Immigration Stories Of Yesterday And Today Ellis Island Teacher's Activity Guide Scholastic Inc
We Are All The Children Of Immigrants. Including Those In Congress. Obviously, if one is not Native American, their ancestors were Immigrants at one time or another.
The Dream Act
Stand For Immigrant Youth!
Congress, Make The Dream Act Law!
The Dream Act-An Overview American Immigration Council
DREAM Act Portal
Teen Immigrants American Stories Youtube
Permanent Protections For DACA Recipients This Year! Daily Kos Liberation League From National Ad; DACA Recipient Urging Lawmakers To Act On Relief. “We Can't Rely On The Courts!” / Kossack-Gabe Ortiz
Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals-DACA. An Obama-era executive order that allows undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children, or “Dreamers,” to apply for a temporary legal residency status for two years, along with a work permit and the opportunity to obtain a driver’s license.
Current DACA News The 5th Circuit Federal Court Of Appeals; Declares The DACA Program Illegal, But Leaves Policy Intact For 600,000 Immigrant "Dreamers" DACA-USAHello
News Affecting DACA And Dreamers American Council On Education The Higher Education Community
*The most recent version of the DREAM Act was introduced in Congress in March 2021. This bill, called, "The American Dream And Promise Act,“ passed the House of Representatives but has not, gone up for a Senate vote yet. The Bill proposes, to create a three-step pathway to citizenship for Dreamers.
Remember The Dreamers
SENATE; Pass The Dream Act, Protect DACA And Congress, Reform Immigration Now!
Contact US Government Elected Officials
How To Make A Phone Call To An Elected Official Youtube auto-plays What To Say.
The National Immigration Legal Services Directory iAmerica A source of empowerment for American Immigrant families, providing the tools and support to be informed and inspire change. Options to search for Immigration legal services providers by state, county, or zip code. Only nonprofit organizations that provide free or low-cost immigration legal services are included.
Immigration Legal Services Directory Immigration Advocates Network (IAN) A program of Pro Bono Net, Expanding access to Immigration legal resources and information through collaboration and technology. A joint project of the Immigration Advocates Network and Pro Bono.Net / Law / Know Your Rights
US Citizenship And Immigration (USCI) The Government Agency That Oversees Immigration To The United States. Official United States Visa Information Source. Family Immigration - Travel.State.Gov US Visas
National Immigration Forum An Immigrant Advocacy Group Washington DC. Practical Solutions For Immigrants And America.
DACA / National Immigration Law Center
Becoming A US Citizen Lesson Plans American Association Of School Librarians. Ben's Guide to the US Government. A service of the Government Publishing Office. To inform students, parents, and educators about the Federal Government. Federal Depository Library Program.
The Dream Act And Daca Youtube
Dreamers Tell Their Stories Youtube
The Dreamers Youtube
Teaching About The Refugee Experience In America Scholastic Books For Kids
History Of Immigration To The United States Wikipedia
Immigration US
Castle Garden From 1855 through 1890, Immigrants arriving in the state of New York came through Castle Garden. America's first official Immigrant examining and processing center. Castle Garden welcomed approximately 8 million Immigrants.
Castle Garden; (Castle Clinton or Fort Clinton), was once a circular sandstone fort, located in Battery Park at the southern tip of Manhattan Island, New York City, in the United States. It subsequently became a beer garden, an exhibition hall, a theater, the first Immigration station (predating Ellis Island) and finally a national monument. 26 Wall Street, New York.
Ellis Island Youtube 1892 to 1924 America's "Golden Door" The Historical Gateway For Millions Of Immigrants To The United States.
The Ellis Island Immigration Museum Immigration History Center Find Family Immigration Records
Statue of Liberty National Monument The Statue of Liberty National Monument and the Ellis Island Immigration Museum are a popular tour activity for visitors to New York City. The Statue of Liberty Ellis Island Foundation
Migrant Protection Protocols - ”Remain In Mexico Policy,” was a United States Immigration policy originally implemented in January 2019 under the administration of (then) president, Donald Trump. Affecting Immigration across the border with Mexico. Administered by the Department of Homeland Security.
This policy required migrants seeking asylum to remain in Mexico, until their US immigration court date.
The protocols had allowed the US government to return asylum-seekers to Mexico, to await Immigration proceedings.
These Protocols Were Ended By The Biden Administration. The Supreme Court ruled on June 30, 2022, in Biden v Texas, that the Biden administration had the authority to end the policy.
The Court reversed the Fifth Circuit by a 5–4 vote and held that the federal government has the authority to revoke the Migrant Protection Protocols.
