founded 2011 by Scott Wooledge — The intersection of Gay and Politics for LGBT Kossacks and their Allies, Supporters and Others.
founded 2011 by Clytemnestra — This year has seen a great assault on the rights of women and the right to control their bodies. With 3 bills brought before congress, HR 3, HR 217 and HR 358 the stakes are clear. This group is dedicated to discussing the issues, keeping information up to date, and pushing back on the lies and distortion those who want big government controlling a woman's uterus.
founded 2012 by Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse — focusing on the historical and contemporary issues of prejudice, discrimination and hate based on race and gender as well as the intersection of race and gender. We will discuss the impacts on our rights to equality and fundamental human rights and freedoms in all aspects of our lives, including political, social, cultural, educational, personal and economic. This group's membership is at capacity. If that changes, group founders will send out invitations on an individual basis. If you'd like to keep apprised of the group's coverage of the issues, click the heart button to follow us.
founded 2011 by Clytemnestra — This group maintains a safe and supportive environment for Kossaks to tell their stories and experiences, discuss current legislation & politics, battle back myths and misconceptions and to promote healing and understanding.
founded 2012 by Chrislove — Much of history is hidden, especially for groups outside the mainstream of dominant culture. This group is devoted to the recovery of LGBT history, and it welcomes anyone interested in the subject.
founded 2013 by Horace Boothroyd III — A group for Kossacks wanting to discuss the political and social implications of sex being stigmatized on us as individuals and of greater society
founded 2012 by VetGrl — This group will include discussions about the pervasive nature of sexism and patrarchy and their role in holding women back from full equality; Discussions may also include how sexism and patriarchy form cultural assumptions that affect the LGBT community. Please note that republishing a diary does not constitute an endorsement of the diary's message.
founded 2012 by Clytemnestra — The definition of SLUT seems now to be ANY WOMAN USING BIRTH CONTROL or ANY ONE CONCERNED AND FIGHTING FOR WOMEN'S REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (according to the GOP) FINE! We are sluts and PROUD OF IT As with "Slut Walks" we will own the word and take the power of the word away.
founded 2014 by Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse — We are a group of women from all walks of life sharing our stories and discussing women's issues and rights with intersectionality to prevent erasure and preserve identities of all women. We are sisters in spirit, and we are taking back our narratives. Dominant culture narratives do not represent our lives; they elide, alter, and erase. We discuss the harms women experience when the dominant culture does not accurately consider, believe or hear women's voices. We will also celebrate the strengths of our sisters in struggle, and the stories of women who are making a difference.
â– 💚This Week in the War on Women diary list & homepage
founded 2013 by ramara — This Week in the War on Women provides a weekly summary of news on women's issues and information on current political actions. We welcome all who are interested to join, to write for us, and to provide relevant links and stories.
founded 2011 by rserven — Dedicated to the issues of transsexual, transgender and gender non-conforming people, their family and friends, and our supporters and allies.
[Note: founder & sole member was banned; still a great grp name & profile/mission-statement!]
Group founded 2011 by CA TreeHugger — A group dedicated to nurturing feminist conspiracies against the right.
h/t NotReadyToMakeNice
Results of kosmail are never assured, but this list represents a potential on-site network that might become highly effective & interactive with the 2024 elections on the horizon. Across the country and the world, the civil and human rights of all of us are under threat.
h/t peregrine kate
(Note: This index and related information were composed inside a pre-existing diary hollowed it out to recycle for the purpose — the comments and recs are from the previous, removed text and have nothing to do with the information now here now.)