I went to 3 different cities today, including the suburb I live in. Small little cities, maybe town is a better word for them. They’re new. In each of them, 20 years there was only a Waffle House and a gas station.
Now both places look exactly the same and not for the better. They are both full of boring strip malls which have the exact same stores in them. A Mexican restaurant, Japanese place, Chinese, Subway, Home Depot, Lowes, a pet store and a vape shop. Boring.
I went to 2 new doctors in these places. One of the doctors was pretty boring too. On an I Pad thing, I had to fill out 6 pages of boring questions. You know, I’m old, I can’t tell you the name of every type of medication I’ve ever taken in my life or how many times I’ve been sad.
For medications, I just wrote “All of them”. Then there was a huge space for me to write all of my strengths. Wtf? I just wrote “Not filling out forms, that’s for sure”.
I finally got back to my neighborhood/village. The vibe there is different from the other 2 towns, mostly because there is a church every 2 blocks and billboards that say:
is the answer...
(I don’t know what the question is)
Life is short. Eternity isn’t.
— God
Those are just the billboards. The churches have funny messages on them too. That’s my neighborhood. Hello!