The Good Liars comedy duo has been doing some great work poking fun—and logic holes—in the conservative movement across America. They’ve mostly focused on the MAGA and QAnon following that has come of age (so to speak) around Donald Trump. We have covered their work before.
A couple of days ago, while covering a “March for Life” rally of some kind, one of The Good Liars, Jason Selvig, touched base with a fellow who was holding up a rather large “God is Pro-Life” sign. He decided to ask the man about his sign: “What does that mean?” The man answered pretty matter-of-factly: “God is pro-life. That’s just what it means. Yes. God created life.” Fair enough.
Selvig had a simple follow-up question: “Didn’t God kill everybody on earth except for Noah and some farm animals on an ark?”
RELATED STORY: These comedians are so good at asking QAnon adherents all the right questions at Trump rallies
Since the fellow in the video seems to have decided no further response was needed, I decided to find some fun responses on social media.
Now in all fairness …
And yes, this is a real headline from 2019.
Listen to the latest episode of The Downballot for an in-depth analysis of the 2024 Arizona Senate race and the implications of Kyrsten Sinema's re-election decision. Special guest Victoria McGroary, the Executive Director of BOLD PAC, will also discuss the efforts to prevent losses among Hispanic voters and the fight against disinformation in Spanish language media.