What a hoot! Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger have been censured by the RNC lead by Ronna Romney McDaniel, the niece of Mitt Romney, for “engaging in behavior destructive to the institution of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Republican Party and our republic,” and for mounting an investigation that is “a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse.”
Ordinary citizens—really? Not from my vantage point after watching the savagery unfold on TV that these “ordinary citizens” perpetrated on our Capital and democracy for 3+ hours!
And, old Mitt actually had the balls to criticize the censure by tweeting:
“Shame falls on a party that would censure persons of conscience who seek truth in the face of vitriol. Honor attaches to Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for seeking truth even when doing so comes at great personal cost.”
Right on, Mitt! Now, go spank your niece!
The question one must ask, though, is if Kevin McCrapthy had his way and got any of the 5 idiots he nominated for the committee accepted, 3 of whom voted to overturn the 2020 election, would they have been censured at this point for still being on the committee?
I think not. What a bunch of hypocrites populating the GOP!!! They ALL need to be given the shoe in 2022!