Such was the infamous first line of Howard Schultz’s Snoopy and the Peanuts cartoon strip, a play on classically terrible writing, see that opening line and you’re reading an entry for remarkable ineptness.
Blearily perusing the Washington Post this morning I see a remarkable covid-19 legislation headline that Biden faces doubts it’s still the right package. For the love of Hamilton, what perversity of caffeine could this possibly be? The covid-19 Biden rescue package is an absolutely imperative first cornerstone of Biden legislation accomplishment, it’s critically needed and immensely popular, where could these doubts be springing from to hold the liberal legislation back?
It was dark days when, six day before the inauguration…Oh my god and baby Jesus WaPo is really going to do it, here comes a classically inept piece of lousy American DC journalism, it has to be.
The ridiculous precept of “doubt” foolishly attempted in the opening paragraphs is that why, golly gee, a mere 60 days after inauguration things really aren’t as bad as they seemed, the Go Big relief bill must have been a mistake.
Tell that to the millions still unemployed or under-employed. Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of schools desperately needing equipment upgrades to be safe. Tell it to the frantic public administrators looking at horribly slashed budgets and millions of critical public service jobs lost.
This is where Beltway journalism gets it’s sneering, virulently contemptible source, just where in the hell have these journalists been the last 60 days? In the doofus DC Beltway, that’s were, utterly clueless as they take in their own misguided yap and then possess this incredible arrogance it’s a true version of American reality.
Some economists say it’s too focused [covid-19 relief] on providing funding for cities…Other critics question whether Democrats…
Journalists Jeff Stein, Heather Long and Erica Warner of the Washington Post, I’ve got a very earnest question for you, my god, just who in holy hell do you think you’re talking to?!
Some economists? Who? Other critics? Where? What utter lying trash, what possibly could have possessed you? Get it, I could go to DC and blog in my pajamas on the Capitol steps with a smartphone and say “some economists” and “other critics” and it would be just as absolutely useless! This is supposed to be one of the flagship journalism shops in the United States!
Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo has often noted that DC is a Republican hard-wired town—too many Defense interests, too many monied lobbyists, too many shamelessly lying Republicans. Plus this sickening genuflecting to “conservative” or Republican political positions in the DC press.
Stein, Long and Warner aren’t incompetent, and they should have had a basely competent editor to nix this odious trash that basically and earnestly uses almost every quote and paragraph to disparage the size and scope of President Biden’s relief package. The smaller the bill the less effective it will be, which is what the Republicans want.
So the Washington Post happily, stupidly and with gross ineptness It was a dark days when after… it was a dark and stormy night…
But why? Why publish this inept trash that knifes liberals and President Biden? It’s a Republican hard-wired town, like they say. American journalism has a stupid reflexive need to represent both sides, President Biden and the Democrats are succeeding, help the other side out. Possibly.
[sigh] It really doesn’t matter why, they always keep doing it. Democracy Dies in Darkness is under the masthead at the Washington Post. Yeah, guys, we know, it was a dark and stormy night when this was published.