It was ruled that a 1996 law which amended the Immigration and Nationality Act, and which was used to justify the authority Congress had over the Remain in Mexico policy, did not deny the President the authority to end the protocols.
President Biden Proposes Immigration Reform To Provide New Pathways To Citizenship Youtube More Info
Great Ideas For Teaching Hispanic Heritage.
United Farm Workers Union A Latinx Resource Guide: Civil Rights Cases And Events In The United States-Research Guides Library Of Congress
United Farm Workers Of America (UFWA) Wikipedia
The Dreamers
The DREAM Act-To Move From Being Undocumented To Being A US Citizen.
Those eligible will have to pass background checks, be of good moral character, graduate from high school and go on to complete additional requirements related to attending college or completing military service.
The DREAM Act is supported by 70 percent of voters and by leaders in education, the military, business and religious orders. A national poll of 1,008 adults, shows that support cuts across regional and party lines.
The DREAM Act is a great return on money we have already invested and will prepare the country for the global economy.
The students who would benefit under the DREAM Act have been raised and educated in the US. State and local taxpayers have already invested in the education of these children in elementary and secondary school. America deserves a return on their investment.
University presidents and educational associations, as well as military recruiters, business and religious leaders have called on Congress to pass the DREAM Act.
Leading businesses such as Microsoft have endorsed the DREAM Act because they recognize that our broken immigration system is draining our economy of the talent and resources needed to compete in the global economy. Passage of the DREAM Act will increase revenues in our communities.
The DREAM Act will help boost the number of high skilled American-raised workers. As they take their place as hard working, taxpaying Americans, they will contribute a lifetime of revenues at the local, state and federal level.
The DREAM Act will dramatically increase the pool of highly qualified recruits for the US Armed Forces. There is a strong tradition of military service in immigrant families, but the lack of immigration status prevents many of those who wish to serve from enlisting.
Pass The Dream Act!
Reform Immigration Youtube
Written With Inspiration; From, My Immigrant Grandparents
I’m Half Irish And Half Jewish. My Mother Was Irish And My Father Was Jewish.
♥My Jewish Grandparents (Eastern European-Russia And Latvia); Nathan and Sarah, the nicest people one might ever meet!
Nathan, as a young man, traveled from Russia, to the US (NYC), all by himself. He had a Brother, already here.
Sarah Immigrated with her Parents and Sisters. Her Father was an Orthodox, Rabbi. 1880’s.
Nathan worked as a Bookbinder on 10th avenue, New York City. Binding books, using a hot glue pot, standing all day. My Mother said, “in an un-heated warehouse and he wasn’t even given a bench, to sit on.”
♥My Irish, Grandfather Michael And Grandmother Bridget, Immigrated about 1900. He worked on the Central Railroad; in Jersey City, NJ (100 years ago). Unloading box cars with a big hook.
Mike and his fellow workers, sweltered in the summer and froze in the winter! Videos
Must Be Where, I Get My Attitude From.
How To Vote. Democrat, Of Course! All The Info-With Links. Answers To Voters Questions.
The Congressional Chorus, A multi-generational family of choruses reflecting the diversity of our nation’s capital.
Began; in 1987 by Congressional staff who wanted to share their love of singing by reaching out to the local Capitol Hill community.
Mission: To inspire people to embrace our common humanity through choral music. Promoting the choral arts through artistic excellence, innovative performances and active community engagement.
We Who Believe In Freedom, Cannot, Rest.
Civil Rights Leader Ella Baker
Khan Academy
Two Cool Charities
Take To The Hills; is a Douglas, Arizona based project that collects clothing, food, water, blankets, building supplies, medical supplies, school supplies and other items then delivers them directly to communities in the Sierra Madres, Sierra Alta, Rio Sonora and other regions of northern Mexico.
Take To The Hills-Del Cabarga Program Director
(520) 236-4675
Purple Mountain Institute-501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. EID# 31-1733820
Contact / Programs
Purple Mountain Institute (PMI) was established in 1999 with a mission to develop and/or deliver experiential learning programs to enhance well-being.
Animal-facilitated programs offered to At-risk Youth, Veterans, and Developmentally Disabled, participants, include Hiking with Goats, Hoods in the Woods, and Horse Sense.
In 2008 PMI launched the Mindful Veterans Project (MVP) to teach mindfulness skills to veterans, active duty, reserves, national guard and their immediate families, free of charge.
Gov't And Social Services Links For ♥ All Our ♥Troops And Veterans♥