The Daily Bucket is a nature refuge. We amicably discuss animals, weather, climate, soil, plants, waters and note life’s patterns.
We invite you to note what you are seeing around you in your own part of the world, and to share your observations in the comments below.
Each note is a record that we can refer to in the future as we try to understand the phenological patterns that are quietly unwinding around us. To have the Daily Bucket in your Activity Stream,visit Backyard Science’s profile page and click on follow.
Seasonal rains begin around the end of the year here. The water is appreciated by all of us that have had a dry Summer. Today is an expansion of yesterday’s diary on my Mississippi visitors. This is how birds react to water at my house.
Dark-eyed Junco are joined by a Chipping Sparrow and Pine Warblers in a Mississippi mud puddle spa day.
31 second video.
A male Yellow-rumped Warbler bathes with a female Cardinal, Junco and a Chipping Sparrow.
38 second video
The last segment shows a Tufted Titmouse’s technique of bathing (demanding privacy from a curious White-throated Sparrow).
35 second video
Each time it rains, the depression in my driveway fills with water and creates a natural bath tub. I hope you’ll share your moments when you’ve seen animals bathe.