We better stop calling violent people “stupid” and finger pointing at their moral turpitude. You laugh at MTG for gazpacho but i would counter it was intentional and kept her support system donating.
Our righteous indignation ain’t making it stop.
They know all that is left for Fascist overthrow is a a few more people willing to be violent.
Frame the good fight — win the good fight … but for god sakes .. lets fight
I suggest we fight fire with water, or CO2, or ……
Economic boycott, nude flash mob, general strike, call out, creative disruptive behavior….. peaceful shenanigans … mass phone banking to local news demanding coverage. Mass produced concept/protest t-shirts sold cheap, worn all over. Overwhelming systems run by the authoritarians ….
We need stunts that take the camera away from the Fascists. Hitler burning in public places? Burn wife beater shirts…. film for you-tube.
We need to raise heaven — because these hell raisers need the hose.
Record, retweet, broadcast prank calls to conservative shows post all over the internet …. Have flash mob Jesus sightings out side of wing nut churches on Sunday to demonstrate Jesus has left the building.
Satan for _______ GOP candidate Rally — prizes for best dressed demon.