Fox News’ answer to the concept of intelligence and decency, Tucker Carlson, went on his show last night to make a case for violence against teachers and the LGBTQ+ community in a long-winded, strangely rapid, and tightly wound rant against all things transgender and sexual education-based. After showing clip after clip of drag queens, combined with decontextualized story after story and misleading pull quote after misleading pull quote, Tucker decided to go back in on attacking the concept of sex ed.
Sex education: the concept that most Americans thought we got our minds wrapped around a few decades ago. Tucker asked his audience the rhetorical question: “What’s a ‘human sexuality’ lecture look like in my sixth grader’s class? Why don’t you tell me. Speak slowly. So I can take notes.”
Here’s a rhetorical question for Tucky: Does Tucker Carlson need to masturbate? Does Tucker not know how to masturbate his body, just his ego? It is hard to know. He clearly doesn’t enjoy speaking “slowly.”
Tucker then launched into a really frightening litany of accusations against teachers and educators in general, calling “gender-affirming care” a “euphemism” for “sexualizing children.” From there things only got worse.
RELATED STORY: Conservative conspiracy theorists target children's hospital in effort to fuel anti-trans hysteria
After running a series of quotes from various media outlets and interviewed professionals, including President Joe Biden, saying the phrase “lifesaving gender-affirming care,” Tucker went into this:
The reality of all this, behind the euphemism, is horrifying. It's sexualizing children. And they go completely hysterical when you point that out because it's true. And the real question is, "Why is everyone else putting up with this?" In a healthy country, with an intact social fabric, neighborhood dads would mete out instant justice to anyone who even thought about sexualizing their kids. And if you doubt that, go out and try it in Bulgaria or South Africa or the Solomon Islands. Good luck. Let us know how that ends, if you can still speak.
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He then reiterates the old Sarah Palin “mama bear” truism that parents love their children instinctually. It’s a nothing burger on the face of it but when you realize what Tucker is really doing, it’s truly heinous. By reaffirming the truism that parents will protect their children at all costs, Carlson is saying to his gold-hoarding audience that parents of transgender children, especially ones who support their children, are not of the same humanity. They are in fact something else.
Tucker then goes on to say that Canadian and American liberals who support transgender care believe they are supporting a political movement that they misconceive as a “liberation struggle.” It is here that Carlson breaks what should be the biggest news of the day: “There’s no liberation struggle. The battle for trans rights is long over. Trans people have rights.” This may come as a surprise to most people around here who realize that trans Americans have been the subject of civil rights and civil liberty attacks for many years, and in recent years have been the obsessive focus of people like ego masturbator Tucker Carlson.
“They have the right to dress any way they like.” Oh. That’s not entirely true either, is it? Definitely not in school. But we get it: Carlson’s understanding of gender and identity is stuck inside of Bret Easton Ellis novels of yesteryear. It is here where Tucker does one of his classic logic pretzel, sleight-of-hand moves. He says “most Americans” don’t even care about transgender people living their lives how they want to live them. In fact, that’s what America is about: “We are a live and let live country, and it always has been.”
Besides the fact that this isn’t true historically, what Tuck-mo-Dee is trying to do here is offer up a pretend truism of American exceptionalism and equality in order to then entirely take apart the idea that our country has “always been” a place where we say “live and let live.” Carl-son-of-a goes on to say that all of the stuff he just said isn’t what is happening, so he can now continue his rant saying the exact opposite of what he posited was the American belief in not controlling other Americans’ lives.
These are not people who want to leave you alone or your kids alone. These are weirdos getting creepy with other people's children. That's exactly what it is. Say it. Say it. That's what it is.
Tucklerton then explains to you that this truth is only coming to you right now as a result of Fox News being the only place you say this kind of “truth.”
These are sex crimes. And the people committing them should be punished. Now, try and say that out loud anywhere but on Fox News. You can't. Why can't you? Because it's true, that's why. You can't say the truth things. You can claim that the Earth is flat and no one gets exercised. But when you start saying things like "all lives matter" or "sexualizing my children is a crime and if you keep it up, I'm going to hurt you because I am the dad”—say that? You're done.
He proceeds to lament how the hatemongering Libs of TikTok got banned from social media sites in an attack on free speech, and now you cannot even say “groomer” on television without being charged with “hate speech.” He literally says, “But the term ‘groomer’ is now hate speech.”
After throwing to a video of someone talking on MSNBC about how the right-wing-o-sphere has been using terms like “groomer” in attacking medical professionals and education professionals, and singling them out for serious threats of violence from the GOP’s base, Tucker equates events like pricks inundating Boston Children’s Hospital with death threats, bomb threats, and harassment in a campaign against transgender care with liberals worried about “people being mean to doctors.”
Carlson finishes by making it clear that he is calling for violence and for breaking the laws of our country if need be:
What you're seeing is a society that hates children. You would have to hate children in order to sexualize them. Because sexualizing children screws them up for life—ask anyone to whom it has happened—period. No one should put up with this. No parent should put up with this for one second, no matter what the law says. Your duty—your moral duty—is to defend your children. This is an attack on your children and you should fight back.
Tucker Carlson is a truly terrible person.