UPDATE: Sunday, Dec 11, 2022 · 6:28:45 PM +00:00
Thank you to everyone for your concern and your “virtual hugs.” I tried to reply to each individually, but in case I missed anyone, I wanted to provide this update. I’m quite allright and things are resolving themselves.
As I said in one of my replies, We raised our children to be independent thinkers, to challenge everything, to be leaders and not followers; and that’s what my son thinks he’s doing…….but sometimes that s*it goes too far-when I’m the one he’s challenging! (LOL)
“Black women can’t afford to *u*k around and find out……..”
So, so, right on target, Trevor. I hope every single white person who says they are our “allies” will watch Trevor’s emotional tribute to the Black women in his life and to all Black women everywhere (as he said).
For us, voting, participating in what is happening in our communities and trying to make life better for our sons and daughters, are matters of LIFE and DEATH for us. Always has been, since we arrived on these shores in 1619, always WILL be, as white supremacy AGAIN rears it’s ugly head in our changing America.
Once again. “Trust Black women.” We GOT this. (But we sure as hell will WELCOME any real help. We don’t need your advice about our lived experiences in this country. We need true allyship. )