Remember this guy in the photo? In the stream of the QAnon-loving Republicans today, you’d think they had just forgotten him. He denounced Trump (far too late), and got on board with vaccines (too soon for the QAnon conspirators). If you want to know a lot about where the Republican Party is right now, take a look at the people who go to work in the Republican infrastructure. They know what the base wants, and they will say whatever it takes to continue to be relevant. Enter Ned Ryun—former Bush speechwriter, son of Kansas congressman Jim Ryun who was defeated by Democratic candidate Nancy Boyda in a bit of an upset. Ned is now a ridiculous puppet for outright bonkers ideas.
Too bad he isn’t here to answer that, right Ned? Care to answer how that came about? The response to Ned’s comments highlights exactly the problem.
Others join in:
Even I couldn’t resist a response.
Bernice King, daughter of Martin Luther King Jr., delivers the knockout blow:
It is a terrible thing, Ned, when you forget that this is recent history and there are still people alive who remember what happened. It may be before me, but it wasn’t before my parents—and that should tell you there are a whole lot of Americans alive who were here, and would wildly disagree with your weird 100% take.