WTF kind of libertarian opposes civil rights?
Years ago, the national libertarian party convention was infested with all manner of RWNJs: religious freedom types who weren’t interested in allowing women to self-govern their bodies, “natural law” originalists who somehow existed in the current century, RKBA nuts, and marijuana decriminaizers.
There were even actual ‘classic’ libertarians who believed that the rule of law could support the notion of a “minimal state” even if its watchman subscribed to continuing an electoral system that let you choose NOTA “None Of The Above” on your ballot.
Now after the end of Roe, today’s libertarians don’t think your sexuality can be self-governing, because fascist religious liberty needs to use state power to prevent your sexual practices. This goes way past controlling women’s bodies beyond reproductive freedom, because even the latter is some form of social justice?
Apparently a misnamed “Mises Caucus” (MC) wants to seize power in the national Libertarian Party because something something… Austrian putsch rather than Austrian economics. Who knows what they think about crypto-currency because American libertarians still worry more about losing their wealth than resisting “force” or defending individual liberties.
The ultimate act of libertarian autonomy must be, in the case of Virginia, self-destruction or dissolution. Because the LP in the US remains again, a slightly more extreme version of the GOP, made more ambiguous by trumpification in the age of “woke-ness”. The benefit for Democrats in 2022 and 2024 will be the LP drawing off even more RWNJs from the GQP.
The Libertarian Party of Virginia has voted to dissolve itself amid disagreements with the party's national direction, but some are questioning whether the vote was legitimate.
The Virginian-Pilot reports that the vote was taken during a virtual board meeting on Sunday.
Holly Ward, the party's chair, said she voted to dissolve the organization because she didn't believe it would be able to run high-quality candidates for office owing to some of the statements coming from Libertarian officials nationwide.
Ward cited several examples, including a social media post from the national party calling social justice “a Marxist lie” and a tweet from the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire stating: “All Republicans want to do about wokeness is whine. Libertarians have a solution: Repeal the Civil Rights Act.”
Upon taking control of the Libertarian Party (L.P.) this May, leaders from the internal bloc known as the Mises Caucus quickly adopted "national divorce" as one of the retooled party's core rallying cries on Twitter. New national Chair Angela McArdle proudly tweeted that she was "organizing the LP like an insurgency and preparing for counter insurgency operations."
Over the past three weeks, minus the bloody violence part, the state Libertarian affiliates in New Mexico and Virginia have indeed divorced themselves from the party's national leadership. But the Libertarian National Committee (LNC) is not letting them go peacefully without a fight.
On August 25, the Libertarian Party of New Mexico (LPNM), which achieved major-party ballot-access status in 2018 thanks to the 9 percent presidential showing in 2016 in that state by former two-term Gov. Gary Johnson, announced that it was disaffiliating from the LNC.
"You have conspired, with a faction inimical to the principles of libertarianism, to impose upon us officers and governing documents foreign to our rules, unchosen by our members, and unacknowledged by the laws of our state," state Chairman Chris Luchini wrote, in a long bill of particulars. "You have adopted messaging and communications hostile to the principles for which the Libertarian Party was founded, serving no purpose other than to antagonize and embarrass."
High-profile MC members espouse hateful rhetoric and collaborate with white nationalists and individuals linked to former President Donald Trump. Should they win control of the LP, they will take over a party that averages over 1% of the vote in national elections, peaking at 3.3% in 2016. Commentators argue libertarian candidates cost Trump at least three crucial swing states in the 2020 election – Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin – all of which President Joe Biden won by less than 1%.
Collaboration between the LP and hard-right wing of the Republican party would stop this from happening again, LP members told Hatewatch.
The MC has already won control or decision-making influence over several state parties. These include such swing states as Arizona, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Colorado. Florida and California are also close to the MC.
Now that the MC has risen to power within the LP, some critics say they fear bigotry and bullying will flood LP ranks.