Just a few more “signs” of the times …
Won’t it be something when those who joke about “wokeness” — finally realize the BIGGEST JOKE of them all, was played on them … at their own personal expense ...
10 Signs You’re Probably In A Cult
Sam and Tanner — June 18, 2018
During my 25 years as an unwitting cult member, I would often watch documentaries and read about other cults. As I researched, I noticed 10 specific patterns that helped me recognize that I myself was in a cult:
1. The leader is the ultimate authority
2. The group suppresses skepticism
3. The group delegitimizes former members
4. The group is paranoid about the outside world
5. The group relies on shame cycles
6. The leader is above the law
7. The group uses “thought reform” methods
8. The group is elitist
9. There is no financial transparency
10. The group performs secret rites
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Hmmm … remind you of anyone?
1. The leader is the ultimate authority
2. The group suppresses skepticism
3. The group delegitimizes former members
4. The group is paranoid about the outside world
5. The group relies on shame cycles
6. The leader is above the law
7. The group uses “thought reform” methods
8. The group is elitist
9. There is no financial transparency
10. The group performs secret rites
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Detaching from harmful belief systems
Where Is the Line Between Destructive and Healthy?
That line may be different for every person. You are the one responsible for you. It's important to emphasize that not all groups are harmful. Sometimes it's hard to distinguish whether a religion or organization is destructive or not. There is what Steven Hassan, leading cult expert and founder of Freedom of Mind Resource Center, calls an Influence Continuum, a spectrum of healthy and unhealthy influence:
5 Tips for Leaving a Cult
1) Make a plan.
2) Pack a go-bag.
3) Don't tell anyone you're leaving.
4) Reach out to others who have left.
5) Get professional counseling.
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Forbes.com — June 8, 2021
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Wokeness … is but a state of mind.
Most people will stumble into it, sooner or later.
Wokeness is pretty simple really … for most people.
Others are beyond help — as they keep ‘living their dream’ …
(you know “what ever their ‘chosen one’ says.”)