Latest report from Fox News:
Middle-aged, anti-American terrorist driving a $300,000 Bentley on his way to Canada to kill American icon Gene Simmons, lead singer of Kiss, approached the border crossing and the bombs in his vehicle went off when he accidentally pushed the button for the detonator instead of the button for "self-driving" mode, instantly killing himself and his unidentified female jihadist companion, and the Biden administration, the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, the Department of Homeland Security, Governor Kathy Hochul of New York, the FBI, the Buffalo Police Department, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the CIA, the Deep State, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, transgender people, Black Lives Matter protesters, antifa and that one old guy from Arizona who was an FBI plant on January 6, 2021 are trying to keep the facts from the American people and also seeking to distract attention from the southern border where terrorists who are out to assassinate Gene Simmons and other American rock icons like Ted Nugent and Kid Rock are sneaking into the country daily.