Welcome again to Saturday Morning Home Repair blogging, where we talk about fixing houses and the things in them that are supposed to work for us. An ad hoc cadre of building professionals and gifted amateurs attempt to answer questions that arise from readers, and offer encouragement and advice for those inclined to do things for themselves, if they can. We all do a lot of things, collectively, and can probably help out with insights from our vast experience. Or sometimes, we just gab.
Have an interesting story or project to share? Contact Glen The Plumber about posting it for Saturday Morning Home Repair.
good morning: we are hoping this week to make my little one a bed frame with storage. but today we are going to an event at mt. umunhum to learn and explore.
mini-bobs update: we’ve been watering and feeding them faithfully...seems to be paying off...they are growing quickly. probably 3 times the size as when they first hatched. about 1/2” and much sturdier looking.