I have to say this was an inspiring story, in fact it inspired me to write a comment. Mine was rather polite. Others, not so much.
"It's a f*cking nightmare," complained one G-10 staffer. "Biden is a horrible villain for us. There are deeply entrenched narratives that have some truth but are no longer totally true. Reporters believe them despite all evidence to the contrary."
Staffers complain that the White House is "constantly rubbing dirt in the face of Republicans" by inviting them to White House meetings as Senate Democrats push through legislation with their narrow majority through reconciliation.
This was my comment:
I went with BooHoo in my title but I could have used the F-word like Diana Patrick did (below). It comes up a lot in the comments to the article in RawStory:
Diana Patricia • an hour ago
Boo Fucking Hoo.
Two words...Merrick Garland
Elle EmEm • 2 minutes ago
Cry me a river you little weenies. You do remember the 8 years under Obama don't you? 8 years of obstruction from the rePUKES. You did your hardest to keep people poor for 8 years, and then you get the TREASONOUS TRAITOR in there just to make the rich richer. So sit down, shut up, and get the fuck out of the way!
IANAK • 7 minutes ago
So F***ING rich coming from the ones who ALLOWED and ENCOURAGE the insanity of 2016-2020.
The gop controlled senate REFUSED to bring up anything the house passed - even if they AGREED with it, because they had to "own the libs".
The fact that the legislation that is being passed and enacted is overwhelmingly wanted by a super majority of US citizens (not just the dems and libs) doesn't seem to sink into their thick skulls.
TechYes • 10 minutes ago • edited
Bunch of fucking whiners. So far, the Dems have passed exactly ONE bill using reconciliation, and that was a second COVID relief bill.
The 'G10' showed up at the WH offering less than half of what the President was asking for and tried to pretend it was a serious offer. It was a serious attempt to roll the new administration, but Biden didn't fall for it. And the 'G10' never came back with a counter offer. That's how 'serious' they were about bipartisanship.
They've got their panties in a bunch because Biden has succeeded in redefining 'bipartisanship' to what's popular and supported by VOTERS, not what the elected class in DC will accept. That's 40 years of experience in the Senate at work.
Here's a pro tip for the G10: Stop whining and actually work with the administration. What he's doing is popular with YOUR constituents, too
disgustedindc • 10 minutes ago
Boo f-ing hoo.. karmas a bi*ch - glad the dems finally grew a pair. There's no reasoning with the reich (right).
Here are a couple more:
More choice illustrated comments:
I went through the comments to the RawStory article and put admittedly the more profane ones, often using the F-word, in my comments below. Republicans sure bring out the F-word in Democrats.