Did Joe Scarborough have a Freudian Slip when he referred to himself as a Progressive a few mornings ago? Maybe enough of Mika Brzezinski is rubbing off on him.
Is Joe Scarborough now a Progressive?
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Mika Brzezinski quoted the WSJ article by Barton Swaim titled “Why the ‘Smart’ Party Never Learns,” which had some very troubling passages about Progressives.
The most obvious change in American politics this century is the sorting of voters along educational lines. The Democrats are increasingly the party of educated urban elites; the GOP belongs to the white working class.
If you’re on the right, you simply can’t isolate yourself from the habits and attitudes of left-liberal progressivism. They are everywhere. ... The conservative voter who follows nothing but right-wing accounts on social media still sees CNN as a captive audience at airports.
e attends a concert by the local symphony orchestra and has to listen to a four-minute lecture about systemic racism or climate change before the music starts. ... There is no bubble, no silo, for such a person.
The left-liberal outlook has triumphed across American culture... But that is precisely what has robbed progressives, especially those in the political class and in the media, of any ability to criticize themselves or doubt their own righteousness. ... [P]rogressives have become, if I could put it bluntly, incurious and lazy.
Scarborough would have none of it. He said it was one of the most fascinating op-eds he had ever read. He then made it clear that the Right-Wing fringe lives in a bubble, much more so than Progressives.
“I am reading this,” Scarborough said. “And you have a guy in 2022 saying, ‘Oh, people on the Right, they can’t live in a bubble like Progressives.’ And I know a lot of Progressives live in bubbles. And they usually lose elections unless they are from the most woke part of Brooklyn. So yes, Progressives live in bubbles. We all admit it. It drives us crazy, But to suggest that people on the Right-Wing can’t live in bubbles. He is writing this for a lot of my friends from earlier days, a lot of my church members from earlier days, and a lot of my family members, still family members, who come at me with election-denying nonsense. We hear people talking about Jewish lasers seriously. … We hear people talking about some Italian dude with a satellite that stole elections. We hear people talking about bamboo in ballots in Arizona. We hear people talking about that suitcase-lie in Georgia. We have people get their news from Chinese religious cults that run sites in America. We have people get their news from the plandemic.”
Joe went on and on excoriating the gullibility of the Right showing that the article was off-base. He ended his monologue by saying that he has never seen any group live in a bubble as the Right-Wing has.
So as Scarborough copped to being a Progressive, he really slammed the Right. Ok, Joe. Good job there.
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