Look, don’t get me wrong. I agree with Dick Cheney. I agree with Dick Cheney. I agree with Dick Cheney.
(Honest to god, my computer wouldn’t let me write that.)
I saw the ad Dick did for Liz today and I enjoyed the hell out of it.
But there was something gnawing at me. Dick Cheney is evil. Always has been, always will be. So even though I agreed with him here, I couldn’t let it go. I rewrote his ad copy. I am hoping I can get him to make an additional ad for Liz that uses this script:
"Even though I lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction in order to foment a needless war that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people including more than 4,500 American service members and cost more than a trillion dollars over the course of eight long years, there is someone who is worse than me. And that is Donald Trump. Hard to believe, I know, but it's true. While I was all for overthrowing another country, I never sought to overthrow our country."
Fuck you, Dick. You’re a monster.