Capitalism, chains you can believe in!
I recently saw an idiot's car in a walmart parking lot. I could tell it belonged to an idiot because it had a “Socialism. Chains you can believe in!” bumper sticker.
I guess this goes back to the days when one of the high lords of idiocy, ronny raygun, blithered about 'socialism...spiritual side....bacon and beans....treat you when you're sick...slaves or prisoners...”
(It was odd that raygun seemed to say people being prisoners was a bad thing when his “war on drugs” and closing mental hospitals resulted in a colossal increase in the number of people being turned into prisoners.)
Since then I've seen a lot of right wing (I.E. Stupid) memes about socialism equaling chains, slavery, etc.
But outside memeworld or the foxiverse, whenever I see people in chains being treated like slaves they're usually prisoners forced to do labor in for profit corporate ran prisons.
And what brings us corporate for profit prisons? Here's a hint: it starts with “C” and end with “apitalism”.
In modern 'murka, capitalism is what's keeping more people in chains than anything else. Capitalism chains college students to decades of debt repaying student loans many, many times over. Capitalism chains people to minimum wage jobs that can;'t even afford the lowest rent homes or apartments. Capitalism chains people to terminal medical conditions be making insurance and treatment unaffordable. Capitalism chains people to homelessness by exporting as many jobs as possible out of america and into cheap labor countries, or automating them out of existence.
Now capitalism has brought back open, honest slave labor in the form of for profit prisons where prisoners are forced to work for corporate masters for effectively no real wages at all.
But their spin doctors and their propaganda machines tell 'murkans that “
socialism is chains you can believe in.”
Marx was wrong about some things, and a lot of very bad people used his ideas to create terrible regimes, but its starting to look like his statement about revolting against the system because you have nothing to lose but your chains is becoming more and more accurate in modern 'murka by the day.