I’m writing this for one reason and one reason only: to do what little I can to help get the word out about a low-down dirty crooked thieving-from-poor-people-AND-the-feds scheme concocted between the former governor of Mississippi (and perhaps to some degree the current one), favorite son Brett Favre, and the director of a major nonprofit in the state.
These three colluded to steal—yes, STEAL outright—FIVE MILLION DOLLARS from a fund earmarked by the federal government to provide temporary assistance to families in need in order to build a soccer stadium that Brett Favre wanted to build. For what it’s worth, Favre’s daughter plays soccer for the U. of Mississippi, and they do not have a stadium. But maybe there’s no connection.
Anyway, the governor of Mississippi, Favre, and the prominent director of a supposedly non-profit agency managed to relocate five million dollars from money that was supposed to go to those needy families.
These facts were uncovered by The Mississippi Free Press, which has met with its share of vitriol and calumny from the oh-so-white oh-so-christian leaders of the state. As bad as the Jackson water situation as it is, as strong as the evidence from it is that these masters of right-wing intrigue are at least really really lousy at infrastructure and government if not downright damn crooked, I am afraid that because this story emanates from a very small press and because the Jackson water scandal is so rich and rotten, it will be ignored.
I think it’s a big deal, a really, really big deal, and should receive a LOT of attention.