Trump, DeSantis (FL), Abbot (TX), Mastriano (PA), Stitt (OK), and Zeldin. Does New York really want a Zeldin?
Yes if . . .
. . . you don’t believe COVID was real and people should get vaccinated.
. . . you oppose reproductive choice for women and prefer a return to desperate backstreet abortions.
. . . you believe it should be illegal for a woman to cross state lines to receive an abortion.
. . . you believe it should be more difficult for a woman to receive contraception.
. . . you want a Governor who brags he was rated “A” by the N.R.A.
. . . you want more people wandering the streets and subways with guns.
. . . you want an armed teachers in classrooms with your kid and less money for schools.
. . . you want to pay for jails clogged with non-violent “offenders.”
. . . you want fewer taxes paid by the wealthiest New Yorkers.
. . . you think drug prices are too low and should go unregulated.
. . . you think religious schools don’t have to teach kids to read English and do math.
. . . you think the best way to prevent a pandemic is to cut health care for the poorest New Yorkers.
. . . you support discrimination against the LGTBQ+ community.
. . . you think veterans defrauded by for-profit “schools” should pay back loans.
. . . you want to pollute the state forests and waterways and contribute to global warming by “fracking” for natural gas.
. . . you want a Governor whose campaigns are financed by fossil fuel companies including the notorious Koch brothers.
. . . you think the 2020 election was stolen, Donald Trump is still President, democracy in the United States is a fraud, and voting should be restricted.
. . . you think it was fine to miss votes on funds to support Ukraine, mental health, and peaceful communities and vote against election reform, whistleblower protection, an assault weapons ban, and infrastructure projects that would benefit New York State.
For more on Lee Zeldin check out these websites:;;
Maybe Lee Zeldin is running for Governor in the wrong state?
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Media Watch, October 31, 2022
Hosts Robert Anthony and Eric Tait and guest Alan Singer discuss Far-Right MAGA Insurrectionists, GOP-voter intimidation/suppression, political races/candidates, and kanYE’s “Sturm-N-Drang” “Death-Con” self-immolation.