Welcome to the Street Prophets Coffee Hour, a place where politics meets up with religion, art, nature, food, and life. We’re at the middle of the week, when we need a push to get over the hump and start looking toward the weekend. Come in, take a cuppa and a cookie (or three!), and join us.
Helping Humpday was one of the gifts created for us by bfitzinAR. It was taken over by DixieCollie, who also left unexpectedly. It’s still here, a place where Kossacks can share and show caring.
Why, yes, indeed, the new COLA showed up in January’s social security. So that’s a big help and relief for many of us, right? For me, yes. For some others, well. . .
For people relying on SNAP, it’s taking a major downturn as the COVID supplement has dropped away, as bluePNWcats wrote in a recent diary, Lean times ahead. For people who are also getting social security, the reduction in SNAP negates the COLA and then some. If they aren’t getting social security, then it’s a huge decrease.
And that’s not the only thing I’ve heard about the new COLA. At least one person said her landlord had figured out about how much more she’d be getting, and raised her rent by that much—only the increase started in November, so she’s already behind before the first check showed up. A friend covered the difference for the first month but isn’t able to do more than that.
Some of our own community members aren’t doing well, either. Members are still here, still worried about how they will manage. Take a look, see if there’s a person or two who you feel you can help. For some, the fundraising has stalled. I know it seems that the need is huge and our individual resources are small, but if each person does what they are able, it adds up to another need met. When we all pull together, the job gets done.
These community members need a little push to get over a hump. Maybe it’s an unexpected medical bill. Maybe there’s a life situation that has come up and requires resources beyond regular income. Maybe they just got behind and need help getting their footing again. For whatever reason they need help, Wednesdays are the day the Street Prophets diary focuses on those needs. Maybe you’ve skipped over this weekly diary, thinking the little you can give won’t make a difference. But you don’t have to meet a person’s entire need. If we all join together, the small amounts each person can contribute will add up to enough to make a difference in someone’s life. Even $2 or $5 or $10, when added to the mickle that others give, can be all that it takes.
Community Needs List as of 3/01/23. Fundraisers who want a diary to be or stay on the list: PLEASE kosmail requests and donations received to njm5000 by Tuesday evening to be included on the Wednesday morning updated list.
Living on the financial edge—need help? Check out the Helping Directories before your next emergency.
Housing and Living Expenses Fundraisers and Other Links
When sending via PayPal, be sure to select “Send to family/friend” to avoid fees on either end.
morgansmom—needs help towards major car repairs and moving to a better environment. $8000 7950 7900 7850 7750 7725 7615 7605 7565 7465 7415 7375 7275 7175 7025 6920 6820 6570 6470 6360 6350 6150 5650 4685 4385± Radiator is repaired & will soon get a new estimate for the front end rebuild. • Visit the KoFi page to see some cool artwork & donate! • PayPal: wingednag at gmail dot com.
J Graham—"Your child has mental health issues." But you're a fighter. "It's cancer." But you're a fighter... • She’s sleeping in a tent! (Cats, music, and a chance to help a deserving Daily Kos member). The goal is $14,000 9944 9534 8884 8859 8709 8684 4448 4348 4323 4223 4213 3913± to cover first and last month rent, security deposit, some medical expenses, utility bills, and moving costs. She has a Mighty Cause fundraiser, and PayPal at: jgraham4healthcare at gmail dot com
Falcon Hawke—could use some help right now and has a goal of $10,000 8300 5620±. Here’s the diary. • PayPal—celtichart1 at aol dot com • Venmo—celtichart1 at aol dot com • Zelle celtichart1 at aol dot comwww.gofundme.com/...
anotherdemocrat—has a diary up: Anyone know where I can find a 2nd job? She’s in Austin and is suddenly $24000 in debt, mainly due to an HOA assessment! From the diary: “So, $24,000 is more money than I can ask even a big community like Daily Kos to donate. I have a venmo: at Becky-Helton, Cashapp: $B3ckyHelt0n, and GoFundMe, if anyone wants to help with next month’s payments but for a big total like that, I need a 2nd job. My day job is M-F from 8-5, so it would have to be evenings & weekends.” and “Skills: writing, 20+ years of customer service work, super reliable…” anotherdemocrat has payments covered for a couple of months (thanks, donors <3) and wants to pause donations. She does ask for help updating her resume. “There are part-time remote jobs that look good. Just need an updated resume to upload.” Kosmail, if you can help.
Kos Katalogue 2022 is here—please Kosmail CathyM or BeadLady if you have corrections or additions.
Kos Katalogue—It’s currently being revised, so if you have changes/additions/corrections, let Cathy M or Bead Lady know.
Seriously, if you haven’t looked through the Kos Katalogue recently, do that now. Even if you don’t know you’re looking for something, it’s in here. I buy almost nothing beyond food and pet food, but I found a thing or two that I know I’m going to have to gift to someone.
It seems life is catching up with some of our people. We’ve had some progress; we’ve had more requests. Others have had significant help, but they still need a push to get through to the end.
When sending via PayPal, be sure to select “Send to family/friend” to avoid fees on either end. Be aware, both donor and recipient, that GFM not only charges fees to recipients and asks donors to contribute to their organization, but also money received through that platform is treated as taxable income. You will receive a form 1099. If you are requesting help through GFM, also be aware that there can be delays in accessing the money.
These people are our own. Please do what you can.
If helping financially isn’t the right choice for you at this time, you can still help. Tip and rec the diary so it stays visible. Share on social media: Twitter, Facebook, whatever platform you use, to bring the attention of others outside our daily readers. And offer words of encouragement to people who are struggling. It can be scary to be struggling, and it can feel lonely. This can happen to any of us. Today it isn’t me in need. If it isn’t you, either, please see what you can do to help.
Note that some of our community, whether on the needs list now or not, have asked for help in finding alternate sources of income. The Kos Katalogue is a great way to help our own community members.
Do you have ideas for things that can, practically, help produce side income? Maybe you, too, could be a part of the Kos Katalogue.