Update 1/22
Yes; I am the type who will say, "I told you so vladimir."
You can't threaten all of Europe, because you wanted Ukraine.
Why? It's just more frozen wilderness, with the added horror of Chernobyl.
You couldn't even support russia. I've seen those communal apartments and what's for rent there.
Now you have nothing. Less than you started with and no place to get more.
That's called losing.
This Time; Take My Advice vladimir, Go Home To Russia, Take Your Troops And End This War Today!
You have to admit, I was correct. Gave you the right advice, when I said Don’t Do This!
Update 10/22 And 11/21 Shells hit near nuclear plant. / More
What part of, “don’t mess around with those nuclear power plants,” didn’t you understand, Vladimir?
Zaporizhzhya, is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.
From where Zaporizhzyha is geographically, aprox, 550 miles to Moscow, (as the wind blows). If you cause a meltdown, by cutting off its cooling water, there would be a nuclear explosion as big as the Chernobyl disaster was, or larger.
Stop being stupid Vladimir and end this war already. It was a mistake from the start and is just getting worse for everyone! What’s the point of continuing? None. Never was any.
Update 10/25 And don’t even think of using a “dirty bomb” or any nukes, unless you want real trouble with NATO. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Europe, In Unison, Would Be On Russia’s Doorstep! You Know; What A Tremendous Amount Of Fighting Power, NATO Has? Would Not, Be Pretty!
And even a dirty bomb’s amount of radiation, would contaminate any Russian troops in the area. Depending on the wind and weather conditions, again, no telling how far the radiation would travel. Towards Russia And South Too.
You Say, “That, You’re, Not Bluffing?” As, If.
Ukraine To Moscow Is A Short Distance Away. Russia Would Definitely, Be Affected By The Extreme Amounts Of Nuclear Fallout~They’d Get, Nuked Too!
The Straight-Line Distance From The Center Of Moscow To The Russian-Ukrainian Border Is About 450 km Or Aprox. 279 Miles. Convert Kilometers To Miles
Northern Ukraine To Moscow 14 Hours (1,156.2 km) 718 Miles Via E101 Still Too Close.
*You better stop “playing-chicken,” near those nuclear power plants, Vladimir. Or you could get, your nuclear wish!
Old saying; “Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. And it may not be what you were expecting.”
Remember Chernobyl? The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone is, a 1,000-square mile area, (2,600-square kilometers) of forest, lying between the Belarus-Ukraine border and Kyiv. The exclusion zone surrounds the abandoned plant to limit public access and habitation.
Facts About Nuclear Power/Atomic Energy
FYI; Scientists estimate that a weapon with a fission yield of 1 million tons TNT equivalent power (1 megaton) exploded at ground level in a 15 miles-per-hour wind, would produce fallout in an ellipse, extending hundreds of miles, down-wind from the burst point. Radiation Thermometer CDC Department of Health and Human Services
How Far Does Nuclear Fallout Travel? At a distance of 20-25 miles, a lethal radiation dose (600 rads) would be accumulated by a person who did not find shelter within 25 minutes after the time the fallout began.
At a distance of 40-45 miles, a person would have at most, 3 hours after the fallout began to find shelter. Considerably smaller radiation doses will make people seriously ill. Thus, the survival prospects of persons immediately down-wind of the burst point would be dire, unless they could be sheltered or evacuated. Considering the close distance, radio-active fallout would definitely reach Russia.
Then, there’s the nuclear winter, that would follow. Surface temperatures would be reduced for more than 25 years, due to thermal inertia and albedo effects in the ocean and expanded sea ice. The combined cooling and enhanced UV would put significant pressures on global food supplies and could trigger a global nuclear famine.
I Told You, Invading Ukraine Was A Bad Idea. But Did You Listen To Me? No.
Addendum; Nuclear Fallout
Regarding comments about; “the new, dial -an -area, type nukes,” that are able to contain the radioactive fallout.
Tell That To Someone Who Believes It. Considering; Weather Patterns, Clouds, Precipitation And Wind Velocity (Rapidity of motion or operation. Swiftness speed. The time rate of change of position of a body in a specified direction).
Snow and rain, especially if they come from considerable heights, accelerate local fallout. Under special meteorological conditions, such as a local rain shower that originates above the radioactive cloud, areas of heavy contamination from a nuclear blast may be formed.
I know all about nukes. I grew up during the “cold war.”
And Tell That; To Someone, Who Doesn’t Live In The Area.
The Biden administration has been privately warning Russia against using nuclear weapons in Ukraine for months, report says.