Last night, Washington Post editors decided that they needed 12 reporters live-blogging the Republican non-event. Twelve! In addition, five of their right-leaning columnists ran a separate live-blog, bringing the total number of writers devoted to the irrelevant gathering to 17. And today brings (so far) eight articles about last night's meaningless get-together with more probably in the works.
Why? The five candidates on the stage last night are going nowhere. They are all down 40 to 50 points to Trump, and even this deep into the campaign, none of them -- including Chris Christie -- would go hard at Trump in the debate. Glancing blows, perhaps, but no candidate went after Trump directly and repeatedly.
In short, these “debates” are a joke.
How many reporters does the Post have digging into Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House, who, according to his financial disclosure report, has no savings? He has no bank account, no checking account, no cash, no stocks or bonds and he owes a ton of money on his home including a mortgage, a home equity a loan and a sizable personal loan. Mike Johnson’s financial straits make him a serious security risk. Plus, he has publicly stated that he believes the Bible supersedes the Constitution when it comes to governing the country. He is anti-democracy and pro-fascist theocracy -- and he's second in line for the presidency!
Is the Post putting 12 reporters on that story? What do you think?
And today, they add an investigative story on Joe Biden joining a country club in the early 2000s. Seriously.
The Post’s slogan is,"Democracy dies in the darkness."
Maybe they should try shedding some damn light on something that actually matters to our democracy. Post subscribers expect journalism, not a blow-by-blow of who insulted who at some non-event.
What a pathetic showing from the Post. Expected, perhaps, but just horrible.