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Hello? Is this thing working? Daily Kos has been off and on and off today, but it takes more than that to silence David Waldman and Joan McCarter.
Former U.S. Rep. Pat Schroeder, trailblazing feminist, has died at 82.
The Silicon Valley Bank didn’t make it half as long. Lawsuits are already being filed, as there is a lot of blame to go around... Wait, no, there isn’t. It’s Donald Trump’s fault. And George Santos, probably. But also there are plenty of victims, although some vetting might be required before the checks go out.
Meanwhile Trump sleuthed out the man responsible for January 6th, Mike Pence was a lousy accomplice and an even worse hostage. If Mike only put his head in that noose, this would all be settled by now.
Voting machine company Smartmatic joins Dominion with a defamation suit against Fox. Smartmatic believes feels their damages are one notch above Dominion’s, and they could be right, because with each passing moment, Fox causes more damage.
The Republican party in Idaho found another public college to make great again, and you know what that means.
Russians are in Moldova fomenting insurrection, as they are prone to do. Moldovan police are on the case.
The Trump Supreme Court only looks to precedence to in order to stomp on it. The judge in Amarillo trying to ban abortion drugs would like to make such decisions in private.