Conspiracy grifter Alex Jones’ Infowars channel, as well as two other companies he owns, has filed for bankruptcy. According to Law & Crime, the three companies are InfoWars, IWHealth, and Prison Planet TV. Before you begin to cheer, the reality is that Jones’ Infowars has been the subject of numerous lawsuits, most of which he has lost. This move offers him some protection from having to pay out the large sums of money he owes to some of the grieving families he called “crisis actors,” compounded the tragedies they experienced after their children were murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012.
According to the Chapter 11 filing, Infowars has “assets of $0 to $50,000 and liabilities of $1,000,001 to $10 million.” The attorney representing some of the families who have refused to settle with Jones out of court told CNN: "Alex Jones is just delaying the inevitable: a public trial in which he will be held accountable for his profit-driven campaign of lies against the Sandy Hook families who have brought this lawsuit.”
RELATED STORY: Judge is fed up with Alex Jones, rules Sandy Hook families victorious in lawsuit
Jones repeatedly called the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut a hoax. He was subsequently sued by the families most directly affected by this conspiracy misinformation campaign for defamation and emotional distress. Since then Jones has dragged his heels and delayed the legal process of the defamation lawsuits he faces so many times, and to such an egregious degree, that a Connecticut judge found him liable in an across-the-board victory for the Sandy Hook families suing him back in 2021.
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In recent weeks, facing a ruling on damages, Jones has mysteriously been unable and unwilling to sit for a deposition in the case. Jones was found in contempt of court by Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis after claiming he was too ill to sit for a deposition with Sandy Hook family attorneys. Jones wasn’t too sick to spend four of the hours of his “sick day” hosting his InfoWars show.
RELATED STORY: Alex Jones hosts 4-hour InfoWars episode after telling judge he’s too ill to appear in court
What the bankruptcy filing will mean for his show remains murky. This might reveal real financial difficulties for Jones’ whole operation, or it may simply be a delay. It could be both with a touch of Trump enterprises Chapter 11 abuse. It wouldn’t be the first time a right-wing huckster factory has attempted to use the bankruptcy courts to get out of uncomfortable litigation. In 2021, the National Rifle Association worked on getting out from under investigations in New York by filing for bankruptcy.
Until we see how things shake out and what is or is not revealed in future bankruptcy filings, Jones can go back to his show where he promotes every bizarre piece of right-wing conspiracy propaganda, including the delusional idea that Donald Trump Jr. is a legendary American orator. Junior.