I expect to post more editorial cartoons in the comments section and as updates to this diary.
I’ll try to post Part 2 of the diary in the next couple of days.
Happy Holiday, Merry Christmas, and Have a Wonderful New Year!
JnH, 12/23/23, 10:30 pm ET
Updates Posted Here
My Guy!
Give Me A Non-Vowel
Best Sale Ever
Don’t Take Two of These…
Entrepreneurship — New York Style
Santa’s Helper
Playing With Fire
Listen to the Man, Please!
Merry Christmas
The Most-Decorated Dictator Ever
Higher and Higher
Move On
It’s Good News, Guys!
She’s Right, Of Course!
Mein Trumpf
Just Do It!
Rudy and Trump Deserve Each Other
As Donald Trump schemes to somehow turn the Colorado electoral disaster into an asset, Rudy Giuliani was declaring Chapter 11 bankruptcy to avoid paying past due legal bills totaling almost $500 million.
Giuliani tried a novel way to raise money.
Former New York City mayor has been ordered to ‘immediately’ pay damages to a pair of election workers whom he defamed
In livestreams on Tuesday and Wednesday night, Mr Giuliani showed his followers how to make Christmas tree ornaments out of bottles of Balance of Nature dietary pills, urging them to help him "fight the traitors" by buying some.
"Balance of Nature should be taken every single day to make sure you get your vegetables and your fruits," he said. "I expect you to have these in Christmas stockings for all those that you love, okay?"
He did not mention that the supplements were temporarily taken off the market last month by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which said they had been wrongly advertised as helping to prevent or mitigate diseases such as cancer and Covid-19 without having been approved for that purpose.
Trump’s aides see the Colorado Supreme Court ruling as a political gift — one that declared him ineligible under the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution to contest the 2024 Presidential Election for inciting an insurrection on January 6, 2021. In other words, treasonous behavior by the President of the United States while on his way out of the White House in 2021.
42% of Iowa voters liked Trump’s recent comments about immigrants and are more likely to support him in 2024. True to form, Trump vowed to use even more incendiary rhetoric than in recent days.
Trump plans to keep using the “poisoning the blood” line attacking immigrants, sources tell Rolling Stone. If anything, he thinks he was being “too nice”
IN THE DAYS following Donald Trump’s remarks that migrants are “poisoning the blood of our country,” the 2024 GOP frontrunner was met with a wave of Democratic and media criticism, likening his speech to Nazi rhetoric. In response to the Adolf Hitler comparisons, Trump has privately vowed to further amp up the volume on his extreme, anti-immigrant messaging, according to two sources who’ve spoken to him since his rally in New Hampshire last weekend.
“He wants the media to choke on his words,” one of these sources says. “The [former] president said he’s going to keep doing it, he’s going to keep saying they’re poisoning the blood of the nation and destroying and killing the country … He says it’s a ‘great line.’”
Sources close to Trump tell Rolling Stone that he has long been obsessed with spectacles of violence, bloodlust, and cruelty — which often translate easily to his preferred policy prescriptions and messaging strategy. It’s the same impulse that led him to advocate for group executions and reviving firing squads, during and after his term in office.
Attribution for the editorial cartoon at the very top of this diary
— John Deering, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Best. License. Tags. Ever!
“Cheer Up, Rudy! You’re Still America’s Mayor!” /s
Tit for Tat
“Rudy, Rudy, Rudy!”
Merry Christmas!
Rudy’s the Man
If It Walks Like a Duck…
Back to the Future
Sweet Surrender
“America’s Mayor” No More
The Way We Were
Dictator for a Day
Time to Pay Up
Coming Unhinged
Tilting at Windmills
The Apprentice
“Don’t You Know Who I Am?”
Uh Oh, Change of Plans
The Poisoner-in-Chief
Three’s a Crowd
Double Talk
“That’s All, Folks!”
The Winning Strategy?
So Long, Rudy
Trump’s the One
Remember to take the diary poll. Thanks.