The Legend lives on from the Sasquatch on down
In the Washington lake they call Moses
And Karma, they say, on Memorial Day
Comes much earlier than one supposes!
Memorial Day in Grant County, they say
Was a beautiful day, bright and sunny
To go out for a sail with one's cares in defrayal
But what happened that day wasn't funny
He went out that day with Pride flags on display
For gay rights, and sailboats, were his hobby
And along for the ride with their symbols of pride
Were his partner, and his brother Robbie
Just three hours since morn, they went down Parker Horn
Where the river gets twisted and windy
And just for a lark, they hit Blue Heron Park
Where the water meets Interstate-90!
Just then, into view came up Boat #2
And the flags seemed to make them contentious
Since they seemed to mean harm, Robbie said with alarm:
Be careful--their wake's gonna drench us!
Then those other boaters, they revved up their motors
And circles ran round, making donuts
They gave, as they lingered, catcalls and the finger
Then sped off, as if they might go nuts
They went round Diamond Point with their nose out of joint
Parker Horn at the boat's perpendicular
But then right in their path was the Deity's wrath:
"Fuck these homophobes, in particular!"
The boat's speed awoke a thick cloud of black smoke
And the engine stalled out, which ill boded
A few seconds later, the strained carburetor
Caught fire, and the engine exploded!
They jumped overboard, and for rescue implored
Underwater, they weren't quite so snobby
And who came into view to save that sorry crew
But the boat with the Pride flags and Robbie!
Their egos were burned and the lesson they learned
From their impromptu Water Aerobic
Was: Do not offend; you just might need a friend
If you wreck the SS Homophobic!
The Legend lives on from the Sasquatch on down
In the Washington lake they call Moses
And Karma, they say, on Memorial Day
Comes much earlier than one supposes