On Dec. 28, 2022, The Plaza Live theater in Orlando, Florida, hosted “A Drag Queen Christmas.” Drag Queen Christmas shows have been around for almost as long as there have been Christmas shows, and while the outfits have gotten more and more elaborate (thanks, modern technology and fabrics!), they tend to be as advertised: fun, satirical, kitschy, bawdy, high-energy live entertainment. A little singing, a little dancing, a lot of lights and colors. And while the show does not feature any nudity, it does feature bare male chests and there are a lot of gay people involved.
The Miami Herald reports that in addition to the many patrons attending the Dec. 28 performance, there were a slew of “undercover agents” sent in to … take photos of three minors in the audience at the Orlando drag show. The minors were accompanied by adults. According to a report filed by the agents, “Besides some of the outfits being provocative (bikinis and short shorts), agents did not witness any lewd acts such as exposure of genital organs. The performers did not have any physical contact while performing to the rhythm of the music with any patrons.”
And yet, the Herald reports, the state’s Department of Business and Professional Regulation filed a complaint against the nonprofit that runs The Plaza Live on Feb. 3 of this year. The complaint asks that the theater lose its liquor license.
RELATED STORY: GOP operative charged, including 5 counts of child sex trafficking
Sign if you agree: States must protect—not fight LGBTQ+ people.
So it is not lost, Florida officials sent people to a theater performance to surreptitiously take photos of other Floridians’ children, like a bunch of creeps. Those people found nothing wrong going on, except an entertaining show that people like Gov. Ron DeSantis say violate their personal opinions on what is “lewd or lascivious.”
Meanwhile, it seems to only be GOP operatives in Florida doing anything resembling “grooming” of minors. Whether it is sexual abuse or illicit drug use and corruption, the Florida Republican machine knows how to let down its youth.
Here are the infamous commie Radio City Rockettes, bursting through the New York City crime wave I keep hearing all about, with the goal of turning children into pervs!
Enjoy some good old-fashioned wholesome entertainment.
And if you’re still awake, enjoy some more risqué entertainment. Warning: Hip undulations! Also a lot of bare chest.
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QAnon Republican candidate arrested and charged with possession of child pornography
You know about the DSCC and DCCC, but have you heard of DASS? You'll want to! We're talking with Kim Rogers, the executive director of the not-especially-well-known but crucially important Democratic Association of Secretaries of State on this edition of The Downballot. Rogers explains how her organization helps recruit candidates, deploy resources, and win races for secretary of state across the country—and why these elections operate so differently from many others. She also tells us about what Democratic secretaries are doing to fight disinformation and expand voting rights, and the most bonkers thing she heard come out of the mouth of a 2022 election denier.